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MAKING PLURAL 1.Most nouns are countable in English.It means that they have a singular and a plural form.

You add -s to form most plurals. Friend Teacher House Piano Cow Day Friends Teachers Houses Pianos Cows Days

2.You add -es to nouns ending in "-ss,-s,-ch,-sh,-z,-x,-o" to make the plural. Box Glass Kiss Brush Tomato Watch Bus Boxes Glasses Kisses Brushes Tomatoes Watches Buses

3.Nouns ending in consonant+y change to consonant+ies. Lady City Fly Country Baby Boy Day Ladies Cities Flies Countries Babies Boys Days

4.Nouns ending in "-f" and"-fe" -f changes to -v and -es or -s is added to the end. Wolf Wolves Life Lives Loaf Loaves Knife Knives

5.Some countable nouns are irregular.

Man Child Tooth Goose Crisis Mouse Sheep Foot Basis Phenomenon Fish Person Woman Men Children Teeth Geese Crises Mice Sheep Feet Bases Phenomena Fish People Women

6.Some tools and clothes with two similar parts are plural nouns. Glasses Trousers Pants Tights Jeans Pyjamas Shorts Scissors Binoculars UNCOUNTABLE NOUNS Education Bread Food Snow Wood Metal Milk Glass Gold Ice Breakfast Lunch Dinner News Power Technology Time Fire Food Furniture Health Help Homework Information Intelligence Knowledge Luck Money Music Nature Traffic Vocabulary Weather Work

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