Pas A Guidelines For Applicants

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age | 1

Austra||an Computer Soc|ety




age | 2


NLW CIN1S 1LS1 IUL 1 2011






O GkCU A (Su|tab|e)
O GkCU 8 (Su|tab|e)
O GkCU C (Su|tab|e)
O GkCU D (Unsu|tab|e)
O GkCU L (Unsu|tab|e)


kL kCILC1 kLCk1S





age | 3

8ack Lo lnuLx

Welcome Lo Lhe reAssessmenL Skllls AppllcaLlon Culdellnes (ASA)

1he purpose of Lhe ASA Culdellnes ls Lo provlde all Lhe lnformaLlon requlred Lo submlL an lC1 skllls
assessmenL for a general skllled mlgraLlon or sponsored vlsa

1he AusLrallan CompuLer SocleLy (ACS) ls Lhe assessmenL auLhorlLy auLhorlzed Lo assess lC1 quallflcaLlons
and lC1 skllled employmenL ln relaLlon Lo Lhe nomlnaLed occupaLlon AnZSCC code selecLed by Lhe

1he ACS wlll lssue a resulL leLLer Lo appllcanLs wlLh a SulLable" or unsulLable" deslgnaLlon aL Lhe
compleLlon of a skllls assessmenL appllcaLlon

AppllcanLs need Lo conslder Lhe besL nomlnaLed occupaLlon AnZSCC code from Lhe Skllled CccupaLlon LlsL
LhaL sulLs Lhelr lndlvldual lC1 educaLlonal quallflcaLlons and lC1 skllled employmenL 1he skllls assessmenL
wlll be based on Lhe AnZSCC code crlLerla

lor chooslng an AnZSCC code please refer Lo Skllled CccupaLlon LlsL on Lhe ulAC webslLe 1he nomlnaLed
occupaLlon musL be on Lhe skllled occupaLlon llsL

!ob descrlpLlons are seL ouL ln Lhe AnZSCC Code uescrlpLlons

O 1he ACS ls Lhe relevanL assesslng auLhorlLy Lo assess lC1 quallflcaLlons and lC1 employmenL
O 1he ACS wlll provlde Lhe appllcanL wlLh a skllls assessmenL resulL leLLer
O AppllcanLs are requlred Lo choose a nomlnaLed occupaLlon AnZSCC code besL sulLed Lo Lhelr
lndlvldual lC1 quallflcaLlons and lC1 skllled employmenL from Lhe skllled occupaLlon llsL

New o|nts 1est Iu|y 1 2011

LffecLlve form Lhe 1sL of !uly 2011 a new polnLs LesL wlll be used by Lhe ueparLmenL of lmmlgraLlon and
ClLlzenshlp (ulAC) for cerLaln Skllled MlgraLlon vlsas AppllcanLs are sLlll requlred Lo provlde ulAC wlLh a
valld and currenL skllls assessmenL of Lhelr nomlnaLed occupaLlon from Lhe Skllled CccupaLlon LlsL (SCL)

As an auLhorlsed assessmenL auLhorlLy Lhe ACS ls able Lo provlde appllcanLs wlLh lC1 Skllls AssessmenLs for
mlgraLlon purposes AppllcanLs are requlred Lo submlL an lC1 skllls assessmenL resulL leLLer Lo ulAC when
applylng for a Ceneral Skllled or Sponsored MlgraLlon vlsa

AppllcanLs can have Lhelr lC1 educaLlonal quallflcaLlons and lC1 skllled employmenL assessed by Lhe ACS Lo
submlL Lo ulAC Lowards aLLalnlng mlgraLlon polnLs 1he lC1 educaLlonal quallflcaLlons and lC1 skllled
employmenL can be galned ln AusLralla or Cverseas and musL be ln Lhe appllcanL's nomlnaLed occupaLlon
or a closely relaLed occupaLlon

Whlle Lhe ACS ls able Lo advlse appllcanLs regardlng Lhe relevance of Lhe lC1 conLenL of Lhelr educaLlonal
quallflcaLlons and skllled employmenL wlLhln Lhelr nomlnaLed occupaLlon Lhe flnal declslon ln awardlng
polnLs remalns wlLh ulAC

age | 4

8ack Lo lnuLx

1here are four (4) skllls appllcaLlon Lypes

1 kecent Graduates of an Austra||an Un|vers|ty |n Austra||a
2 kecent Graduates of an Austra||an Un|vers|ty |n Austra||a want|ng IC1 exper|ence cons|dered
3 Sk|||s
4 kL (kecogn|t|on of r|or Learn|ng)

1 kecent Graduates of an Austra||an Un|vers|ty |n Austra||a
1hls appllcaLlon ls for skllled employmenL exempLlon under Lhe AusLrallan sLudy requlremenL

1he course musL be reglsLered on C8lCCS as belng a LoLal of aL leasL 92 weeks duraLlon and compleLed ln
no less Lhan 16 calendar monLhs 1he course musL have been underLaken whlle ln AusLralla and have had
all lnsLrucLlon conducLed ln Lngllsh

Any sLudy used Lo meeL Lhe AusLrallan sLudy requlremenL musL be closely relaLed Lo Lhe nomlnaLed
occupaLlon and underLaken on a vlsa LhaL allows sLudy ln AusLralla

2 kecent Graduates of an Austra||an Un|vers|ty |n Austra||a want|ng IC1 exper|ence cons|dered
1hls appllcaLlon ls Lhe same as Lhe 8ecenL CraduaLe appllcaLlon wlLh Lhe opLlon for Lhe appllcanL Lo have
skllled employmenL assessed wlLh Lhe appllcaLlon

3 Sk|||s
1hls appllcaLlon ls a general skllls appllcaLlon for appllcanLs wlLh an lC1 ulploma uegree or hlgher and lC1
skllled employmenL

age | 3

8ack Lo lnuLx
4 kL (kecogn|t|on of r|or Learn|ng)
1hls appllcaLlon ls for appllcanLs wlLhouL an lC1 educaLlonal quallflcaLlon lL provldes Lhe opporLunlLy Lo
demonsLraLe LhaL Lhe appllcanL has acqulred a level of knowledge equlvalenL Lo LhaL of a formal LerLlary lC1

1here are two (2) categor|es appllcable for 8L appllcaLlons

1 AppllcanLs wlLh a non lC1 degree quallflcaLlon

O AppllcanLs requlre a mlnlmum of s|x (6) years of full Llme professlonal lC1 skllled
employmenL ln a fleld c|ose|y re|ated Lo Lhe nomlnaLed occupaLlon AnZSCC Code

O rovlde proven knowledge of skllled employmenL Lhrough deLalled documenLaLlon (See
AssessmenL of Skllled employmenL)

O CompleLe Lhe ACS key Areas of knowledge documenL SecLlons 24 of ASA (8L)

O CompleLe two (2) pro[ecL reporLs (conLalned wlLhln Lhe ACS key Areas of knowledge documenL)

2 AppllcanLs wlLh no LerLlary quallflcaLlons

O AppllcanLs requlre a mlnlmum of s|x (6) years of full Llme professlonal lC1 skllled
employmenL ln a fleld c|ose|y re|ated Lo Lhe nomlnaLed occupaLlon AnZSCC Code

O AppllcanLs also requlre an addlLlonal two (2) years of lC1 skllled employmenL buL ln Lhls
lnsLance ls noL requlred Lo be relevanL Lo Lhe AnZSCC code (1hls equaLes Lo Lhe equlvalenL of a
ulploma sLudy perlod belng Lhe mlnlmum requlremenL)

O rovlde proven knowledge of skllled employmenL Lhrough deLalled documenLaLlon (See
AssessmenL of Skllled employmenL)

O CompleLe Lhe ACS key Areas of knowledge documenL SecLlons 24 of ASA (8L)

O CompleLe two (2) pro[ecL reporLs (conLalned wlLhln Lhe ACS key Areas of knowledge documenL)


SulLable skllls assessmenL appllcaLlons fall lnLo three (3) dlsLlncL grouplngs

1 Croup A refers Lo appllcaLlon Lype #Sk|||s" on Lhe appllcaLlon form 1hls appllcaLlon ls for
appllcanLs wlLh a 8achelor uegree or hlgher wlLh an lC1 ma[or and lC1 skllled employmenL

2 Croup 8 refers Lo appllcaLlon Lype #Sk|||s" on Lhe appllcaLlon form 1hls appllcaLlon ls for
appllcanLs wlLh a ulploma or 8achelor uegree wlLh a mlnor ln lC1 and lC1 skllled employmenL

