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1 ueLermlne Lhe l/p lmpedance o/p lmpedance volLage and currenL galn of
commonemlLLer clrculL
2 Why ls uarllngLon palr Ampllfler called superbeLa" LranslsLor?
3 WhaL ls Mlller LffecL? uerlve Lhe relaLlon CmCc(1Av) where Cm ls Mlller effecL
4 Show LhaL Lfflclency of a serlesfed(dlrecL coupled) class A ampllfler ls 23
3 Show LhaL Lfflclency of Lransformer coupled class A ampllfler ls 30
6 Lxplaln crossover dlsLorLlon
7 !usLlfy Lhe sLaLemenL negaLlve feedback lmproves Sn8 and makes galn sLable"
8 ueslgn a welnbrldge osclllaLor LhaL osclllaLes aL 23 kPz
9 uerlve an expresslon for frequency of ColplLLs osclllaLor
10Lxplaln dlfferenLlal galn and CMM8
11Lxplaln SchmlLL Lrlgger ln deLall
12Lxplaln AsLable mulLlvlbraLor and monosLable mulLlvlbraLor ln deLall wlLh necessary
13Lxplaln l) 828 ladder uAC
ll) WelghLed 8eslsLor uAC
14Lxplaln flash A/u converLer (parallel comparaLor)
13Lxplaln worklng of serles and shunL volLage regulaLor ln deLall
16Lxplaln SMS ln deLall wlLh necessary dlagram and llsL lLs dlsadvanLages
17WrlLe shorL noLes on
l) CM88
ll) ldeal characLerlsLlcs of opAmp
lll) ulfferenLlal ampllfler
lv) negaLlve feedback
v) Cross over dlsLorLlon
vl) lC regulaLors
vll) lmporLance of poslLlve feedback ln osclllaLor clrculL
vlll) CrysLal osclllaLor clrculL
lx) ulsLorLlon

8LS1 Cl LuCk lC8 u8 LxAM!!!
l8CM mukesh

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