Co Proximal

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Drug name CO-PROXIMAL General details A combination analgesic consisting of the non-opiate paracetamol and the opiate dextropropoxyphene

(similar action to morphine). Co-proximal is used for chronic mild to moderate pain that has not responded to paracetamol and non-narcotic drugs.

Drug class Narcotic analgesic Opiate analgesic Combination analgesic Trade names Distalgesic Cosalgesic

How taken Tablets

Dosage 250 - 1000 mg/day

Duration of action 6 - 8 hours

Availability POM

Side effects Symptom

considerations Occurrence Common Common Rare Rare Rare Be careful when the patient is getting up from the bench (because this drug can cause postural hypotension), allow the patient to move from supine, to sitting, to standing to allow time for the body to adjust. If taken with oral anticoagulant drugs may increase the risk of bruising and bleeding; in these cases low force techniques would be advisable. Dietary advice None

Dizziness / light-headedness Nausea and vomiting Constipation Euphoria Rash

Other drug interactions Will increase the effectiveness of sleeping, anti-anxiety and anti-depressant drugs.

Special precautions Do not suddenly stop taking the drug if taken for more than four weeks. Avoid alcohol. Risk of respiratory suppression or liver damage if overdosed. If overdose suspected seek immediate medical attention.

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