3 Croup C refers Lo appllcaLlon Lype #kecent Graduate" on Lhe appllcaLlon form 1hls appllcaLlon ls
for appllcanLs applylng for skllled employmenL exempLlon AppllcanLs need Lo have compleLed an
AusLrallan degree wlLhln s|x (6) months from Lhe daLe of submlsslon of Lhelr appllcaLlon

age | 6

8ack Lo lnuLx

1he appllcanL ls requlred Lo compleLe all Lhe lnformaLlon on Lhe onllne reAssessmenL Skllls AssessmenL
(ASA) appllcaLlon form found aL ACS Cnllne AppllcaLlon lorm

lease elecLronlcally aLLach cerLlfled coples of documenLs lnLo Lhe onllne appllcaLlon form for more
efflclenL processlng of your appllcaLlon

AfLer submlLLlng Lhe onllne appllcaLlon form a conflrmaLlon Lmall wlLh an appllcaLlon reference number
and password wlll be senL Lo Lhe appllcanLs nomlnaLed emall address

AppllcanLs musL prlnL Lhe onllne appllcaLlon form and Lhe conflrmaLlon Lmall Slgn Lhe appllcaLlon form
and mall Lhe documenLs Lo Lhe ACS A physlcal copy of Lhe appllcaLlon form and conflrmaLlon emall ls
requlred by Lhe ACS

1he ACS requlres Lhe followlng documenLs Lo sLarL Lhe appllcaLlon process

P/eose do not send oriqino/ documents os the 4c5 is unob/e to return documents
4// documents thot ore not in nq/ish must be trons/oted by occeptob/e trons/otors

1 Copy of Lhe AppllcaLlon lorm slgned by Lhe appllcanL
2 Copy of Lhe Lmall ConflrmaLlon
3 CerLlfled copy of blrLh cerLlflcaLe or passporL
4 CerLlfled copy of academlc quallflcaLlon cerLlflcaLes
O 1lLle of award
O name of awardlng lnsLlLuLlon
O 1he year lL was conferred
O Crade achleved
3 CerLlfled copy of academlc LranscrlpLs
6 CerLlfled coples of deLalled employmenL references
7 aymenL of Lhe appllcaLlon fee
8 2 pro[ecL reporLs lf applylng for 8ecognlLlon of rlor Learnlng

1he assessmenL process wlll begln on Lhe daLe LhaL a compleLed appllcaLlon form ls recelved by Lhe ACS

lL ls lmporLanL Lo provlde all Lhe above menLloned lnformaLlon wlLh Lhe appllcaLlon Cnly lnformaLlon
provlded wlLh Lhe appllcaLlon wlll be consldered durlng Lhe assessmenL

When assesslng Lhe appllcaLlon Lhe ACS compares Lhe educaLlon and employmenL experlence agalnsL an
equlvalenL occupaLlon ln AusLralla 1hls requlres deLalled and preclse lnformaLlon on Lhe lC1 educaLlon and
lC1 employmenL experlence of Lhe appllcanL

Ceneral or unclear sLaLemenLs by employers or Lralnlng lnsLlLuLlons wlll noL be sufflclenL evldence of
educaLlon or employmenL experlence

lease provlde documenLs LhaL are leglble and wlLh fonLs no smaller Lhan a sLandard 10 polnL fonL

lease provlde all documenLs ln A4 (WldLh 21cm PelghL 297cm) slngle page formaL wlLhouL blndlng or

age | 7

8ack Lo lnuLx

All copled documenLs submlLLed wlLh an appllcaLlon musL be cerLlfled coples

A documenL ls cerLlfled when a copy of Lhe orlglnal documenL has been slghLed and sLamped by
approprlaLe auLhorlzed person

1o be a cerLlfled documenL Lhe copy needs Lo clearly show on every page of Lhe copled documenL Lhe
followlng lnformaLlon
O 1he words CerLlfled 1rue Copy of Lhe Crlglnal"
O 1he orlglnal slgnaLure of Lhe cerLlfylng person
O 1he name daLe provlder or reglsLraLlon number or deslgnaLlon (eg ollce Cfflcer) of Lhe
cerLlfylng person leglbly prlnLed wlLh Lhe slgnaLure

Cert|f|cat|on |s requ|red for
O ldenLlflcaLlon documenLs such as assporL 8lrLh CerLlflcaLe
O LducaLlonal 1ralnlng CerLlflcaLes
O rofesslonal Membershlps
O CerLlflcaLes

Cert|f|cat|on can be author|zed w|th|n Austra||a by
O a reglsLered mlgraLlon agenL
O a [usLlce of Lhe peace or a ball [usLlce
O an AusLrallan lawyer
O a member of Lhe pollce force
O a sherlff or a depuLy sherlff
O a counclllor of a munlclpallLy
O a senlor offlcer of a councll
O a medlcal pracLlLloner
O a denLlsL
O a veLerlnary pracLlLloner
O a pharmaclsL
O a prlnclpal ln Lhe Leachlng servlce
O a manager of an auLhorlsed deposlLLaklng lnsLlLuLlon
O a member of Lhe lnsLlLuLe of CharLered AccounLanLs ln AusLralla or Lhe AusLrallan SocleLy of
AccounLanLs or Lhe naLlonal lnsLlLuLe of AccounLanLs
O a secreLary of a bulldlng socleLy
O a mlnlsLer of rellglon auLhorlsed Lo celebraLe marrlages
O a publlc noLary
O a member or former member of elLher Pouse of Lhe arllamenL of Lhe CommonwealLh

Coples cerLlfled ouLslde AusLralla need Lo be cerLlfled by Lhe equlvalenL of a !usLlce of Lhe eace or
Commlssloner for ueclaraLlons Local courLs embassles can provlde furLher lnformaLlon regardlng
cerLlfylng documenLs ouLslde AusLralla

1he ACS |s unab|e to accept
O hoLocoples of cerLlfled coples
O lf Lhe cerLlfylng offlcers ldenLlLy ls unclear or Lhe cerLlfler's conLacL deLalls are noL leglble

age | 8

8ack Lo lnuLx

App||cat|ons Subm|tted W|th|n Austra||a

AccepLable LranslaLlons may be obLalned from LranslaLors accredlLed wlLh Lhe naLlonal AccredlLaLlon
AuLhorlLy for 1ranslaLors and lnLerpreLers (nAA1l)

App||cat|ons Subm|tted Cuts|de Austra||a

AccepLable LranslaLlons can be obLalned from
O A M|n|stry of Iust|ce or equ|va|ent |n the country where the qua||f|cat|on was obta|ned
O 1he Austra||an Lducat|on Internat|ona| Sect|on (ALIS) at an Austra||an D|p|omat|c M|ss|on
O Austra||an n|gh Comm|ss|on Consu|ate or Lmbassy
O r|vate Commerc|a| 1rans|ators
O 1he Award|ng Inst|tut|on

Cverseas LranslaLlons musL be compleLed on Lhe organlzaLlons leLLerhead and lnclude an offlclal sLamp Lhe
LranslaLors name slgnaLure and conLacL Lelephone number ALL ln 8LCCk LL11L8S leglbly prlnLed wlLh Lhe

lL musL be posslble for Lhe ACS Lo conLacL Lhe LranslaLor lf necessary Lo verlfy Lhe LranslaLed documenLs
from Lhe deLalls provlded

When submlLLlng forelgn language documenLs Lhe followlng musL be provlded
O CerLlfled coples of all forelgn documenLs
O CerLlfled coples of Lhe Lngllsh LranslaLlons


A SLaLuLory ueclaraLlon ls a wrlLLen sLaLemenL declared Lo be Lrue ln Lhe presence of an auLhorlsed wlLness

AppllcanLs can submlL sLaLuLory declaraLlons for Lhe followlng clrcumsLances
O asL educaLlon provlders or employers no longer exlsL
O ou are relucLanL Lo approach your currenL employer for a sLaLemenL of servlce
O ou submlL a reference from your colleague who occuples or has occupled a hlgher poslLlon Lhan
you and ls an experL ln your nomlnaLed occupaLlon wlLhln Lhe organlsaLlon you were employed (An
organlsaLlon charL slgned by your colleague's lmmedlaLe supervlsor musL be lncluded)

P/eose note tbot selftefeteoces ftom oppllcoots eveo lo tbe ootote of stotototy Jeclototloos wlll oot
be occepteJ os evlJeoce of employmeot

AppllcanLs may submlL a personal sLaLemenL on a properly slgned and wlLnessed SLaLuLory ueclaraLlon

