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O Auxlllary vlews are a Lype of orLhographlc pro[ecLlon used Lo deLermlne Lhe Lrue slze and shape of lncllned and
obllque surfaces of ob[ecLs
O -ormally auxlllary vlews are pro[ecLed from exlsLlng prlnclpal vlews
O owever auxlllary vlews can also be drawn flrsL and Lhen used Lo creaLe a prlnclpal vlew 1hls ls done when a
Lrue measuremenL can only be obLalned by an auxlllary vlew and LhaL measuremenL ls needed ln order Lo creaLe
a prlnclpal vlew 1hls Lechnlque ls called reverse consLrucLlon
O Any number of auxlllary vlews of an ob[ecL can be creaLed Successlve auxlllary vlews can be creaLed by
pro[ecLlng from an exlsLlng auxlllary vlew

Auxlllary vlews are creaLed by poslLlonlng a newllne of slghL relaLlve Lo Lhe ob[ecL lL ls posslble Lo creaLe any number of
auxlllary vlews lncludlng anew auxlllary vlew from an exlsLlng auxlllary vlew
O A prlmary auxlllary vlew ls a slngle vlew pro[ecLed from one of Lhe slx prlnclpal vlews A
O Secondary auxlllary vlew ls a slngle vlew pro[ecLed from a prlmary auxlllary vlew A
O 1erLlary auxlllary vlew ls a slngle vlew pro[ecLed from a secondary or anoLher LerLlary auxlllary vlew
Auxlllary vlews are used Lo deLermlne Lhe Lrue slze and shape of feaLures LhaL would appear foreshorLened ln any of Lhe
prlnclpal vlews 1he appllcaLlons for auxlllary vlews can be grouped lnLo Lhe followlng flve areas

O everse consLrucLlon
O 1rue lengLh of a llne
O 9olnL vlew of a llne
O dge vlew of a plane
O 1rue slze of a plane

lor some ob[ecLs an auxlllary vlew musL be creaLed before a prlnclpal vlew can be drawn uslng a Lechnlque
called tevetse coosttoctloo

Auxlllary vlews can be used Lo draw a vlew ln a speclfled dlrecLlon 1o cteote o vlew of oo object lo o speclfleJ
Jltectloo floJ tbe polot vlew of tbe lloe of slqbt

A d|hedra| ang|e ls Lhe angle beLween Lwo planes ueLermlnlng Lhe Lrue measuremenL of a dlhedral angle ls a
common appllcaLlon for auxlllary vlews

Success|ve aux|||ary v|ews are mulLlple auxlllary vlews of an ob[ecL creaLed by pro[ecLlng from prevlous auxlllary
vlews Successlve auxlllary vlews can be used Lo draw an obllque surface ln Lrue slze and shape

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