Attique Ahmad: Human Resources Information System

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Attique Ahmad

Human Resources Information System

Why HRIS ?
Todays Manager

Why HRIS? Running a company is much more complicated than it used to be, in many significant ways. Demands on the time and effort of company executives are higher than ever before, yet employee needs are higher as well.

What is it?
Development of HR function
From record keeping to information management

Concepts of 1960s Growing significance of computers in HR 1980s the Revolution Different Names of HRIS

Job/Position/ Organization and other supporting Data Employee / Applicant / Terminee Data



C o m p u t e r System

Human Resource Information System

Staff Policies & Procedures Manual Operations M a n a g e m e n t



Areas of HRIS
Personal employee information Wages and salaries Review dates Benefits Education & training Attendance Performance appraisal Self service

Advantages of HRIS
Increased data accuracy Increased processing speed Useful results
Computer assisted application screening Career planning Succession planning Organization charting

Increase productivity
Increase workforce quality Eases regulatory compliance Control expenses

Do we need a system?

Phase-4 Implementation Reviews

Phase-1 Planning

Go/ No Go

Phase-5 System Maintenance & Evaluation

Phase-2 Sys: Design

Make/ Buy

Phase-3 Procurement/ Development

The five phases of HRIS development

Planning an HRIS
Planninng phases
Requirements definition or need analysis Feasibility Functional and technical system design Software selection, adaptation, or development System implementation

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