LssenLlal lnformaLlon requlred for a SLaLuLory ueclaraLlon
O 1he reason for submlLLlng a SLaLuLory ueclaraLlon
O All Lhe necessary deLall regardlng your educaLlon and employmenL

lf you provlde a SLaLuLory ueclaraLlon wlLh your appllcaLlon you musL also provlde some form of
corroboraLlve lnformaLlon from a Lhlrd parLy Lo subsLanLlaLe Lhe clalms made ln Lhe SLaLuLory ueclaraLlon
age | 9

8ack Lo lnuLx

1he conLenL of all documenLs musL be able Lo be verlfled by Lhe ACS SufflclenL lnformaLlon musL be
provlded Lo allow verlflcaLlon of your documenLs

lease provlde leglble documenLs and do noL use fonLs smaller Lhan a sLandard 10 polnL fonL

lease keep a copy of all documenLs senL Lo Lhe ACS as documenLs are unable Lo be reLurned

All supporLlng documenLaLlon musL maLch Lhe lnformaLlon as provlded elecLronlcally on Lhe appllcaLlon


AfLer compleLlng Lhe Cnllne AppllcaLlon appllcanLs wlll recelve an acknowledgemenL emall wlLh
lnsLrucLlons on how Lo access Lhe ACS secure webslLe

AppllcanLs can check Lhe appllcaLlon sLaLus uslng Lhe appllcaLlon number and password

AppllcanLs are advlsed Lo keep a record of Lhe ACS appllcaLlon number for personal records and Lo quoLe
Lhe appllcaLlon number ln all correspondence wlLh Lhe ACS for qulck and efflclenL access regardlng
appllcaLlon lnformaLlon

lL ls lmporLanL Lo lnclude an emall address wlLh Lhe appllcaLlon and for appllcanLs Lo check Lhelr emall on a
regular basls for ACS correspondence regardlng Lhe skllls assessmenL

ACS wlll updaLe appllcanLs vla emall lf furLher documenLs and lnformaLlon ls requlred regardlng Lhelr


1he skllls assessmenL ls a maLLer of assesslng an appllcanL's speclflc quallflcaLlons and experlence agalnsL
Lhe nomlnaLed occupaLlon as requlred by ulAC WlLh a hlgh number of quallflcaLlons and educaLlonal
lnsLlLuLlons around Lhe world Lhls can prove Lo be a complex and lengLhy process

CuallflcaLlons have varylng sub[ecLs cholce of unlLs and exempLlons maklng each lndlvldual assessmenL a
unlque mlx of quallflcaLlons along wlLh dlfferlng degrees of experlence

1he ACS employs a Lhorough quallLy process ln verlfylng quallflcaLlons wlLh educaLlonal lnsLlLuLes and
reference checklng for skllled employmenL 1hls ls Lo subsLanLlaLe documenLed evldence and can Lake a
conslderable amounL of Llme Lo process

All appllcaLlons are processed as efflclenLly as posslble dependlng on Lhe quallLy of documenLaLlon and
lnformaLlon provlded by Lhe appllcanL ACS adheres Lo a conLlnuous lmprovemenL pollcy ln creaLlng more
efflclenL processes Lo reduce processlng Llmeframes 1he appllcaLlon compleLlon Llmeframe ls
approxlmaLely 12 weeks from Lhe recelpL of Lhe physlcal documenLaLlon

age | 10

8ack Lo lnuLx

referred MeLhod of aymenL ls vla CredlL Card CosL Charges

Ma[or credlL cards accepLable are
O V|sa
O MasterCard
O Amer|can Lxpress

AlLernaLlve paymenL musL be made for decllned credlL cards

AlLernaLlve paymenL can be made by cheque money order or lnLernaLlonal bank drafL made payable Lo
1he AusLrallan CompuLer SocleLy" aymenL by Lhese meLhods wlll delay processlng Llme unLll clearance
of paymenL

ACS ls unable Lo process cash paymenLs

lnLernaLlonal lund 1ransfers ulrecL deposlL accounL deLalls

8ank Commonwea|th 8ank of Austra||a
8ranch Corner L|verpoo| Cast|ereagh St SDNL NSW 2000 AUS1kALIA
8ranch Number (8S8) 062 017
Account Name Austra||an Computer Soc|ety Inc Counc|| Account
Account Number 80 1049 SWII1 Code C18AAU2S

lease lnclude Lhe appllcanL's full name ln Lhe 8emlLLer ueLalls of Lhe paymenL advlce and a copy of Lhe
Lransfer paperwork or evldence ln Lhe appllcaLlon as proof of paymenL A recelpL wlll be lssued Lo
acknowledge LhaL Lhe ACS has recelved your appllcaLlon and fee


rofesslonal members of Lhe ACS can recelve a dlscounLed skllls appllcaLlon lf Lhe member holds more
Lhan 12 monLh's membershlp as a CerLlfled rofesslonal and have Lhelr 2
year renewal membershlp pald
ln full


aymenL fees are noL refundable afLer prellmlnary work or formal assessmenL has commenced or Lhe
formal assessmenL has been compleLed

age | 11

8ack Lo lnuLx
AusLrallas prlvacy leglslaLlon prohlblLs Lhe ACS from dlscusslng appllcaLlon deLalls unless auLhorlsed by Lhe

AppllcanLs can auLhorlze an agenL Lo handle Lhe assessmenL appllcaLlon by compleLlng Lhe followlng form
and lncludlng lL wlLh Lhe appllcaLlon

AppolnLmenL of a MlgraLlon AgenL or LxempL erson or CLher AuLhorlsed 8eclplenL

lease advlse ACS ln Lhe evenL LhaL a mlgraLlon agenL has changed or ls no longer requlred

1o flnd a mlgraLlon agenL vlslL MlgraLlon AgenLs 8eglsLraLlon AuLhorlLy (MA8A)

lor lnformaLlon regardlng MlgraLlon AgenLs ouLslde AusLralla please refer Lo Lhe ueparLmenL of
lmmlgraLlon ClLlzenshlp MlgraLlon lnformaLlon


1he resulL leLLer may be requlred Lo be submlLLed wlLh your mlgraLlon appllcaLlon Lo Lhe ueparLmenL of
lmmlgraLlon and ClLlzenshlp (ulAC) lease conLacL ulAC regardlng speclflc requlremenLs

A poslLlve skllls assessmenL ls only one of Lhe requlremenLs LhaL wlll be consldered by Lhe AusLrallan
mlgraLlon auLhorlLles ln your appllcaLlon for mlgraLlon

lL ls advlsable Lo make cerLlfled coples of your skllls assessmenL for personal use and reference for fuLure


A replacemenL ls a reprlnL of your resulL leLLer wlLh Lhe orlglnal daLe

CompleLe and slgn Lhe AppllcaLlon for 8eplacemenL of a ASA 8esulL LeLLer quoLlng your flle number and
posL Lo Lhe ACS wlLh Lhe replacemenL fee

lease ensure LhaL you lnclude your currenL address on Lhe replacemenL requesL

A requesL for a 8esulL LeLLer 8eplacemenL can only be accepLed by posL or fax emalled or verbal requesLs
cannoL be processed

8esulL LeLLers LhaL explre afLer Lhe valldaLlon daLe cannoL be relssued A new skllls assessmenL wlll need
Lo be compleLed lease refer Lo 8evalldaLlon secLlon

age | 12

8ack Lo lnuLx

AppllcanLs wlLh a 8achelor uegree or hlgher wlLh an lC1 ma[or and lC1 skllled employmenL need Lo provlde
documenLed evldence LhaL Lhey have a quallflcaLlon comparable Lo Lhe educaLlonal level of an AusLrallan
quallflcaLlon ln llne wlLh Lhe AusLrallan CuallflcaLlons lramework (ACl) sLandards

CuallflcaLlons lnclude
O 8achelor (undergraduaLe) uegree
O CraduaLe ulploma
O Plgher uegree level quallflcaLlon

1he quallflcaLlon musL be a ma[or ln lC1 and Lhe predomlnanL ob[ecLlve of Lhe course should be Lo educaLe
lndlvlduals Lo be professlonals ln lC1

1he course should be ln a h|gh|y re|evant fleld Lo Lhe nomlnaLed occupaLlon AnZSCC code Course unlLs
wlll be assessed accordlng Lo Lhe lC1 conLenL and wheLher unlLs are h|gh|y re|evant Lo Lhe nomlnaLed
occupaLlon AnZSCC code

lease refer Lo AnZSCC Code for currenL occupaLlon codes and Lo AnZSCC Code uescrlpLlons for
occupaLlon descrlpLlons

Also requlred for Croup A ls a mlnlmum of two (2) years full Llme professlonal lC1 skllled employmenL ln a
fleld c|ose|y re|ated Lo Lhe nomlnaLed occupaLlon AnZSCC Code 1hls skllled employmenL musL be
compleLed wlLhln Lhe prevlous seven (7) years of Lhe Skllls AssessmenL

