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Lng||sh Leve| 1est

lease choose one opLlon for each quesLlon

1 now o|d are you?
A l have 27 years old
8 l have 27 years
C l am flne
u l am 27 years old

2 ne went to the Stad|um
A wlLh Laxl
8 by Laxl
C on Laxl
u ln Laxl

3 now |ong have you been ||v|ng |n London?
A for 7 years
8 aL leasL 7 years
C slnce 7 years
u 7 years ago

4 We havent got money
A a loL
8 some
C any
u many

A Pe llke golng Lo Lhe movles
8 Pe llkes golng Lo Lhe movles
C Pe llked go Lo Lhe movles
u Pe llke Lhe movles
eter f|y to San Iranc|sco tomorrow
A Lo golng
8 goes Lo
C ls golng Lo
u go Lo

7 ne p|ays soccer
A on Wednesdays
8 ln Wednesdays
C aL Wednesdays
u by Wednesdays

8 some more coffee?
A uo you?
8 uo you llke?
C ?oud llke
u Would you llke?

9 I wanted a green sh|rt but they on|y had
A a one whlLe
8 one whlLe
C a whlLe
u a whlLe one

10 ne never been to Amer|ca
A does
8 has
C havenL
u hadnL

A 8lchard usually arrlves laLe
8 8lchard laLe arrlves usually
C 8lchard laLe usually arrlves
u 8lchard usually laLe arrlves

12 1he house was empty 1here there
A wasnL nobody
8 was anybody
C was somebody
u was nobody

13 If I were r|ch I buy a house on the beach
A wlll
8 would
C should
u wlsh

14 When she arr|ved he
A already lefL
8 has already lefL
C had already lefL
u lefL

1S I forgot the ||ghts before I |eft
A Lo Lurn off
8 puL off
C Lurnlng off
u shoL

1 8y the t|me you f|n|sh the c|ass I
A wlll have lefL
8 leave
C golng Lo leave
u would lefL

17 1he room cant be d|rty she
A ls [usL clean lL
8 have [usL cleaned lL
C [usL clean lL
u has [usL cleaned lL

18 ne p|ays soccer ?
A donL he?
8 does he?
C lsnL he?
u doesnL he?

19 If on|y I to the party |nstead of stay|ng at home
A wenL
8 had gone
C dld go
u have gone

20 nas Mrs Sm|th arr|ved ?
A yeL
8 sLlll
C now
u already

21 Wendy |s au| to get up now
A Lelllng
8 saylng
C saylng Lo
u Lelllng Lo

22 nave you sent that |etter to Mr 1ay|or? es Ive done that
A sLlll
8 yeL
C already
u now

23 Its no use to h|m ne doesnt ||sten
A speaklng
8 Lo speak
C spoke
u have spoken

24 1h|s |s the g|r| I met on 1hursday
A whom
8 whlch
C whaL

2S |s your house from here?
A Pow much
8 Pow long
C Pow far
u Pow many

2 ou can watch 1V you ||ke
A whenever
8 soon
C always
u whaLever

27 1h|s house |s qu|te o|d It |n 1910
A bullL
8 was bullL
C bulld
u has bullL

28 She go to schoo| yesterday
A musL
8 had Lo
C oughL Lo
u should have

29 1hats the of my worr|es |t|| never happen
A fewer
8 less
C lasL
u leasL

30 Dont me I|| be back |ate
A hope for
8 walLlng for
C expecL
u walL for

31 1he |ady |n the corner |s my aunt
A whose
8 ls slLLlng
C slLs
u slLLlng

A Pe used Lo play chess very ofLen
8 Pe uses play chess very ofLen
C Pe was played chess very ofLen
u Pe dldnL playlng chess very ofLen

33 ne doesnt ||ke what to do
A Lold
8 sald
C havlng sald
u belng Lold

34 I |t doesnt ra|n tomorrow Im go|ng for a p|cn|c
A walL
8 expecL
C hope
u wlsh

3S I thought you
A wlll come Lo Lhe parLy
8 were comlng Lo Lhe parLy
C come Lo Lhe parLy
u have come Lo Lhe parLy

3 ne remembers be|ng to the fa|r as a ch||d
A vlslLed
8 broughL
C Laken
u shown

37 I|n|sh|ng a course |s a|ways
A saLlsfylng
8 saLlsfacLlon
C saLlsfles
u saLlsfled

38 She worked hard yesterday and f|n|sh everyth|ng
A can
8 was able Lo
C ls hard
u leL

A Ask her when wlll be ready Lhe food
8 Ask her when Lhe food wlll be ready
C Ask her when wlll Lhe food ready be
u Ask her when wlll be Lhe food ready

A 1haLs a brown aLLracLlve leaLher coaL
8 1haLs a brown leaLher coaL aLLracLlve
C 1haLs an aLLracLlve leaLher brown coaL
u 1haLs an aLLracLlve brown leaLher coaL

41 I w|sh I a car Im t|red of catch|ng the bus
A have
8 had
C would have
u had had

42 eter can eat as twenty oranges |n one s|tt|ng
A so many
8 so much
C as many
u as much

43 I know he d|dnt thank you but he have done so
A should
8 may
C musL
u would

44 I wont go to the c|nema you come w|th me
A excepL
8 oLherwlse
C unless
u Lherefore

4S ne wrote the |etter he d|dnt need anybodys he|p
A on hls own
8 by hls own
C on hlmself
u by hls ownershlp

4 note| rooms must be by noon
A vacaLed
8 evacuaLed
C abandoned
u leave

47 ou can take the book w|th you you g|ve |t back
A as well as
8 as Llme as
C as far as
u as long as

48 Lets go watch the game
A wlll we?
8 shall we?
C leL us?
u donL we?

49 I need to f|n|sh th|s Ir|day
A durlng
8 by
C unLll
u aL

S0 After many years of research they found the so|ut|on
A aL Lhe end
8 aL lasL
C by Lhe end
u on Lhe end

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