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ShoL llsL

1 Low angle of Lhe maLes walklng ouL of Lhe Lngllsh block

2 Mld shoL of Lhe group when [oseph forgeLs hls book
3 Long shoL of hlm walklng down Lhe hall way Lo Lhe class room
4 Wlde shoL of Lhe class room from Lhe back Lhls shows LhaL no one ls ln
Lhe class room and shows [oseph enLerlng Lhe room
3 When he goes Lo Lhe desk Lo collecL hls book he moves ln fronL of Lhe
camera whlch shows LhaL no one ls behlnd hlm When he moves ouL Lhe
way Wendy ls slLLlng Lhere 1he use of over Lhe shoulder shoL may work
6 Long shoL of vlcLlm aL Lhe back of Lhe room
7 Close up of Lhe murderer Lurnlng round Lo show Lhe emoLlon on hls face
8 Wlde of shoL showlng Lhe space and sllence beLween Lhe Lwo elLher end
of Lhe class
9 Close up of Wendy looklng pale wlLh no emoLlon on her face when she
10Cver Lhe shoulder shoL of Lhe vlcLlm looklng over aL Lhe murderer As he
Lalks abouL how he feels
11Low angle of hlm looklng down aL hls feeL
121rack around Lhe Lwo of Lhem as Lhere's sllence
13llash back 1 polnL of vlew shoL of Lhe murderer seelng Lhe vlcLlm klss
anoLher man
14Low angle mld shoL of Wendy crylng and Lhe murderer holdlng her
hands moves Lo a Lwo shoL on Lhe slde
13llash back 2
mld long shoL of vlcLlm walklng ouL of room
1hen hlgh angle of Lhe murderer klcklng Lhe vlcLlm on Lhe floor
16Mld shoL of hlm wlLh hls eyes closed holdlng hls hands Lo noLhlng Says
forglve me opens hls eyes
Camera sllghLly zooms ouL showlng no one slLLlng ln Lhe oLher seaL

Camera fades black
1he end

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