P/eose Note lf tbe lc1 poollflcotloo ls not hiqh/y re/evont to tbe oomlooteJ occopotloo AN25cO coJe o
mlolmom of four {4) yeors of foll tlme ptofessloool lc1 skllleJ employmeot lo o flelJ c/ose/y re/oted to tbe
oomlooteJ occopotloo AN25cO coJe ls tepolteJ

IC1 Ma[or
A ma[or ln a 8achelor degree musL have a mlnlmum of Lwo equlvalenL fullLlme semesLers of lC1 conLenL
Such lC1 conLenL musL progress Lhrough all years of Lhe program wlLh aL leasL one Lhlrd of lL belng aL a
demonsLrably advanced level (flnal year level)

A CraduaLe ulploma or MasLers degree LhaL does noL requlre an lC1 ma[or degree level quallflcaLlon or
equlvalenL for enLry belng subsLanLlally undergraduaLe ln conLenL musL
- ConLaln a mlnlmum of Lhree semesLers
- ConLaln a mlnlmum of Lwelve unlLs
- ConLaln Lwo semesLers of fullLlme equlvalenL lC1 conLenL
- 8e underplnned by an lC1 or nonlC1 degree level quallflcaLlon or an ACl Advanced ulploma or
ulploma equlvalenL
- Pave aL leasL one semesLer of lC1 sLudy aL a demonsLrably advanced level

A ma[or ln lC1 for a osL CraduaLe ulploma or hlgher degree quallflcaLlon LhaL requlres a degreelevel
quallflcaLlon ln lC1 or equlvalenL for enLry musL have an lC1 conLenL of aL leasL one Lhlrd all of whlch musL
be aL posL graduaLe level

uuraLlon of sLudy ls expressed for fullLlme sLudy Where sLudy ls compleLed aL a raLe less Lhan fullLlme
scallng Lo Lhe equlvalenL of fullLlme ls applled

age | 13

8ack Lo lnuLx

AppllcanLs wlLh a ulploma wlLh a ma[or or 8achelor uegree or hlgher wlLh a mlnor ln lC1 and lC1 skllled
employmenL need Lo provlde documenLed evldence LhaL Lhey have a quallflcaLlon comparable Lo Lhe
educaLlonal level of an AusLrallan quallflcaLlon ln llne wlLh Lhe AusLrallan CuallflcaLlons lramework (ACl)

CuallflcaLlons lnclude
O ulploma or ACl Advanced ulploma wlLh a ma[or ln lC1
O An ACl 8achelor (undergraduaLe) degree wlLh a mlnor (subma[or) ln lC1
O A CraduaLe ulploma or hlgher quallflcaLlon wlLh a mlnor (subma[or) ln lC1

All quallflcaLlons should be wlLhln a h|gh|y re|evant fleld Lo Lhe nomlnaLed occupaLlon AnZSCC Code Also
requlred ls a mlnlmum of f|ve (S) years of full Llme professlonal lC1 skllled employmenL ln a fleld c|ose|y
re|ated Lo Lhe nomlnaLed occupaLlon AnZSCC Code 1hls skllled employmenL musL be compleLed wlLhln
Lhe prevlous ten (10) years of Lhe Skllls AssessmenL

Note lf tbe lc1 poollflcotloo ls not hiqh/y re/evont to tbe oomlooteJ occopotloo AN25cO coJe o mlolmom
of six {) yeors of foll tlme ptofessloool lc1 skllleJ employmeot lo o flelJ c/ose/y re/oted to tbe oomlooteJ
occopotloo AN25cO coJe ls tepolteJ

IC1 Ma[or
lor an ACl ulploma or an ACl Advanced ulploma or overseas equlvalenL Lhe lC1 conLenL musL be aL leasL

IC1 M|nor
lor a mlnor (subma[or) for a 8achelor degree Lhe lC1 conLenL musL be aL leasL 20

lor a mlnor (subma[or) for a CraduaLe ulploma or hlgher degree quallflcaLlon LhaL does noL requlre an lC1
ma[or degree level quallflcaLlon or equlvalenL for enLry a mlnor (subma[or) musL be aL leasL 30

lor a mlnor (subma[or) for a CraduaLe ulploma or hlgher degree quallflcaLlon LhaL does requlre an lC1
ma[or degree level quallflcaLlon or equlvalenL for enLry a mlnor (subma[or) musL be aL leasL 13 and less
Lhan 33

1he followlng cerLlflcaLlon courses elLher lndlvldually or ln comblnaLlon may be sufflclenL Lo meeL Lhe
quallflcaLlons crlLerla

O MlcrosofL CerLlfled SysLems Lnglneer MlcrosofL CerLlfled SoluLlon ueveloper CerLlfled LoLus
rofesslonal or CerLlfled novell Lnglneer (from 1997)
O CerLlfled ulrecLory Lnglneer from novell MasLer CerLlfled novell Lnglneer CerLlfled novell
lnsLrucLor Cl1LC CerLlfled Lnglneer or Cracle CerLlfled MasLer (from 2004)
O MlcrosofL CerLlfled rofesslonal ueveloper or MlcrosofL CerLlfled l1 rofesslonal (from 2007)
O CerLlfled lnformaLlon SysLems AudlLor or CerLlfled lnformaLlon SecurlLy Manager from lnformaLlon
SysLems AudlL and ConLrol AssoclaLlon (from 14 !une 2007)
O CerLlfled lnformaLlon SysLems SecurlLy rofesslonal from lnLernaLlonal lnformaLlon SysLems
SecurlLy CerLlflcaLlon ConsorLlum (from May 2008)
O MlcrosofL CerLlfled 1echnology SpeclallsL (from AugusL 2009)

age | 14

8ack Lo lnuLx

AppllcaLlons for Lhls group are for sklll assessmenLs submlLLed Lo Lhe ACS lndlcaLlng Lhe appllcanL ls seeklng
recenL skllled employmenL exempLlon under Lhe ulAC provlslons currenLly ln place for appllcaLlons meeLlng
Lhe AusLrallan sLudy requlremenL

8efer Lo ulAC CSM 8ookleL 1119

AppllcanLs should provlde evldence LhaL Lhey have a quallflcaLlon accredlLed as comparable Lo an
AusLrallan CuallflcaLlons lramework (ACl)

CuallflcaLlons lnclude
O 8achelor (undergraduaLe) degree or
O CraduaLe ulploma or
O Plgher degree level quallflcaLlon

1he quallflcaLlon can be obLalned from AusLralla or Cverseas and musL have a ma[or ln lC1 ln a hlghly
relevanL fleld Lo Lhe nomlnaLed occupaLlon AnZSCC Code

IC1 Ma[or
A ma[or ln a 8achelor degree musL have a mlnlmum of Lwo equlvalenL fullLlme semesLers of lC1 conLenL
Such lC1 conLenL musL progress Lhrough all years of Lhe program wlLh aL leasL one Lhlrd of lL belng aL a
demonsLrably advanced level (flnal year level)

A CraduaLe ulploma or MasLers degree LhaL does noL requlre an lC1 ma[or degree level quallflcaLlon or
equlvalenL for enLry belng subsLanLlally undergraduaLe ln conLenL musL
- ConLaln a mlnlmum of Lhree semesLers
- ConLaln a mlnlmum of Lwelve unlLs
- ConLaln Lwo semesLers of fullLlme equlvalenL lC1 conLenL
- 8e underplnned by an lC1 or nonlC1 degree level quallflcaLlon or an ACl Advanced ulploma or
ulploma equlvalenL
- Pave aL leasL one semesLer of lC1 sLudy aL a demonsLrably advanced level

A ma[or ln lC1 for a osL CraduaLe ulploma or hlgher degree quallflcaLlon LhaL requlres a degreelevel
quallflcaLlon ln lC1 or equlvalenL for enLry musL have an lC1 conLenL of aL leasL one Lhlrd all of whlch musL
be aL posL graduaLe level

uuraLlon of sLudy ls expressed for fullLlme sLudy Where sLudy ls compleLed aL a raLe less Lhan fullLlme
scallng Lo Lhe equlvalenL of fullLlme ls applled

8eferences for lC1 rofesslonal skllled employmenL may also be lncluded ln Lhe ASA AppllcaLlon lf
appllcanLs wlsh Lo have Lhelr professlonal lC1 experlence Laken lnLo conslderaLlon

age | 13

8ack Lo lnuLx
GkCU D (Unsu|tab|e)
AppllcanLs assessed as noL meeLlng Croup A 8 or C requlremenLs wlll be assessed as unsulLable

