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Question .1
A heat pump cycle is used to maintain the interior temperature oI a
building at 20
C. At steady state, the heat pump receives energy Irom a
well water at 10
C and discharges energy by heat transIer to the building
at a rate oI 120 MJ/hr. Over a period oI 14 days, an electric meter records
that (1490 oI electricity is provided to the heat pump. Determine:
O %he heat transIer rate oI energy to that heat pump Irom the well water
O %he heat pump`s coeIIicient oI perIormance
O oes this heat pump work reversibly or not

Question 2
Air enters an insulated compressor operating at steady state at 0.95
bar and 27
C with a mass Ilow rate oI 4000 kg/hr. and exits at 8.7 bar. II
kinetic and potential energy eIIects are negligible, Determine:
O %he minimum power input required and the corresponding exit
temperature (reversible theoretical process)
O %he consumed power and isentropic eIIiciency iI the exit temperature
O %he rate oI entropy change Ior the air the surroundings and the
universe in the previous two cases

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