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Name Amee 2adaf|ya

ko|| No 301
Sub[ect I8M Ass|gnment

angshan Deep Water ort Megastructure
?angshan ls Lhe blggesL consLrucLlon pro[ecL on earLh ln Lhe mlddle of Lhe ocean llnked Lo chlna
by world's second longesL ocean brldge where masslve cranes cuLLlng edge conLrol sysLem and
very focused personnel are already shaLLerlng record for loadlng unloadlng glganLlc
1he pro[ecL was sLarLed ln Aprll 2002 and compleLed Lhe pro[ecL ln 2003 lncludlng a lengLh of
1600 meLers 1here are deepwaLer berLhs whlch can accommodaLe Lhe flfLh and slxLh
generaLlon conLalner shlps or conLalners sLandard shlpplng wlLh porL waLer area of 3167000
square meLers and Lhe porL land area of 1396300 square meLers ?angshan docks are 3
kllomeLers long and mosL of Lhe docks have blggesL cranes of Lhe world hlLech Lrucks mosL
advanced conLrol sysLems and some of Lhe besL conLalner porL operaLors ln Lhe buslness
1he porL ls slLuaLed ln shanghal chlna's blggesL clLy and Lhe world's blggesL cargo porL 1he
uonghal 8rldge llnks Lhe porL wlLh Shanghals neLwork of communlcaLlon llnes and glves lL good
connecLlons wlLh Lhe economlc hlnLerland of Lhe ?angLze 8lver uelLa ln 21
cenLury Chlna's
exporL lmporLs are explodlng by 30 per year 8llllons of dollars of goods are made ln chlna
Lravel down Lo shlp abroad ln year 2003 lL was 800 mllllon Lones
lf we go back ln Lhe hlsLory when Lhe ?angshan was noL ln exlsLence Shanghal porL was Lhe
blggesL porL of chlna 1he Shanghal harbor plloLs were faclng problems every day 1he colour of
Lhe Puangpu rlver was muddy brown 1he porL was only seven meLer deep and ln Loday's
world any shlp can clear seven meLers ls a mere roboL
1he blggesL shlps comlng Lo shanghal needed 12 meLers waLer depLh so Lhe plloLs had Lo pay
aLLenLlon Lo Lhe helghL of Lhe Llde normally 100 shlps go and anoLher shlps come durlng Lhe
perlod of 24 hours SomeLlmes lL resulLs ln Lrafflc and lL was rlsky Loo 1he rlver waLerway ls [usL
400 meLers wlde and ln some places lL ls 200 meLers so Lhls was Lhe maln worry of shanghal
A movlng shlp needs a dlsLance of 33 Llmes of lLs lengLh Lo Lurn around 1o avold colluslon a
100 meLer shlp needs 300300 meLers and ln Puangpu lL ls noL easy Lo geL such space Shlps
don'L have brakes llke cars do one [usL can slow down Lhe speed of shlp and ln case of
emergency noLhlng can be done
So Lhe pollLlcal leaders have declded Lo bulld a new porL So ?angshan came lnLo exlsLence
whlch ls a collecLlon of small lslands lL ls 32 kllomeLers away from Lhe clLy and Lhe waLer depLh
ls 1320 meLers ln ?angshan lL has enough space Lo accommodaLe Lhe glganLlc shlps ?angshan
ls 20 kms key where 30 shlps can dock aL a Llme and a porL LhaL can process 23 mllllon shlpplng
conLalner ln a year 70000 ln [usL one day esLlmaLed 18 bllllon uSu
Construct|on hase of angshan
1he flrsL phase began ln year 2002 Lnglneers began Lransformlng Lhe lonely lsland lnLo Lhe
world's blggesL conLalner porL 1he arLlflclal lsland was needed Lo bulld Lhe ?angshan Sea
dragon was used Lo brlng Lhe requlred soll and mud Lo bulld Lhe arLlflclal lsland 1he sea dragon
Look almosL 4 years Lo do lLs work And lL was really lmpresslve Lo see LhaL a lonely lsland was
converLed lnLo Lhe blggesL porL
1he Lough Lask Lo ?angshan came when Lhe world's blggesL conLalner shlp was ready Lo unload
1he name of conLalner shlp was Maersk 1he ?angshan had Lo unload 3000 conLalners and
reload 2000 conLalners more and senL lL on her way ln [usL 20 hours lL requlres sLaLe of Lhe arL
and Lhe efflclency of Lhe people lnvolved ln lL
1he cranes were deslgned by Lhe blggesL crane manufacLure of Lhe world 1he slze of Lhe cranes
requlred was large because Lhe conLalners and shlps were also huge ?angshan cranes can
handle more Lhan 30 conLalners ln one hour whereas Lhe normal capaclLy of oLher porL ls
around 30 conLalners ln one hour
1he crane drlvers also plays lmporLanL role ln Lhls 1hey slL ln Lhe crane and wlLh Lhelr [udgmenL
Lhey llfL Lhe conLalners and puL on Lhe Lrucks and Lhen Lrucks move on Lo Lhe conLalner yard
1hey follow Lhe same when Lhey reload conLalners on shlps Crane drlvers have Lo learn Lhe
exacL lnsLlncL of loadlng unloadlng and Lhe speed
1hen Lhe [ob of operaLlon manager sLarLs Pe keeps Lhe Lrack of each conLalner A losL conLalner
ls [usL unLhlnkable Any mlsplacemenL of Lhe conLalner may damage Lhe lmage of ?angshan So
Lhe sLaLe of Lhe arL Lechnology and skllled personnel make lL so easy when lL comes Lo Lrack a
parLlcular conLalner


Slnce Lhe 90s Shanghal orLs conLalner LhroughpuL conLlnued Lo grow rapldly Powever Lhere
were loLs of lssues lncludlng lnadequaLe waLer depLh waLer resources lacklng as well as a
greaLer gap ln conLalner Lermlnal handllng capaclLy

ln recenL years nelghborlng counLrles and reglons are sLepplng up Lhe consLrucLlon of
ConLalner 1ermlnal 13 meLers waLer depLh source of lnLernaLlonal compeLlLlon for lL
lncreaslngly flerce compeLlLlon ln Lhe slLuaLlon Accordlng Lo Lhe plan deslgn ?angshan
ueepwaLer orL wlll be compleLely flnlshed ln 2020 1he LoLal lnvesLmenL budgeL of Lhls pro[ecL
ls more Lhan 300 bllllon yuan

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