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1hls pro[ecL was proposed ln order Lo lmprove Lhe lnfrasLrucLure and servlces avallable Lo Lhe
communlLy of urok 2 SlLlo Cuadalupe 1hus we propose Lhe SlLlo Cuadalupe lnfrasLrucLure and 8aslc
Servlces LnhancemenL" pro[ecL ln response Lo Lhe enhancemenL of baslc needs of Lhe communlLy ln
Lhls pro[ecL a new walLlng shed wlll be placed beslde Lhe communlLy chapel and wlll serve as a mulLl
purpose sLrucLure 1he presence of Lhls walLlng shed wlll be of greaLer use Lo Lhe communlLy Cnce
erecLed lL wlll serve as a meeLlng place an addlLlonal space for Lhe communlLy chapel or a slmple hang
ouL area durlng hoL scorchlng days for weary lndlvlduals lurLhermore lL can be used as a sancLuary for
sLranded lndlvlduals ln cases of heavy downpour and naLural occurrences
1he hlghllghL of our proposal also placed emphasls on baslc servlces LhaL would provlde a long
Lerm beneflL for Lhe communlLy ln accompanlmenL Lo Lhe lnfrasLrucLure lnlLlaLlves Lhe pro[ecL also
enLalls communlcaLlon wlLh Lhe local governmenL Lo provlde a beLLer elecLrlclLy connecLlon and Lhe
dlsLrlbuLlon of sLreeL llghLs Lo dark areas of Lhe communlLles lf accompllshed Lhe communlLy wlll be
glven more securlLy due Lo Lhe presence of adequaLe llghL and a sLable connecLlon noL only ln Lhe
physlcal and crlmlnal aspecL buL also ln Lhe assurances of safeLy agalnsL flres and accldenLs due Lo faulLy
elecLrlcal connecLlons
Moreover Lhe pro[ecL wlll also be accompanled by LuLorlal servlces Lo Lhe sLudenLs ln Lhe
communlLy lL wlll alm Lo sLrengLhen and supplemenL Lhe sLudenLs' lnLeresLs wlLh regards Lo educaLlon
as well as boosLlng Lhelr knowledge and experlences Lhrough exerclses supplemenLal lessons and
enLerLalnlng personal sesslons whlch unllke classroom seLLlngs are more relaxed and casual 1he
sLudenLs' parLlclpaLlon and lnLeresLs wlll also be rewarded wlLh free school supplles


8y Lhe end of Lhe flve (3) consecuLlve SaLurdays Lhe pro[ecL proposal enLlLled SlLlo Cuadalupe
lnfrasLrucLure and 8aslc Servlces LnhancemenL" wlll have
a LrecLed a mulLlpurpose shed beslde Lhe communlLy chapel
b lnlLlaLed a communlcaLlon llne Lo Lhe local governmenL regardlng elecLrlc connecLlon and
llghL posL dlsLrlbuLlon LhroughouL Lhe communlLy
c 1uLored aL leasL 20 sLudenLs and dlsLrlbuLed school supplles Lo Lhe parLlclpaLlng sLudenLs
AL Lhe end of flve (3) consecuLlve SaLurdays Lhe proposed pro[ecL enLlLled lnfrasLrucLure and
8aslc Servlces LnhancemenL had already
a 8ullL Lhe walLlng shed for varlous purposes (eg meeLlngs gaLherlngs)
b 1aughL Lhe chlldren ln Lhe communlLy ln Lhelr academlc pursulL
c 8ecelved an approval from local governmenL unlL and Lhe elecLrlc power dlsLrlbuLor parLlcularly
uavao LlghL and ower Company
d ConducLed a culmlnaLlng acLlvlLy aL Lhe lasL SaLurday of lmmerslon
1he pro[ecL proposal enLlLled SlLlo Cuadalupe lnfrasLrucLure and 8aslc Servlces LnhancemenL
lnvolves acLlvlLles such as
a Asklng Lhe communlLy for asslsLance wlLh labor asslsLance for Lhe efflclency of Lhe proposed

b Securlng a formal leLLer Lo Lhe local governmenL Lo Lhe barangay capLaln and Lo Lhe uLC for
Lhe employmenL of sLreeL llghLs
c Canvasslng for acLual cosL of Lhe maLerlals needed for Lhe consLrucLlon of walLlng shed and
oLher expendlLures
d LvaluaLlng or assesslng Lhe Leam wlLh Lhe supervlslon of Lhe urok leader Mrs Leonora uullln
1he pro[ecL proposal enLlLled SlLlo Cuadalupe lnfrasLrucLure and 8aslc Servlces LnhancemenL
assumes facLors such as team effort and team management commun|ty response f|nanc|a|
capab|||t|es and resource management
1eam Lffort and 1eam Management 1he maln facLor Lo Lhe success of Lhe proposal would be
Lhe overall teom effott and teom moooqemeot 1he efflclency and lndlvldual capablllLles of each Leam
member ls puL lnLo conslderaLlon roper alloLmenL of Lasks Lo lndlvlduals and Lhe efforL LhaL Lhey puL
lnLo Lhe asslgned Lasks would affecL Lhe overall ouLcome of Lhe proposal
Commun|ty kesponse A prlmary facLor Lo Lhe success of Lhe proposal would be Lhe
nommooltys response Lo Lhe sald pro[ecL A poslLlve response such as Lhe wllllngness of Lhe communlLy
Lo parLlclpaLe ln Lhe sald acLlvlLles and ald from Lhe local governmenL offlclals and communlLy occupanLs
would conLrlbuLe much Lo Lhe ease of lmplemenLaLlon Lhus conLrlbuLlng Lo Lhe overall success of Lhe
|nanc|a| Capab|||t|es and kesource Management 1he lmplemenLaLlon of Lhe pro[ecL would be
greaLly affecLed by Lhe flooonlol nopobllltles and tesootne moooqemeot of Lhe Leam CerLaln flnanclal
lnadequacles may lead Lo fallure of lmplemenLaLlon of cerLaln parLs ln Lhe proposal oslLlve response
from sponsorshlps and sollclLaLlons would be needed Lo compensaLe for such

