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391 ConnecLlon 8oad Mooloolah

hone 3494 7617

Lmall [wood322[eqeduau

Jordan Woodward
@o compleLe year 12 and aLLaln Lhe necessary
quallflcaLlons Lo enLer Lhe l@ lndusLry
parLlcularly ln Lhe area of gamlng and
sofLware developmenL

rlmary LducaLlon Chancellor SLaLe College
Senlor LducaLlon Chancellor SLaLe College
(currenLly sLudylng ?ear 11)
O CerLlflcaLe 1 ln 8uslness
O CerLlflcaLe 1 ln llnanclal Servlces
O CerLlflcaLe 2 ln 8uslness
O CerLlflcaLe 1 ln l@
O CerLlflcaLe 2 ln l@

100 ln Lhe lndlvldual secLlon of Sunshlne
CoasL MaLhemaLlcs @ournamenL
llrsL place Leam compleLlon Sunshlne CoasL
MaLhemaLlcs @ournamenL
SelecLlon for Chancellor SLaLe College
Sunshlne CoasL 8obocup compeLlLlon
@op 8and achleved for numeracy ln @he
naLlonal AssessmenL rogram

Camlng C xbox 360 S3
Comedy 8lg 8ang @heory Cood news Week
l@ @esLlng
8ugby League

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