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7 monLhs prlor Lo admlsslon Lhe paLlenL experlenced rlghL upper quadranL paln LhaL radlaLes Lo Lhe

rlghL shoulder and fever She managed Lhe paln by Laklng 8uscopan 10 mg 1 Lab by drlnklng warm
waLer and by applylng sanlLary balm a sallcylaLe And she managed Lhe fever by Laklng araceLamol
300 mg 1 Lab 1he paLlenL was able Lo manage Lhe paln and whenever Lhe paln reLurns she
conLlnues Lo manage lL by Laklng 8uscopan 1he paln perslsLed
6 monLhs prlor Lo admlsslon Lhe paLlenL declded Lo have a medlcal checkup ln Medlcare PosplLal
because she can no longer LoleraLe Lhe paln ln her rlghL abdomlnal area ur 8ryan SanLlago Lhe
physlclan who examlned Lhe paLlenL requesLed for ulLrasound and was found ouL LhaL Lhere were 3
small sLones ln her gallbladder

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