HR Project

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Wou|d you p|ease g|ve me a h|nt about the company's prof||e

and answer me those quest|ons

1 WhaL's Lhe companys name who owns lL and whaL are lLs buslnesses and
operaLlons (ln ueLalls)?
2 WhaL's Lhe mlsslon and vlslon of Lhe company?
3 WhaL are lLs shorL and long Lerms fuLure plans and whaL's lLs
organlzaLlonal sLrucLure?
4 WhaL ls Lhe number of employees ln Lhe P8 ueparLmenL?
3 WhaL ls Lhe sLrucLure of Lhls deparLmenL (P8)?
6 Pow ls P8M sLraLegy affecLed by Lhe company's corporaLe sLraLegy (vlslon
and mlsslon)?
7 Pow ls recrulLmenL affecLed by Lhe company's corporaLe sLraLegy?
8 WhaL ls Lhe naLure of recrulLmenL?
9 WhaL are Lhe exLernal and lnLernal lnfluences and envlronmenL of
10WhaL do you Lhlnk are Lhe pros and cons of recrulLmenL?

1hanks ln advance

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