O.B.7 - Emergency Public Order Act (2011)

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Emergency Public Order Act (2011)

Oceana Bill

7 Emergency Public Order Act (2011)

Introduced By: On: Bill Type: Sponsors: Prime Minister Anthony Lynam (ORP) 25/11/11 Emergency Bill Andrew Paliwoda, Louise Kelly, Avril Flower, Sandra Reintamm

A bill ensuring the safety and freedom of the people of Oceana to peacefully protest, without violent intervention by government forces.

Article I Right to Peaceful Protest

Section 1 The people have a right to peaceful protest;

Article II Police Intervention

Section 1 Police may not intervene, unless violence ensues; Section 2 Prohibiting military intervention; Section 3 Emergency services may be present to assist citizens when necessary in event of injury or emergency;

Article III National Disarmament

Section 1 Calls upon all fire arms to be handed in to secure locations, no questions asked; Section 2 Create a national gun registry in order to maintain stability and protect citizens as well as aiding the police force; Section 3 Calls for future legislation on gun ownership and regulation to further clarify and enforce Arms Laws;

Article IV Non-Lethal Police Armament

Section 1 Calls upon the police to carry non-lethal weapons rather than lethal with a view to complete police disarmament in the future, except for SWAT units;


Anthony Lynam

Oceana Bill 7

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