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lor example WhlLe

(1930) suggesLed a slmple model Lo explaln Lhe selecLlon process ln newspapers and argued LhaL
news lLems were re[ecLed for Lhree reasons personal feellngs of Lhe gaLekeeper lnsufflclenL
space and wheLher Lhe sLory had appeared prevlously Scholars who followed Lhese Lheorles
emphaslzed personallLy characLerlsLlcs (!ohnsLone Slawskl 8owman 1972 LlvlngsLon
8enneLL 2003 Weaver WllhollL 1986) or Lhe lnfluence of Lhe gaLekeeper's moral and
normaLlve values on Lhe declslonmaklng process (Cans 1979) locuslng on lndlvldual facLors
ofLen enLalled relylng on exLernal cognlLlve models of Lhlnklng (Pewes Craham 1989
kahneman eL al 1982 Snodrass Levy8erger Payden 1983) and exLernal declslonmaklng
models (WrlghL 8arbour 1973)

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