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Guilt By Christopher Howard & William Hewitt DRAFT

JOSEPH the murderer Daniel Oloafe WENDY the victim Carrie Ward

FADE IN: EXT. (outside English block) (DAY) Scene 1 Shot 1 the audience see a group of friends walking out from the English block having a chat. (High angle mid-long shot) JOSEPH Arrh shit, one sec forgot my book.

Shot 2 JOSEPH running back into the block. (mid shot) Scene 2 INT. (Inside English Block) (DAY) Shot 3 walks into class room where he left his book. JOSEPH sir Ive (Wide shot) SHOT 4 JOSEPH stops due to the fact that no one is there and walks into the room.

Shot 5 JOSEPH walks over to the desk to look for his book. WENDY Ive been expecting you. (From the back of the classroom)

Shot 6 JOSEPH looks very shocked and uneasy with Wendy being there (Close up shows the facial expressions on his face)

Shot 7 silence in the room as WENDY stares at JOSEPH who stands in shock.

WENDY How do you feel about what you did? (Keeping no expression on her face)

Shot 8- JOSEPH walks slowly over to the table and sits down.

JOSEPH I dont know what I was thinking I was angry upset. You dont know what was going through my head. (Looking down at his shoes) Wendy I bet she didnt mean to hurt you the way it did. That person didnt deserve what happened JOSEPH look at me now! I dont look the most pleased do I! (JOSEPH is very upset and becomes angered over the questions given).

Shot 9 awkward silence for a few seconds as he becomes worked up. WENDY How do you think her family felt like?. JOSEPH awful WENDY How did you feel the night it happened?

Shot 10 a flash back occurs showing the night the incident occurred. (The flash back is in black and white to symbolise the past and what cannot be changed). JOSEPH when I saw her kiss that boy I didnt know what to do. It changed my life. I loved her with all my heart and thought she would be mine forever. If i couldnt have her, no one could! Shot 11- is back in the present time where WENDY becomes very upset. JOSEPH holds her hands.

Shot 12 back in the past were you see the body lay with a mask on. JOSEPH slowly removes the mask and underneath it reveals the dead body of WENDY. Shot 13 back in the present day. JOSEPH forgive me

WENDY disappears without a word leaving, JOSEPH alone.

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