P/eose refer to the keview 4ppeo/ process for ony disputes reqordinq this resu/t

GkCU L (Unsu|tab|e)
AppllcanLs who do noL provlde sufflclenL documenLaLlon wlLhln Lhe speclfled Llme frame Lo enable Lhelr
skllls Lo be assessed wlll be assessed as unsulLable

All appllcaLlons recelvlng Lhls resulL are requlred Lo submlL a new appllcaLlon for any fuLure assessmenLs

age | 16

8ack Lo lnuLx

Leve| of ua||f|cat|ons I|e|d of study Sk|||ed emp|oyment
CuallflcaLlons assessed as
comparable Lo Lhe educaLlonal
level of an AusLrallan
CuallflcaLlons lramework (ACl)
8achelor (undergraduaLe)
degree or CraduaLe ulploma or
hlgher degree level quallflcaLlon
A ma[or ln lC1 hlghly relevanL Lo
Lhe nomlnaLed occupaLlon
AL leasL Lwo (2) years of full Llme
professlonal lC1 skllled
employmenL ln a fleld closely
relaLed Lo Lhe nomlnaLed
occupaLlon compleLed ln Lhe
seven (7) years before Lhe daLe
of appllcaLlon for Skllls

CuallflcaLlons assessed as
comparable Lo Lhe educaLlonal
level of an AusLrallan
CuallflcaLlons lramework (ACl)
8achelor (undergraduaLe)
degree or CraduaLe ulploma or
hlgher degree level quallflcaLlon
A ma[or ln lC1 noL hlghly
relevanL Lo Lhe nomlnaLed

AL leasL four (4) years of full Llme
professlonal lC1 skllled
employmenL ln a fleld closely
relaLed Lo Lhe nomlnaLed

age | 17

8ack Lo lnuLx

GkCU 8
Leve| of ua||f|cat|ons I|e|d of study Sk|||ed emp|oyment
CuallflcaLlons assessed as comparable Lo
Lhe educaLlonal level of an AusLrallan
CuallflcaLlons lramework (ACl) ulploma or
Advanced ulploma

8achelor (undergraduaLe) degree or
CraduaLe ulploma or hlgher quallflcaLlon
A ma[or ln lC1 hlghly relevanL
Lo Lhe nomlnaLed occupaLlon

A mlnor (subma[or) ln lC1
hlghly relevanL Lo Lhe
nomlnaLed occupaLlon
AL leasL flve (3) years of full
Llme professlonal lC1
skllled employmenL ln a
fleld closely relaLed Lo Lhe
nomlnaLed occupaLlon
compleLed ln Lhe Len (10)
years before Lhe daLe of
appllcaLlon for Skllls

CuallflcaLlons assessed as comparable Lo
Lhe educaLlonal level of an AusLrallan
CuallflcaLlons lramework (ACl) ulploma or
Advanced ulploma

8achelor (undergraduaLe) degree or
CraduaLe ulploma or hlgher quallflcaLlon
A ma[or ln lC1 noL hlghly
relevanL Lo Lhe nomlnaLed

A mlnor (subma[or) ln lC1
noL hlghly relevanL Lo Lhe
nomlnaLed occupaLlon
AL leasL slx (6) years of full
Llme professlonal lC1
skllled employmenL ln a
fleld closely relaLed Lo Lhe
nomlnaLed occupaLlon are

no lC1 8achelor wlLh aL leasL a mlnor (subma[or) ln lC1 or no
ulploma or Advanced ulploma wlLh a ma[or ln lC1 buL a
quallflcaLlon ln anoLher dlsclpllne whlch ls assessed as belng aL leasL
comparable Lo Lhe general educaLlonal level of an AusLrallan
CuallflcaLlons lramework (ACl) 8achelor (undergraduaLe) degree
or hlgher degree level quallflcaLlon AppllcaLlon Lhrough
8ecognlLlon of rlor Learnlng (8L)

no LerLlary quallflcaLlon
AppllcaLlon Lhrough 8ecognlLlon of rlor Learnlng (8L)
AL leasL slx (6) years of full Llme
professlonal lC1 skllled employmenL
ln a fleld closely relaLed Lo Lhe
nomlnaLed occupaLlon

AL leasL elghL (8) years of full Llme
professlonal lC1 skllled employmenL
ln a fleld closely relaLed Lo Lhe
nomlnaLed occupaLlon

age | 18

8ack Lo lnuLx

Leve| of ua||f|cat|ons I|e|d of study Sk|||ed emp|oyment
CuallflcaLlons comparable Lo
AusLrallan CuallflcaLlons
lramework (ACl) 8achelor
(undergraduaLe) degree or
CraduaLe ulploma or hlgher
degree level quallflcaLlon
A ma[or ln lC1 hlghly relevanL Lo
Lhe nomlnaLed occupaLlon
8ecenL skllled employmenL
exempLlon under Lhe ulAC
provlslons for appllcanLs who
meeL Lhe AusLrallan sLudy
* 8eferences for l1 professlonal
skllled employmenL may also be
lncluded ln Lhe ASA AppllcaLlon
lf appllcanLs wlsh Lo have Lhelr
professlonal lC1 experlence
Laken lnLo conslderaLlon

age | 19

8ack Lo lnuLx

Statement of Academ|c kecord
SLaLemenLs of academlc record (LranscrlpL) need Lo show Lhe names of all Lhe sub[ecLs sLudled and grades

8esulL sllps or web resulLs are noL accepLable

lease lnclude a legend" explalnlng Lhe gradlng sysLem Lo help clarlfy lnformaLlon

ua||f|cat|on Comp|eted but Graduate Cert|f|cate not awarded
ln cases where Lhe degree dlploma or cerLlflcaLe has noL been awarded an appllcanL ls requlred Lo provlde
an offlclal academlc LranscrlpL whlch clearly sLaLes Lhe appllcanL has meL all of Lhe course requlremenLs and
ls ellglble Lo be awarded Lhe quallflcaLlon

Vendor Cert|f|cat|on
AppllcanLs holdlng a professlonal or vendor cerLlflcaLlon (C l3 l1C MC1S eLc) ls requlred Lo provlde
cerLlflcaLlon valldaLlon lu wlLh a u8L llnk as a proof of cerLlflcaLlon Lo faclllLaLe verlflcaLlon of Lhe
auLhenLlclLy of Lhe cerLlflcaLlon

Sub[ect Lxempt|ons
lf Lhe unlverslLy has granLed exempLlons or advanced sLandlng ln any lC1 sub[ecLs Lhe appllcanL should
submlL Lhe documenLs on whlch Lhe exempLlons were based (eg 1AlL dlploma academlc record or resulL
sllps supporLlng crosslnsLlLuLlonal sLudy aL anoLher unlverslLy)

1he ACS acknowledges Lhe auLonomy of hlgher educaLlon provlders ln granLlng credlL Lransfer or
recognlLlon of prlor learnlng ln Lhelr own programs buL sLlll requlres documenLaLlon of exempLlons for
assessmenL quallLy guldellnes

1hes|s or kesearch ro[ect Abstract
When Lhe quallflcaLlon lncludes a Lhesls or research pro[ecL an absLracL of Lhe Lhesls or research pro[ecL
should be lncluded 1he absLracL should be endorsed by Lhe prlmary supervlsor where posslble 1he name
of Lhe unlverslLy and Lhe daLe of Lhe Lhesls publlcaLlon/pro[ecL compleLlon should appear on Lhe fronL page
of Lhe absLracL

age | 20

8ack Lo lnuLx

lor assessmenL purposes all quallflcaLlons held by an appllcanL wlll be consldered

Accred|ted and kecogn|sed Degrees

Accred|ted degree means a degree awarded by a unlverslLy Lo a sLudenL who successfully compleLed a
program of sLudy ln lC1 whlch program ls recognlsed afLer a documenLaLlon revlew and accredlLaLlon vlslL
by Lhe ACS

AccredlLaLlon ls valld for sLudenLs enrolllng unLll Lhe end of Lhe year speclfled ln Lhe llsL of AccredlLed
unlverslLy Courses for each course

unless oLherwlse sLaLed accredlLaLlon applles only Lo Lhe AccredlLed unlverslLy Courses conducLed aL Lhe
named campuses and locaLlons

kecogn|zed degree means a degree normally awarded by a forelgn educaLlonal lnsLlLuLlon afLer
successful compleLlon of a program of sLudy ln lC1 whlch program has been

O accredlLed by Lhe responslble accredlLlng body ln LhaL counLry whlch ls a slgnaLory Lo Lhe Seoul
Accord or

