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Torturing Primates in the Name of Science

Recently obtained federal reports reveal that Princeton University has been hit with an Official Warning by the USDA for recent Animal Welfare Act (AWA) violations. Photographs & documents leaked by a Princeton insider paint a grim picture of what goes on inside the Princeton Labs. USDA records reveal that on June 1, 2011 USDA/APHIS issued an Official Warning against Princeton University for inadequate veterinary care and inadequate supervision of experimental protocols by Princetons Institutional Animal Care & Use Committee. A separate federal report documents that 1/3 of the primates in the labs at Princeton may be missing fingers or toes. Princetons pattern of animal abuse as revealed in federal reports and by the whistleblower clearly demonstrate a total disregard for animals and for the law, said Michael A. Budkie, A.H.T., Executive Director, SAEN. We are determined to make sure this abuse ends. Shirley M. Tilghman President Princeton University Princeton, NJ 08544 Phone: 609.258.6101

Torturing Primates in the Name of Science
Recently obtained federal reports reveal that Princeton University has been hit with an Official Warning by the USDA for recent Animal Welfare Act (AWA) violations. Photographs & documents leaked by a Princeton insider paint a grim picture of what goes on inside the Princeton Labs. USDA records reveal that on June 1, 2011 USDA/APHIS issued an Official Warning against Princeton University for inadequate veterinary care and inadequate supervision of experimental protocols by Princetons Institutional Animal Care & Use Committee. A separate federal report documents that 1/3 of the primates in the labs at Princeton may be missing fingers or toes. Princetons pattern of animal abuse as revealed in federal reports and by the whistleblower clearly demonstrate a total disregard for animals and for the law, said Michael A. Budkie, A.H.T., Executive Director, SAEN. We are determined to make sure this abuse ends. Shirley M. Tilghman President Princeton University Princeton, NJ 08544 Phone: 609.258.6101

For more information contact: Stop Animal Exploitation Now Phone: 513-575-5517 or e-mail:

For more information contact: Stop Animal Exploitation Now Phone: 513-575-5517 or e-mail:

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