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Unit 1: House party
Bob and JenniIer go to their teacher's party, but things
don't turn out as expected.

JenniIer: Is that it?
Bob: Um, yeah. 410 Pine Street.
JenniIer: OK.
* * *
JenniIer: Well, what's the apartment number?
Bob: Um . . .
JenniIer: Oh, great, Bob!
Bob: I . . . I think it's 302.
JenniIer: Really?
Bob: Yeah, 302. (pushes intercom button)
Voice: Hello.
Bob: Hi, it's Bob and JenniIer.
* * *
Bob: Oh, there it is . . . 302.
Eduardo: Hi. Come on in. I'm Eduardo.
JenniIer: Hi, Edward. Nice to -
Eduardo: It's Eduardo. E-D-U-A-R-D-O.
JenniIer: Oh, . . . Eduardo. Sorry. It's nice to meet
you. I'm JenniIer.
Bob: And I'm Bob.
Eduardo: Well, it's nice to meet you. Are you, um,
Terri's Iriends?
JenniIer: Terri?
Guest: Eduardo!
Eduardo: Oh, excuse me.
Bob: Who's Terri?
JenniIer: I don't know. I think she's Dr. Roberts's
Bob: wiIe. And where is Dr. Roberts?
JenniIer: Um . . . I don't know.
Ken: Hi. I'm Ken. Are you John's Iriend?
JenniIer: Uh, no, Ken, I'm his student. My name's
Ken: Student?
Eduardo: Ken!
Ken: Well, uh, excuse me, JenniIer.
Naomi: Excuse me, are you Eduardo?
Bob: No, I'm not. I think he's over there. My
name's Bob . . . Bob Freeman.
Naomi: Nice to meet you. I'm Naomi Hernandez.
Bob: Nice to meet you. Are you in my math
Naomi: Math class? No, I'm a Iriend oI Terri's.
Bob: Oh. Is Dr. Roberts here?
Naomi: Dr. Roberts? No, I don't think so.
John: Time to eat, everyone!
Terri: Yes, help yourselves.
JenniIer: That's not Dr. Roberts.
Bob: No, it's not.
Bob/JenniIer: Uh-oh!
Terri: Hi. Are you, um, Naomi's Iriends?
Bob: Uh, no. I'm Bob, and this is JenniIer.
JenniIer: Hi. Nice to meet you.
Terri: It's nice to meet you, too. My name is Terri
and, uh, this is my husband, John.
John: Hi.
Bob: Hi. Nice to meet you.
John: Nice to meet you.
JenniIer: Hi. Is this, um, your apartment?
John: Well, yes, it is. And you are . . .
Bob: Bob Freeman.
JenniIer: And I'm JenniIer.
Bob: We're in Dr. Roberts's class.
Terri: Oh, John Roberts! He lives in Apartmen
203, I think.
John: And this is Apartment 302.
Bob/JenniIer: 3-0-2!
Terri: That's OK. Please.
Bob: Oh, no . . .
John: It's no problem. Please!
JenniIer: Well, OK. Thank you.
Bob: Yes. Thanks.
Copyright (c) Cambridge University Press 2005

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