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What |s |ts target and what does |t do to |t?

Plvs LargeL ls Lo lnfecL Lhe lmmune sysLem ln our bodles we have many dlfferenL Lypes of blood
cells and Plv LargeLs a parLlcular Lype of blood cell called Lhe Cu4 cell (also known as 14 cells or 1
Pelpercells) 1hls cell helps Lo flghL forelgn cells and keep Lhe body's lmmune sysLem funcLlonlng
properly 1he Plv vlrus uses Lhls cell Lo repllcaLe lLself 8y aLLachlng lLself Lo Lhls cell lL ls able Lo Lrlck Lhe
cell lnLo Lhlnklng lL ls a human cell lL makes Lhe 1 cell belleve LhaL lL ls maklng a blue prlnL of a human
cell lnsLead of Lhe vlrus 1hls blue prlnL produces new Plv proLelns and enzymes LhaL make lL posslble
for Lhe Plv Lo mulLlply and effecLlvely Lake over Lhe lmmune sysLem When Lhe Plv vlrus Lakes conLrol of
Lhe 1 cell Lo repllcaLe lL damages lL ln Lhe process Lhls makes Lhe cell unable Lo conLlnue helplng Lhe
lmmune sysLem

Clchockl Mark SympLoms of Plv WhaL Are SympLoms of Plv SympLoms of Plv nlv 5ymptoms nlv
1be 5ymptoms of nlv 07 !une 2009 Web 08 leb 2011
AuvL81 Plv SLrucLure and Llfe Cycle Alu5 nlv lofotmotloo ftom tbe Alu5 cbotlty Avk1 Web 08
leb 2011 hLLp//wwwaverLorg/hlvvlrushLm

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