The Influence of Environment To The Personality Development of Two Main Characters of Frances Hodgson Burnett

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1he lnfluence of envlronmenL Lo Lhe personallLy developmenL of Lwo maln characLers of frances

hodgson burneLL's Lhe secreL garden lebrlna ?anLl 2008

1he wrlLer sees LhaL Mary Lenox and Colln Craven Lhe Lwo maln characLer have passed
LransformaLlons of characLer 1he wrlLer flnds LhaL Lhe envlronmenL ls greaLly lnfluence Mary's and
Colln's personallLlesLhey become Lyranlcal selflsh spolledand lonely chlld lL ls because Lhey are
unloved chlldren and borughL up by naLlve servanLs who only fulflll Lhelr physlcal needs and deslres
and lL brlngs abouL some bad personallLles ln Mary and ColllnMarys bad personallLles as Lhe resulL
of bad envlronmenL LhaL are Lyranlcal selflsh lonely spolled rudeless affecLlonaLe lle on pleasure
prlnclple Mary fo||ows the |d and den|es of superego

She acqulres a good personallLy aL Lhe end Slmllarly Lo ColllnafLer he makes frlend wlLh Mary
ulckon8en WeaLhersLaff and 8obln sees Lhe garden ln sprlngLlme and feels Lhe fresh wlnd blows
he beglns Lo change Pe Lransforms lnLo a beLLer person who ls opLlmlsLs Lrongand happy chlld At
|ast he can repress h|s |d and ba|ance |t w|th superego

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