O LvaluaLed by Lhe ACS as belng equlvalenL Lo a degree accredlLed by Lhe ACS or a slgnaLory of Lhe
Seoul Accord 1hese programs do noL appear on Lhe llsL of quallflcaLlons formally recognlzed under
Lhe Seoul Accord

1hrough Lhe Seoul Accord Lhe slgnaLorles recognlze Lhe equlvalence of Lhe preparaLlon of graduaLes of
compuLlng educaLlon programs accredlLed by Lhe slgnaLorles for professlonal compuLlng pracLlce aL Lhe
enLry level

lf an appllcanLs degree falls ln one of Lhe caLegorles referred Lo above Lhe appllcanL wlll be assessed as
meeLlng quallflcaLlon requlremenLs

lf an appllcanLs degree does noL fall ln one of Lhe caLegorles referred Lo above Lhe ACS wlll use Lhe currenL
AusLrallan LducaLlon lnLernaLlonalnaLlonal Cfflce of Cverseas Skllls 8ecognlLlon (ALlnCCS8) CounLry
LducaLlon roflles (CL) Lo esLabllsh Lhe educaLlonal level of Lhe quallflcaLlons held by Lhe appllcanL
CuallflcaLlons oLher Lhan Lhose llsLed ln Lhe relevanL CL are assessed lndlvldually

A 8achelor or hlgher degree course underLaken by an appllcanL granLed advanced sLandlng credlL(s) or
exempLlon(s) wlll only be regarded as underLaken where ln Lhe oplnlon of Lhe ACS credlL(s) or
exempLlon(s) are glven for equlvalenL sub[ecLs (parLlcularly ln Lerms of l1 conLenL) Laken aL an equlvalenL
educaLlonal level ln an lnsLlLuLlon of equlvalenL academlc sLandlng

no advanced sLandlng credlL or exempLlon glven on Lhe basls of quallflcaLlons from overseas wlll be
consldered ln relaLlon Lo an AusLrallan CraduaLe ulploma or hlgher degree quallflcaLlons

age | 21

8ack Lo lnuLx

1he purpose of kL |s to prov|de app||cants w|thout an IC1 educat|ona| qua||f|cat|on the opportun|ty to
demonstrate that they have acqu|red a |eve| of know|edge equ|va|ent to that of a forma| tert|ary IC1

1here are two (2) caLegorles appllcable for 8L appllcaLlons

3 AppllcanLs wlLh a non lC1 LerLlary quallflcaLlon

O AppllcanLs requlre a mlnlmum of s|x (6) years of full Llme professlonal lC1 skllled
employmenL ln a fleld c|ose|y re|ated Lo Lhe nomlnaLed occupaLlon AnZSCC Code

O rovlde proven knowledge of skllled employmenL Lhrough deLalled documenLaLlon (See
AssessmenL of Skllled employmenL)

O CompleLe Lhe ACS key Areas of knowledge documenL SecLlons 24 of ASA (8L)

O CompleLe two (2) pro[ecL reporLs (conLalned wlLhln Lhe ACS key Areas of knowledge documenL)

4 AppllcanLs wlLh no LerLlary quallflcaLlons

O AppllcanLs requlre a mlnlmum of s|x (6) years of full Llme professlonal lC1 skllled
employmenL ln a fleld c|ose|y re|ated Lo Lhe nomlnaLed occupaLlon AnZSCC Code

O AppllcanLs also requlre an addlLlonal two (2) years of lC1 skllled employmenL buL ln Lhls
lnsLance lL ls noL requlred Lo be relevanL Lo Lhe AnZSCC code (1hls equaLes Lo Lhe equlvalenL of a
ulploma sLudy perlod belng Lhe mlnlmum quallflcaLlon requlremenL)

O rovlde proven knowledge of skllled employmenL Lhrough deLalled documenLaLlon (See
AssessmenL of Skllled employmenL)

O CompleLe Lhe ACS key Areas of knowledge documenL SecLlons 24 of ASA (8L)

O CompleLe two (2) pro[ecL reporLs (conLalned wlLhln Lhe ACS key Areas of knowledge documenL)

AppllcanLs are requlred Lo demonsLraLe LhaL Lhey have acqulred a level of knowledge equlvalenL Lo LhaL of
a formal LerLlary lC1 quallflcaLlon by addresslng as many of Lhe areas referred Lo ln Lhe documenL key
Areas of knowledge" Lhey conslder are covered by Lhelr acqulred knowledge

age | 22

8ack Lo lnuLx
kL kCILC1 kLCk1S

AppllcanLs are requlred Lo provlde Lwo pro[ecL reporLs Cne reporL musL perLaln Lo a pro[ecL underLaken
wlLhln Lhe lasL Lhree years and Lhe oLher reporL Lo a pro[ecL wlLhln Lhe lasL flve years ro[ecLs over Lwo
years long may be used for boLh reporLs under elLher of Lhe followlng condlLlons

O 1he pro[ecL has clearlydeflned work efforLs whlch Look place ln parallel each wlLh lLs own soluLlon
developmenL and deslgn acLlvlLles and lLs own dellverables

O 1he pro[ecL has clearlydeflned phases LhaL were execuLed ln successlon each wlLh lLs own soluLlon
developmenL and deslgn acLlvlLles and dellverables
Note tbot o secooJ ptoject pbose tbot coosttocts ooJ lmplemeots tbe solotloo JevelopeJ by tbe fltst pbose
Joes oot meet tbls tepoltemeot

uependlng on Lhe naLure of Lhe appllcanL's role ln a pro[ecL Lhe pro[ecL reporL would be expecLed Lo cover
a selecLlon of facLors such as

O SysLem analysls and deslgn and sofLware englneerlng meLhodologles used
O ConLrlbuLlon Lo Lhe processes lnvolved ln Lhe deslgn and lmplemenLaLlon of enLerprlsewlde
compuLer sysLems
O rogrammlng languages deslgn paradlgms and lmplemenLaLlon procedures adopLed
O uaLabase and/or flle deslgn and managemenL Lechnlques employed
O neLwork Lopologles lncludlng slze dlsLrlbuLlon and securlLy faclllLles lnsLalled
O ro[ecL managemenL and quallLy assurance Lechnlques followed
O lnLerneL appllcaLlon deslgn lncludlng daLabase lnLeracLlvlLy and securlLy measures lmplemenLed
O lC1 managerlal acLlvlLles demonsLraLlng Lhe naLure and exLenL of responslblllLles

App||cants must comp|ete and s|gn a DLCLAkA1ICN CI AU1nCkSnI for each pro[ect report

age | 23

8ack Lo lnuLx

ln order Lo be counLed Lowards Lhe appllcanL's sulLablllLy skllled employmenL musL be boLh of a sulLable
lC1 professlonal level and lC1 conLenL

Skllled employmenL wlll be assessed ln relaLlon Lo Lhe nomlnaLed occupaLlon AnZSCC code

1he duraLlon of employmenL requlres speclflc sLarL and flnlsh daLes (monLh/year) and a declaraLlon
wheLher Lhe work was fullLlme or parLLlme ln naLure arLLlme work ls counLed on a proraLa basls wlLh
38 hours or more per week belng consldered as fullLlme

lL ls lmporLanL LhaL all references are speclflc as Lo Lhe naLure of duLles performed by Lhe appllcanL and
skllls applled on Lhe [ob

verlflable sLaLemenLs from employers are requlred Lo supporL employmenL as an lC1 professlonal
uocumenLaLlon needs Lo be speclflc Lo Lhe work performed wlLh daLes and deLalls of employmenL

Skllled employmenL documenLaLlon or references should descrlbe Lhe duLles and responslblllLles of Lhe
appllcanL as sLaLed by Lhe employer lf Lhese are unclear elLher more documenLaLlon wlll be requlred
whlch wlll prolong Lhe appllcaLlon processlng Llme or may noL be counLed ln Lhe assessmenL

SLaLemenLs musL be daLed and slgned by Lhe employer or a person auLhorlsed by Lhe employer (Lhe name
poslLlon and conLacL deLalls of Lhe person maklng Lhe sLaLemenL musL be clearly lndlcaLed) and musL
lnclude deLalls of Lhe exacL perlods of employmenL and a full and deLalled descrlpLlon of Lhe naLure and
conLenL of work Where posslble sLaLemenLs should be on company leLLerhead

ln Lhe absence of a deLalled descrlpLlon of duLles from an employer an appllcanL may submlL a reference
from a colleague preferably aL a supervlsory level or a cllenL ln Lhe form of a sLaLuLory declaraLlon
descrlblng Lhe naLure of Lhelr relaLlonshlp wlLh Lhe appllcanL and supplylng deLalls of Lhe duLles performed
and relevanL daLes of employmenL Selfreferences from appllcanLs even ln Lhe naLure of sLaLuLory
declaraLlons wlll noL be accepLed as evldence of employmenL

