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1u Lo Sal CharacLer SLudy

l am slnglng Lhls song because l really wanL Lhls glrl she ls beauLlful and l love her She LreaLs me llke
noLhlng and lL deeply palnful Lo see LhaL she ls wlLh anoLher guy LhaL ls unfalLhful Lo her and wouldn'L
LreaL her nearly as good as l would l am slnglng Lhls song Lo a glrl LhaL ls older Lhan me buL l [usL wanL
and deslre her hearL so badly age doesn'L maLLer aL all Lo me and l wlsh she would flnally see lL ln her
mlnd whaL l am seelng l Lell her Lo ask her hearL because l know whaL her hearL wanLs and lL ls me buL
she won'L boLher asklng because she ls Loo sLrung up over Lhls guy LhaL ls older Lhan her 1he guy she
llkes ls charmlng and glrls love hlm and she feels lucky she ls Lhe glrl ln hls llfe buL he ls unfalLhful and
Lakes advanLage of Lhe facL LhaL does feel lucky abouL Lhls l know l can LreaL her beLLer Lhan he wlll ever
be capable of LreaLlng her l would say l love you Lo her and mean lL and noL [usL Lo pleasure her ears
Popefully by expresslng Lhese deep feellngs from Lhe boLLom of my hearL she wlll flnally ask her hearL
how she really feels and her hearL wlll Lell her whaL l know ls Lhe LruLh l hope l wlll wln her hearL LhaL l
have buL she doesn'L know lL yeLand she wlll dlspose of Lhe unfalLhful one LhaL she Lhlnks ls Lhe besL
man she has ever had because of hls LalenL of charm She responds negaLlvely and does noL do as l hope
she does 8elng desperaLe for a glrl and showlng her how much you love her doesn'L mean Lhe sllghLesL
Lhlng Lo a glrl nowadays All belng desperaLe does ls annoy and lrrlLaLe a glrl and make her llke you less
and less whlle your relaLlonshlp lf any lefL ls abaLlng down Lo 0 l Lry my besL buL l cannoL move on l
do noL keep Lrylng Lo achleve her hearL anymore and glve her whaL she Lhlnks she wanLs whlch ls for me
Lo leave her alone

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