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rIcks rIcks

A brIck Is a bIock of ceramIc materIaI used

In masonry constructIon, usuaIIy IaId usIng
varIous kInds of mortar.
It has been regarded as one of the Iongest IastIng
and strongest buIIdIng materIaIs used throughout
rIck hanufacturIng rIck hanufacturIng
- StIff hud - ExtrusIon Process
- Soft hud - hoIdIng Process
rIcks for buIIdIng may be made from cIay, shaIe, soft
sIate, caIcIum sIIIcate, concrete, or shaped from quarrIed
stone. However, true brIcks are ceramIc, and therefore
created by the actIon of heat and cooIIng.
CIay Is the most common materIaI, wIth modern cIay brIcks
formed In one of three processes - soft mud, dry press, or
NormaIIy, brIck contaIns the foIIowIng IngredIents
SIIIca (sand) - 50X to 60X by weIght
AIumIna (cIay) - 20X to 30X by weIght
LIme - 2 to 5X by weIght
Iron oxIde - 5 to 6X (not greater than 7X) by weIght
hagnesIa - Iess than 1X by weIght
rIck CIassIfIcatIon rIck CIassIfIcatIon
- uldny rck
- Hollow rck
- Pavny rck
- Clazed Ceramc rck
- Thn rck Veneer Unts
- Sewer rck
- Chemcal Resstant and lndustral Floor rcks
uIIdIng rIck
HoIIow rIck
PavIng rIcks
Iazed CeramIc rIcks
%hIn rIck Veneer UnIts
rIck SeIectIon rIck SeIectIon
- AesthetIcs
- Sze
- Color
- Texture
- Shaes
- Cost
- AvaIIabIIIty
Shapes of brIcks Shapes of brIcks
PhysIcaI PropertIes PhysIcaI PropertIes
- CompressIve Strength
- 0urabIIIty
- AbsorptIon
- AbrasIon PesIstance
actors to ConsIder In AppIIcatIon actors to ConsIder In AppIIcatIon
- hoIsture PenetratIon
- %emperature VarIatIon
- StructuraI LoadIng
Carneye Mellon - 0eartment oj Archtecture - Materals 8 Assembly
rIck 0ImensIonaI 0ata rIck 0ImensIonaI 0ata
- Standard hoduIar
- ace 0ImensIon - 2 2l3 x 8 nomInaI
- %hIckness - 4 nomInaI
- hortar JoInt - 3l8
rIck PosItIons In a WaII rIck PosItIons In a WaII
asIc %ermInoIogy asIc %ermInoIogy
- Course - contInuous horIzontaI Iayer of
masonry unIts
- Wythe - contInuous vertIcaI sectIon of
masonry one unIt In thIckness
rIck Course, Wythe JoInts rIck Course, Wythe JoInts

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