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A brand is tbe identity of a specific

product, service, or business. A brand can take many forms,

including a name, sign, symbol, color combination or slogan.
Tbe word brand began simply as a way to tell one persons
cattle from anotber by means of a bot iron stamp. A legally
protected brand name is called a trademark{'. Tbe word
brand bas continued to evolve to encompass identity - it
affects tbe personality of a product, company or service.
Tbe Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Puma, volkswagen, zara, appel,
logo is an example of a widely-recognised trademark
representing a global brand
CUCA CULA is a beverage company,
manufacturer, distributor, and marketer of non-alcobolic beverage
concentrates and syrups. Tbe company is best known for its flagsbip
product Coca-Cola, invented by pbarmacist )obn Stitb Pemberton in
88. Tbe Coca-Cola formula and brand was bougbt in 889 by Asa
Candler wbo incorporated Tbe Coca-Cola Company in 89. Besides
its namesake Coca-Cola beverage, Coca-Cola currently offers more
tban brands in over countries or territories and serves .
billion servings eacb day.
Coca-Cola was tbe leading soft
drink brand in India until 9 wben it left
ratber tban reveal its formula to tbe
government and reduce its equity stake as
required under tbe 'Foreign Excbange
Regulation Act' {FERA wbicb governed tbe
operations of foreign companies in India. After
a -year sabsence, Coca-Cola returned to
India in 99.
alue of brand is called as brand equity.
Brand equity is increase company's profitability by attract
consumer more.
For example, consider two soft drinks tbat taste exactly tbe
same. If one bas a great deal of brand awareness, and tbe
otber does not, consumers will be more likely to buy tbe one
tbey aware. Tbis increases tbe value of tbe drink witb brand
awareness in tbe minds of consumers. Brand equity is
difficult to measure, but is important in determining tbe
value of a good or tbe company tbat produces tbat good.
Bianu equity iefeis to a "Set of Assets anu
liabilities linkeu to a bianu ,it's Name anu Symbol that auu to
subtiact fiom the value pioviueu by a piouuct oi seivice to a
fiime anu oi to that fiim's competitois ."

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