How To Clean Up Outlook 2010

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O CPLCk ln8Cx l1LMS

4 Cpen CuLlook 2010 When open hlghllghL Lhe lnbox folder (see below) and check Lhe
number of lLems shown ln Lhe boLLom lefL lf you are under 3000 lLems you are Ck
however we suggesL LhaL you begln Lo organlze Lhe lLems here ln Lo sub folders Lo avold
Lhls lssue recurrlng ln Lhe fuLure See Lhe nexL sLep for creaLlng sub folders

1oLal number needs Lo be fewer Lhan
3000 messages when lnbox ls
lnbox ls selecLed here
WhaLever folder ls selecLed
wlll show Lhe lLem counL ln Lhe
boLLom lefL
O C8LA1lnC Su8 lCLuL8S
4 1o creaLe a sub folder open CuLlook and 8lghL Cllck on Lhe lnbox folder SelecL new
lolder Lo creaLe a new lolder under Lhe lnbox

4 1he CreaLe new lolder dlalog box wlll open Leave Lhe defaulLs ln place as show below
and [usL change Lhe name of Lhe folder Lo whaL you wanL lL Lo be named ?ou can
creaLe as many new folders as you llke for mall organlzaLlon under your lnbox

4 llnd Lhe message(s) LhaL you wanL Lo move elLher by sorLlng searches or oLher means
you normally use Lo flnd messages SelecL Lhe messages elLher one aL a Llme or
mulLlple by uslng Lhe CLrl buLLon (lf you wanL Lo sklp) or ShlfL (lf you wanL Lo selecL a
large block of conLlguous messages) Cnce selecLed lefL cllck hold and drag ln Lo Lhe
new folder you creaLed

Cllck on new lolder Lo brlng
up Lhe new lolder dlalog box
shown below
1hls should be Lhe only fleld you
Messages are selecLed
when hlghllghLed
lolder wlll hlghllghL Lo
ldenLlfy desLlnaLlon
4 All users should be uslng Cached Lxchange Mode for Lhelr mallbox seLups regardless of
uslng lapLops or deskLops 1o check wheLher or noL Lhls seLLlng ls ln place go Lo Lhe llle
menu and follow Lhe sLeps below

4 Cn Lhe llle menu cllck on lnfo on Lhe lefL and Lhen AccounL SeLLlngs shown below


Cllck on Lhe llle Lab Lo brlng up Lhe llle
Cllck on lnfo Lo brlng up Lhe AccounL
Cllck on AccounL SeLLlngs Lo brlng up
Lhe AccounL SeLLlngs conLexL menu
SelecL AccounL SeLLlngs from Lhe
conLexL menu
uoubleCllck on your emall address
Lo brlng up Lhe accounL menu

Make sure Lhe checkbox use
Cached Lxchange Mode ls
checked lf noL check lL and
cllck- Lhrough Lhe
remalnlng menus unLll

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