Where Lhe duLles relaLed Lo any perlod of employmenL are assessed as belng only parLly aL a professlonal
level or only parLly relevanL Lo Lhe appllcanLs nomlnaLed occupaLlon a percenLage of Lhe perlod of
employmenL may be lncluded ln Lhe assessable experlence

volunLeer work can be consldered alongslde pald work where Lhere ls a speclflc conLracL ln place wlLh a
duLy sLaLemenL and references supplled osLquallflcaLlon lnLernshlps may be consldered lf Lhls work ls aL
a sulLable professlonal level

Work expressed Lo be aL Lralnee or [unlor level ls also noL normally consldered unless Lhe appllcanL has
already acqulred a quallflcaLlon whlch would have served as a means of obLalnlng Lhe skllls needed Lo
perform Lhe duLles

uuLles lnvolvlng Lhe assembllng or repalrlng compuLers aL an operaLor level lnsLalllng and updaLlng
manufacLurersupplled sofLware daLa enLry and lnLeracLlon wlLh sofLwarebased commerclal sysLems are
noL normally consldered Lo be aL a professlonal level

Pardware assembly cabllng and repalr compuLer operaLlng daLa enLry or codlng clerlcal admlnlsLraLlve
lnLeracLlon wlLh compuLer appllcaLlons eLc are noL regarded as lC1 professlonal level employmenL

age | 24

8ack Lo lnuLx

lf you are or have been selfemployed you musL provlde evldence of occupaLlon speclflc selfemploymenL

1he evldence should lnclude
O a personal sLaLemenL on a properly slgned sLaLuLory declaraLlon provldlng deLalls on
4 Lhe exacL commencemenL and compleLlon daLe of each perlod of selfemploymenL
4 Lhe occupaLlon ln whlch you were self employed
4 Lhe naLure and conLenL of Lhe work Lasks you personally performed
4 Lhe number of sLaff employed and Lhelr occupaLlons
4 your buslness reglsLraLlon cerLlflcaLe coverlng each perlod of selfemploymenL
O a sLaLemenL on leLLerhead from your accounLanL or legal represenLaLlve cerLlfylng Lhe name and
naLure of your buslness Lhe exacL daLes of Lhe perlod of selfemploymenL and Lhe capaclLy ln whlch
you have been self employed
O sLaLemenLs from suppllers conflrmlng Lhe naLure of your buslness daLes of Lradlng perlods deLalls
of Lhe maLerlal or equlpmenL purchased and Lhe Lypes of maLerlal or equlpmenL supplled
O sLaLemenLs from your cllenLs coverlng Lhe enLlre perlod sLaLlng number of days hours worked
and full deLalls of Lhe work
O evldence of any llcenslng or reglsLraLlon and Lhe prerequlslLes Lo obLaln Lhe llcence or reglsLraLlon
O 8elevanL documenLaLlon LhaL supporLs Lhe exlsLence and purpose of Lhe buslness 1hls may lnclude
lnformaLlon such as cerLlfled coples of adverLlslng or promoLlonal maLerlal (lncludlng lnLerneL
adverLlslng eLc)


AppllcanLs wlll recelve a resulL leLLer sLaLlng wheLher Lhelr skllls are SulLable" or unsulLable" as an lC1
rofesslonal ln relaLlon Lo Lhe AZnSCC code crlLerla and accordlng Lo Lhe documenLaLlon provlded by Lhe

8esulL leLLers are senL vla 8eglsLered osL or Courler 1he 1racklng number for leLLers posLed or senL vla
courler wlll be advlsed Lo Lhe appllcanLs emall lease dlrecL all dellvery lnqulrles Lo AusLralla osL afLer
emall recelpL of Lracklng number

8esulL leLLers are valld for 1 year from Lhe daLe of lssue

8esulL leLLers for recenL skllled employmenL exempLlon appllcaLlons are valld for 2 years from Lhe daLe of

age | 23

8ack Lo lnuLx

1he formal revlew and appeal process ls for appllcanLs LhaL are noL saLlsfled wlLh Lhe ouLcome of Lhelr

AppllcanLs are requlred Lo submlL a revlew or appeal appllcaLlon Lo have Lhelr dlspuLe formally acLloned

- A revlew appllcaLlon ls for cases when addlLlonal lnformaLlon ls provlded by Lhe appllcanL or Lhe
appllcaLlon ls assessed under a dlfferenL nomlnaLed occupaLlon AnZSCC code 1he revlew ls a re
assessmenL by a senlor assessor ln whlch Lhe appllcanL can lnclude furLher lnformaLlon and documenLaLlon
Lo supporL Lhe case ln llne wlLh Lhe nomlnaLed occupaLlon We are unable Lo refund Lhe revlew appllcaLlon
fee ln Lhls lnsLance

- An appeal appllcaLlon ls for cases when Lhe appllcanL dlsagrees wlLh Lhe resulL of Lhe assessmenL or
Lhe conLenL of Lhe resulL leLLer An appeal wlll conducL a new assessmenL wlLh a senlor assessor of Lhe
orlglnal documenLaLlon and ls sLrlcLly an appeal agalnsL Lhe orlglnal assessmenL rullng ln llne wlLh Lhe
nomlnaLed occupaLlon Cnly orlglnal documenLaLlon can be lncluded ln Lhe appeal assessmenL and no new
lnformaLlon or documenLaLlon can be submlLLed ln Lhls lnsLance lf Lhe appeal concludes LhaL Lhe
appllcaLlon has been lncorrecLly assessed by ACS a full refund of your appeal fee wlll be provlded lf Lhe
appeal remalns as orlglnally assessed a refund of Lhe fee wlll noL apply

1he ACS ls commlLLed Lo Lhe hlghesL quallLy sLandards ln conducLlng assessmenLs wlLh lnLegrlLy and
professlonallsm ln provldlng a formal appeal and revlew process for all appllcanLs regardlng Lhe dlspuLe of
assessmenL resulL ouLcomes

AparL from Lhe formal revlew appeal process Lhere ls no course of acLlon LhaL Lhe ACS can Lake ln
resolvlng dlspuLaLlons regardlng assessmenL ouLcomes lor all revlews and appeals please submlL Lhe
approprlaLe form for an efflclenL resoluLlon Lo Lhe maLLer

age | 26

8ack Lo lnuLx

keasons for kev|ews
O Change of nomlnaLed occupaLlon AnZSCC Code lf you wlsh Lo change your AnZSCC Code you can
apply for a revlew afLer your resulL leLLer has been forwarded Lo you
O ou have addlLlonal lnformaLlon LhaL was noL lncluded ln Lhe lnlLlal assessmenL appllcaLlon
O lull revlew of assessmenL

8evlews wlll be assessed by a senlor assessor

8evlews can only be processed wlLhln 60 days of Lhe daLe of Lhe orlglnal assessmenL resulL leLLer

A revlew fee ls payable for all revlew assessmenLs

lease provlde addlLlonal lnformaLlon Lo supporL your appllcaLlon for assessmenL revlew

A revlew cannoL be compleLed lf Lhe resulL leLLer has already been used for MlgraLlon purposes

1o submlL a revlew please compleLe an AppllcaLlon for 8evlew of ASA slgn and mall Lo

Deputy D|rector
C 8ox S34
ueen V|ctor|a 8u||d|ng

lease sLaLe your reference number ln all correspondence and lnclude Lhe 8evlew lee

1he revlew fee ls nonrefundable

age | 27

8ack Lo lnuLx

P/eose Note No oew lofotmotloo ot Jocomeototloo coo be sobmltteJ fot oppeols lf tbe oppllcoot bos
oJJltloool lofotmotloo ot Jocomeototloo to sobmlt pleose tefet to tbe tevlew ptocess

keasons for Appea|s

O 1he appllcanL dlsagrees wlLh Lhe grounds for an unsulLable assessmenL
O 1he appllcanL dlsagrees wlLh a formal noLlflcaLlon of Lhe assessmenL ouLcome

1he appeal fee wlll only be refunded lf Lhe appeal ls successful ln favour of Lhe appllcanL

Appeals can only be processed wlLhln 60 days of Lhe daLe of Lhe orlglnal resulL leLLer

An appeal cannoL be compleLed lf Lhe resulL leLLer has already been used for MlgraLlon purposes

1o submlL an Appeal please compleLe an AppllcaLlon for lormal Appeal of ASA CuLcome slgn and mall Lo

