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Nestle milkman bringing you the very best in health, wellness and nutrition. It is known their goodness and pure natural taste. Milkman fulfills 20% iron, 41% calcium, 18% vitamin A and 20% vitamin C. the competitors of nestle milkman is Good milk, Olphers milk and haleeb milk. Nestle products are available in every city and town. It is using latest technology in its production. Milkman was identified by its green and white packaging, the color of the country and offered a brand backed with the strongest equity of nestle coupled with its own traditional heritage. Haleeb was recognized as the blue band and professed to have the naturally thickest milk.


When Engross launched Olphers many Pakistans food industry thought that it ultimately fail. It cannot be unable to challenge. However the result is bran across the globe. Branding experts could not imagine how Olphers could distance itself from its company. Olphers went in red color. A color far moved from the green and blue that had become. Opposite with packed milk. Olpers customer create a whole new perceptual niche for Olphers. The colors are helped to enhance the presence for Olphers packaged milk and the brand was instantly disassociated from its competition. The Olphers brand identity across various media outlets. Olphers became the all purpose milk and could be consumed with breakfast or tea. It involves to reaching out the different location in various cities. Olphers customer relationship is another ongoing BTL based program, which intends to create and maintain loyalty amongst the brands users. Olphers come up with competition milkman respond with campaign the positive equity of its brand and has a largely focused on a message of health and strength through quality milk. It is very strong in consumer quality perception. Our monthly mind taste tests show that consumers rate Olpher,s significantly higher than milkpak and haleeb. With Olphers Engro food has established a strong regional presence and intends to increase that foot print over the next few years. Olphers continues to understand its consumers and follow through on that knowledge. Price of Olphers and its competitors are almost same so base of competition is quality and purity.

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