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Your Name: ___________________________________________________________ Partners Name: __________________________________________

Socratic Seminar Peer-Evaluation Rubric Scoring Category

Participation How much? Active listening? Etiquette? Volume?

-5 responses or questions -Always making eye contact with speaker and nodding -In responding student connects comment to another students --Always uses loud volume & speaks clearly -Evidence is clearly from the text and supports their opinion -Personal experience is used less than 2 times -Questions keep the discussion flowing & open-ended -Always follows 3 before me -Always keeps an open mind -Friendly tone -Doesnt try to debate -Caring and tries to pull other students in -Shows respect for others responses -Always on ttask

-3 responses or questions -Most of the time makes eye contact and nodding -Sometimes connects responses -Normally loud & clear

-0-2 responses -Never makes eye contacts or nods -Doesnt do remainder

Quality of contributions Evidence? Support? Using text? Asking questions? Connecting to other responses?

-Evidence vaguely shows support of opinion -Personal experience is used the majority of the time -Questions may or may not fit with the flow -Sometimes follows 3 before me -sometimes keeps an open mind -most of the time a friendly tone -sometimes drifts into debate -makes an attempt to pull others in -sometimes shows respect for others -Sometimes on task

-Evidence from the text is never used -Personal experience is always used and doesnt relate -Questions are junky and dont relate to topic -Never follows 3 before me -narrow minded -unfriendly tone -always debates -doesnt pull others in -doesnt show respect for others -Plays around and not on task

Behavior/ Attitude What is evidence of an IB Learners behavior in a SS?

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