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Andrea Ackert-McCullough

Art Education
Bachelor oI Fine Arts, concentration in Painting
Colorado State University, Fall 1998

2006 The Door Show? (group show)
Seattle, WA

February 2005 'New Work by Andrea McCullough
Local Color Seattle
Seattle, WA

March 2003 '
Groundworks Art Gallery
Denver, CO

January 2003 One-woman show entitled 'Questions
Pirate Contemporary Art Oasis
Denver, CO

August 2002 Juried Exhibition entitled 'Hot
Metro Frame Works
Denver, CO
*awarded 'Special Merit Award Ior the painting
'Yellow Air

January 2001 One-woman show entitled 'Notions
Core New Art Space
Denver, CO

August 2000 Golden Fine Arts Festival
Golden, CO

June 2000 Colorado People`s Fair
Denver, CO

April 2000 Montrose Fine Arts Festival
Montrose, CO

April 1999 One-woman show
Starbucks CoIIee Company
Littleton, CO

October 1998 One-woman show entitled 'The Magic Show
The Mini Gallery- Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO

Art Students League oI Denver (2002)

Core New Art Space (July 2000-Febrary 2001)

Oth0r Exp0ri0nc0
Gallery Attendant
Henry Art Gallery
University oI Washington
Seattle, WA

Co-curator Ior the Groundworks Art Gallery at Common Grounds
April 2002 April 2003
Denver, CO

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