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Gunner Wing PP Wing


Put your best athletes in space Use fast players on special teams Put your best athlete as the snapper Cause turnovers-game changers Punt game can not be a liability

Platte Valley Punt Statistics

2005 Blocks Allowed=2 Punt Attempts=30 Ave.= 32.3 yds Return Yds. Allowed Ave.= 2.7 Turnovers Recovered=4 2006 Blocks Allowed=0 Punt Attempts=36 Ave.= 39.9 yds Return Yds. Allowed Ave.= 1.8 Turnovers Recovered=3

Platte Valley Punt Statistics

2007 Blocks Allowed=2 Punt Attempts=48 Ave.= 36.6 yds Return Yds. Allowed Ave.= .52 Turnovers Recovered=3 2008 Blocks Allowed=1 Punt Attempts=29 Ave.= 37.0 yds Return Yds. Allowed Ave.= 4 Turnovers Recovered=1

Formation, Alignment & Assignment

Gunner -Need to be fastest kids on team. Good open field tacklers -Spread from the formation, at least outside the numbers. 2 point quick stance. -Quick release with snap, sprint to return man. Break down giving the only direction for the return to go strait up field. Gunner Wing PP Wing


Formation, Alignment & Assignment Wings Fast kids with good blocking ability.
-1 yard off LOS spread from tackle far enough they can get to a defender for a man block. -Block until ball is kicked. -Release to the numbers, secondary contain.

Gunner Wing PP Wing


Formation, Alignment & Assignment

Tackles and Guards-Linebackers, TE, Safeties -Set alignment off of snapper, get as much width as comfortable. -Block assignment until ball is kicked. -Spread out to coverage=Tackles aim for inside the #s, Guards aim for 5 yards in from tackles. Guards and Tackles Gunner Wing PP Wing Gunner

Formation, Alignment & Assignment Snapper-Best athlete on team!!!

-#1 Job is to get ball back to punter, quickly -Free release to the return man. No blocking assignment. -Be there before the ball gets there. -Break down and do not allow return to go strait up field.

Gunner Wing


Gunner Wing PP

Formation, Alignment & Assignment

Punter-Line up 13 yards behind the snapper Prep for ball on silent snap Field the snap and get the punt off Call out ball position- Deep Middle, Left-Left-Left, etc. Safety on the opposite half of field from the P.P.

Gunner Wing

Gunner Wing PP

Formation, Alignment & Assignment

Personal Protector- Smart Athlete-Usually a QB Line up 5-7 yds. from l.o.s., side will vary Call out protection (to be discussed later) Put himself into best position for protection Set the punt team and ready the snap Safety for half the field (side he is on) Gunner Wing PP

Gunner Wing

Breakdown Drill
Purpose is to find punt team members and train them to break down and make a great open field tackle Set-up= 10 yds. wide and 30 yds. Deep.
Coach and tackler at one end, Return man at other end. On go tackler sprints to return man, coach times the throw and places the ball high like a punt to the return man. The tackler should motor down and have good balance to make a form tackle

Coaching Points on Breakdown Drill

Tackler should sprint to the ball carrier! Tackler needs to time his motor down so he doesnt run by the return man. Tackler needs to time his motor down so he doesnt give the return man too much room to work with. Form tackle is expected-chin up, bite the ball, uncoil the spring, grab skin. Drill Clips

Protection Rules
Count the number of defenders on the L.O.S. on either side of the snapper. 3 or fewer men on a side means you will protect man-on-man. More than 3 defenders on a side will be protected with a zone concept. P.P. will tell each side what their protection rules are (ex. Man Left, Zone Right!) Repeat the protection calls!!! Man side will claim their defender by pointing. They should start with #1 outside.

Protection Rules continued

Zone side will step inside on snap of the ball, blocking any and all defenders attempting to rush through that gap. P.P has most immediate outside rush on zone side. If both sides are a Man call, P.P. watches for blitz up the middle. If both sides are a Zone call, P.P. must take outside rush on side of punting foot. You must have an audible for a pass if defense does not cover gunners.

Platte Valley Punt Team

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