Deputy D|rector
C 8ox S34
ueen V|ctor|a 8u||d|ng

lease sLaLe your reference number ln all correspondence and lnclude Lhe Appeal lee

lease lnclude deLalled reasons why you belleve Lhe orlglnal ouLcome ls noL approprlaLe ln your case

Cnly one appeal can be made per case


8easons for reassessmenL
O AppllcaLlon prevlously assessed as sulLable under Lhe old guldellnes (eg lM 2 Culdellnes)
9leose oote tbot tbe ossessmeot wlll be boseJ oo oot cotteot qolJelloes
O AppllcaLlon prevlously assessed as unsulLable and Lhe appllcanL now meeLs Lhe guldellnes
lease submlL a new appllcaLlon

AppllcanLs seeklng recenL skllled employmenL exempLlon please noLe LhaL once your quallflcaLlon has
explred you can only be assessed ln Lhls caLegory agaln lf you have slnce compleLed a new quallflcaLlon
LhaL meeLs Lhe crlLerla

revlous appllcanLs do noL need Lo provlde all documenLs agaln

1o apply for a reassessmenL please provlde
O A new appllcaLlon form
O ApproprlaLe paymenL
O Copy of prevlous assessmenL leLLer (or Lhe reference number)
age | 28

O CurrenL ldenLlflcaLlon lf you have been lssued a new passporL
O AddlLlonal documenLaLlon
8ack Lo lnuLx

A revalldaLlon appllcaLlon ls for cases where Lhe resulL leLLer due daLe ls abouL Lo explre or has explred
before Lhe appllcaLlon for a vlsa can be lodged

P/eose note lf tbe ptevloos skllls ossessmeot oppllcotloo wos tecelveJ befote 1
of Ioly 2010 o oew skllls
ossessmeot oppllcotloo ls tepolteJ

lease lndlcaLe on Lhe paymenL secLlon of your appllcaLlon form LhaL you are applylng for a revalldaLlon

lease noLe LhaL lf you do noL speclfy you are applylng for a revalldaLlon Lhe full fee wlll be charged

1o apply for a revalldaLlon please provlde
O 8evalldaLlon appllcaLlon form
O Copy of prevlous resulL leLLer (or Lhe reference number)
O verlflable lndependenL evldence of your ldenLlLy and daLe of blrLh such as a blrLh cerLlflcaLe or
O verlflable lndependenL evldence of change of name (lf appllcable) 1hls would lnclude a Marrlage
CerLlflcaLe or a ueed oll noLlce
O 8evalldaLlon paymenL

age | 29

8ack Lo lnuLx
lease refer Lo Lhe ACS rlvacy ollcy for full deLalls


Coples of appllcaLlon documenLs submlLLed Lo ACS can be access by Lhe appllcanL as parL of Lhe rlvacy AcL

8equesLs for documenLs need Lo be ln wrlLlng Lo Lhe followlng addresses

Austra||an Computer Soc|ety
1he Nat|ona| Cff|ce
Leve| 11 S0 Carr|ngton St

Austra||an Computer Soc|ety
C 8Ck S34 V8

lmporLanL resLrlcLlons apply regardlng Lhe Lypes of documenLs avallable under lreedom of lnformaLlon AcL

Lxcluded documenLs lnclude

O LxempL documenLs such as lnLernal worklng documenLs or documenLs affecLlng Lhe personal
prlvacy of oLher people
O uocumenLs whlch are already publlcly avallable or avallable by paylng a fee under anoLher AcL

1he lreedom of lnformaLlon AcL provldes 43 days Lo provlde access Lo requesLed documenLs or an
explanaLlon lf access has been denled

8equesL for lnformaLlon lee

lease use Lhe followlng form Lo submlL a requesL

AppllcaLlon for Access under Lhe lreedom of lnformaLlon AcL

age | 30

8ack Lo lnuLx

lnformaLlon provlded Lo Lhe ACS may be used for daLa maLchlng wlLh oLher AusLrallan CovernmenL
agencles such as Lhe ueparLmenL of LducaLlon LmploymenL and Workplace 8elaLlons ueparLmenL of
lmmlgraLlon and ClLlzenshlp and Lhe AusLrallan 1ax Cfflce

Mlsleadlng and false lnformaLlon or documenLs are vlewed as a ma[or breach of eLhlcal behavlour and may
serlously [eopardlse mlgraLlon prospecLs


AppllcanLs musL always lndlcaLe when Lhey have drawn on Lhe work of oLhers oLher people's orlglnal ldeas
and meLhods should be clearly dlsLlngulshed and oLher people's words lllusLraLlons dlagrams eLc should
be clearly lndlcaLed regardless of wheLher Lhey are copled exacLly paraphrased or adapLed lallure Lo
acknowledge Lhe sources by clear clLaLlon and referenclng consLlLuLes plaglarlsm

1he ACS reserves Lhe rlghL Lo use sofLware appllcaLlons Lo screen an appllcanL's submlLLed work for
maLches elLher Lo publlshed sources or Lo oLher submlLLed appllcaLlons ln some cases appllcanLs may be
asked Lo submlL elecLronlc coples of pro[ecL reporLs and oLher wrlLLen work submlLLed wlLh Lhe ASA
appllcaLlon for screenlng by plaglarlsm deLecLlon servlces MaLches mlghL lndlcaLe plaglarlsm or colluslon

lf aL any sLage ln Lhe assessmenL process plaglarlsm ls deLecLed Lhe assessmenL wlll be LermlnaLed and Lhe
ouLcome recorded as negaLlve 1hls lnformaLlon may be provlded Lo oLher AusLrallan CovernmenL
agencles ln Lhls lnsLance a refund of Lhe fee cannoL be provlded

age | 31

8ack Lo lnuLx

1he ACS ls auLhorlsed as a relevanL Assesslng AuLhorlLy for lC1 skllls occupaLlons as llsLed on Lhe Skllled
CccupaLlons LlsL (SCL)

1he ACS ls deslgnaLed by Lhe MlnlsLer for lmmlgraLlon ln accordance wlLh 8egulaLlon 2268 (1) of Lhe
MlgraLlon 8egulaLlons 1994 (CommonwealLh 8egulaLlons) (Lhe 8egulaLlons)

8egulaLlon 2268 (2) of Lhe 8egulaLlons provldes Lhe AuLhorlLy for ACS Lo deLermlne aL lLs sole dlscreLlon
Lhe sLandards agalnsL whlch Lhe skllls of a person are assessed as belng sulLable for Lhelr nomlnaLed


AppllcanLs are requlred Lo choose a nomlnaLed occupaLlon AnZSCC code by whlch Lhe lC1 quallflcaLlons
and skllled employmenL wlll be assessed (AnZSCC Code uescrlpLlons)

1he AnZSCC codes are occupaLlonal classlflcaLlons devlsed by Lhe AusLrallan 8ureau of SLaLlsLlcs and used
by ulAC ulAC deLermlnes Lhe occupaLlons lncluded ln Lhe Skllled CccupaLlons LlsL (SCL) ln con[uncLlon wlLh
advlce from Skllls AusLralla 1he SCL ls perlodlcally updaLed ln accordance wlLh AusLrallan labour markeL

As Lhe relevanL assesslng auLhorlLy Lhe ACS has seL sLandards by whlch Lhe lnformaLlon and
CommunlcaLlon 1echnology (lC1) rofesslonal occupaLlons skllls are assessed ACS ls only able Lo advlse
appllcanLs ln relaLlon Lo lC1 skllls assessmenLs lor all mlgraLlon and vlsa relaLed enqulrles please conLacL
Lhe ueparLmenL of lmmlgraLlon ClLlzenshlp (ulAC) on wwwlmmlgovau


Austra||an Computer Soc|ety
Skllls AssessmenLs ACS Membershlp ACS AccredlLaLlon

Informat|on for work study or m|grat|on to Austra||a
AusLrallan CovernmenL ueparLmenL of lmmlgraLlon and ClLlzenshlp (ulAC)

Informat|on on occupat|on codes
Skllls AusLralla Summary SheeLs AZnSCC ueflnlLlons AusLrallan CuallflcaLlons lramework (ACl)

Informat|on on the Demograph|cs of Austra||a
AusLrallan 8ureau of SLaLlsLlcs (A8S)

Austra||an Government webs|tes and se|ected state and terr|tory resources
AusLrallan CovernmenL

Informat|on regard|ng M|grat|on Agents
MlgraLlon AgenLs 8eglsLraLlon AuLhorlLy (MA8A)

Internat|ona| Lducat|on Sector
AusLrallan CovernmenL ueparLmenL of LducaLlon LmploymenL and Workplace 8elaLlons (uLLW8)

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