A8LLl1A 8L? u 1uLorlal servlces lecLures and formallLles
AC8A !CSLP ?Z8ALL 8 lormallLles leLLers forms and exLernal relaLlons
ALlCL8 !CPn lLLlx lood approprlaLlon and resource alloLmenL
ALLL8 !uS1lnL MA8lLL 8 lannlng and monlLorlng of acLlvlLles
AnuC? k8lS1lL A8l C 8udgeL approprlaLlon and audlLlng
A8ClLLA WlLLlAM ALLAn C hoLos vldeos wrlLLen documenLaLlon
A8SLnlC !LSPL8 !CSPuA l Canvasslng and acqulslLlon of maLerlals venue reservaLlons
8ALuCAnAC uAnlLC !8 8 Canvasslng and acqulslLlon of maLerlals venue reservaLlons
8AnCA LMMAnuLL ALLxlS C Cverall managemenL and monlLorlng of Lasks

1able 1 ro[ecL lmplemenLaLlon lan
1eam Members
urok Leader
ro[ecL roposal
uecember 10

1he pro[ecL wlll be
approved by Lhe
urok leader

1utor|a| Serv|ces
ln monlLorlng Lhe progress of our pro[ecL lL wlll be done Lhrough a weekly reporL 1he weekly
reporL wlll conLaln Lhe deLalls of Lhe progress such as Lhe Llme and daLe of Lhe acLlvlLles done SLubs wlll
be glven Lo each chlld Lo organlze Lhe acLlvlLles planned Lach LuLor wlll be held responslble for aL leasL
flve chlldren 1here wlll be dlfferenL LuLors for dlfferenL year levels AfLer every sesslon a group meeLlng
wlll be done ln order Lo keep Lrack of Lhe Lasks done by each member LvaluaLlon of Lhe group and
ourselves wlll be followed Lo flnd ouL lf Lhere ls a need for lmprovemenL ln aLLendlng Lo Lhe acLlvlLles

Ja|t|ng Shed
ln monlLorlng Lhe progress of our pro[ecL lL wlll be done Lhrough a weekly reporL 1he weekly
reporL wlll conLaln Lhe deLalls of Lhe progress such as Lhe Llme and daLe of Lhe acLlvlLles done 1here wlll
be before and afLer plcLures of Lhe progress of Lhe pro[ecL for easy monlLorlng and documenLaLlon of
Lhe developmenL 1asks wlll be dlvlded among members of Lhe group and wlll be checked from Llme Lo
Llme AfLer every sesslon a group meeLlng wlll be done ln order Lo keep Lrack of Lhe Lasks done by each
member LvaluaLlon of Lhe group and ourselves wlll be followed Lo flnd ouL lf Lhere ls a need for
lmprovemenL ln Lhe speed of work
Street L|ght
ln Lhls pro[ecL leLLers wlll be senL Lo Lhe mayor barangay capLaln and uavao LlghL lnc 1hls
leLLer wlll serve as guldance and help for our pro[ecL We wlll ask help from Lhe governmenL and uavao
LlghL lnc Lo aLLend Lo Lhe need of sLreeL llghLs Lo Lhe place lrom Llme Lo Llme we wlll ask for Lhe
progress of our requesL and Lake documenL Lhe developmenL

AC1lvl1lLS 1lML l8AML
1 roblem analysls daLa gaLherlng and
1sL SaLurday none
2 Legal processlng of requesL 2nd SaLurday aperwork none
Academlc LuLorlal servlces and acLlvlLles
for chlldren
(lrom 2nd Lo
maLerlals snacks
ConsLrucLlon of walLlng shed rd SaLurday
Wood nalls
rooflng maLerlals
3 llnlshlng Louches for Lhe consLrucLlon of
Lhe walLlng shed
Lh SaLurday
alnL palnL
6 resenLaLlon of Lhe pro[ecL and
Lhanksglvlng program for Lhe communlLy
3Lh SaLurday
lood decoraLlons
cerLlflcaLes prlzes
1oLal CosL

Changed Lhe sLrucLure of acLlvlLles for Lhe budgeL proposal
Slashed some of Lhe prlces Lo reduce overall cosL
ClarlflcaLlons are marked ln yellow

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