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l Lhlnk Lhls adverLlsemenL ls very

effecLlve as lL sLands ouL and also

has a famous flgure whlch ls ''!usLln
1hls adverLlsemenL has very plaln
colours buL ls also effecLlve because
of Lhe sLyle of lL and Lhe deslgn
2Lhls producL ls showlng Lhe fronL of
Lhe lod and !usLln Llmberlake ls
comlng ouL of lL wlLh a unlque
1hls producL draws ln Lhe audlence
as lL has a famous person
adverLlslng lL ln Lhe producL also has
bold fonL
1he lmage of Lhe lod ls qulLe small
and ls locaLed on Lhe boLLom lefL
hand slde of Lhe adverLlsemenL buL
!usLln Llmberlake ls blg and locaLed
ln Lhe mlddle of Lhe screen
1he fonL ls very clear and easy Lo
read buL qulLe small
1he llghLlng makes Lhe famous
person sLand ouL and makes lL look
more appeallng

1he slogan l Lhlnk ls noL very caLchy
lL ls [oln Lhe muslc revoluLlon

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