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Lovely Professional University,Punjab

Format For Instruction Plan [for Courses with Lectures and Tutorials

Course No ELE101


Course Planner 14709 :: Subrahmanyam Tanala

Lectures Tutorial Practical Credits 4 1 0 5

Text Book:

1 Hughes, Electrical & Electronic Technology ,10th Edition, Pearson Publishers

Other Specific Book:

2 A.P. Malvino, Electronic Principles, 3rd TMH Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 12th Printing, 2006. 3 Mittle VN, Basic Electrical Engineering, Tata McGraw Hill Publications 4 Elements Of Electronic Instrumentation And Measurements by Joseph J. Carr, 3rd edition, Pearson Publishers

Other Reading Sr No Jouranls atricles as compulsary readings (specific articles, Complete reference)

Relevant Websites Sr. No. (Web adress) (only if relevant to the courses) 5 6 7 Salient Features RLC Circuits Transformer Type and operation Field effect Transistor

8 Basic laws /default.htm 9 sensors 10 Resistive transducer

Detailed Plan For Lectures

1 Approved for Autumn Session 2011-12

Week Number Lecture Number Lecture Topic

Chapters/Sections of Pedagogical tool Textbook/other Demonstration/case reference study/images/anmatio n ctc. planned

Part 1
Week 1 Lecture 1 Introduction to electric circuit elements,Active and passive elements,independent and dependent sources,relation between electric current, voltage, power and energy, and their units Resistivity,Ohm's law and kirchhoff's laws ->Reference :1,chapter2 ->Reference :3,chapter1 ->Reference :3,chapter1 ->Reference :1,2.8 ->Reference :1,3.6 ->Reference :1,3.8 ->Reference :1,3.4 ->Reference :3,chapter1 ->Reference :1,3.1-3.3 and 4.3-4.6 ->Reference :3,chapter2 ->Reference :1,3.1-3.3 and 4.3-4.6 ->Reference :3,chapter2

Lecture 2

Lecture 3 Lecture 4

Ohm's law and kirchhoff's laws series and parallel circuits and circuit simplification techniques

Week 2

Lecture 5

series and parallel circuits and circuit simplification techniques

Lecture 6

series and parallel circuits and circuit simplification techniques

Lecture 7 Lecture 8 Week 3 Lecture 9 Lecture 10 Lecture 11 Lecture 12 2

Star-delta transformation techniques Star-delta transformation techniques Introduction to sinusoidal functions, Instantaneous current, voltage, power, their significance and uses average and rms values, phasors and complex quantities addition and subtraction of two phasor quantities representation of alternating quantities in phasor diagrams

->Reference :1,4.10 ->Reference :3,2.8

->Reference :1,9 ->Reference :3,7

->Reference :1,9 ->Reference :3,7.4 Approved for Autumn Session 2011-12

Week 4

Lecture 13

concept of Impedance, real and reactive power, Power factor and its significance

->Reference :1,12 ->Reference :3,8

Part 2
Week 4 Lecture 14 Lecture 15 Lecture 16 Week 5 Lecture 17 Lecture 18 Lecture 19 Lecture 20 Week 6 Lecture 21 Lecture 22 Lecture 23 Lecture 24 simple problems on impedance triangle and power factors Admittance,conductance and susceptance Analysis of single phase ac circuits: Series RL circuit, Series RC circuit Series RLC circuit example problems on series AC circuits Parallel RL, and RC Circuits Parallel RLC circuit Resonance in AC circuits and its significance and applications resonance in series RLC circuit resonance in parallel RLC circuit Introduction to 3-phase balanced circuits,Relation between phase and line quantities in star and delta connections phase sequence and power in 3-phase balanced circuits Introduction to magnetic circuits and circuit elements, comparison between electric and magnetic circuits, self and mutual inductance Electromagnetic induction, Faraday's laws ->Reference :3,10 ->Reference :1,14 ->Reference :3,9.3 ->Reference :1,14 ->Reference :3,9 ->Reference :1,11 ->Reference :3,9 ->Reference :1,12 ->Reference :3,8 ->Reference :1,13.4 ->Reference :1,10 ->Reference :3,8 ->Reference :1,10 ->Reference :3,8

Week 7

Lecture 25 Lecture 26

->Reference :3,10 ->Reference :1,7 ->Reference :3,5

Lecture 27

->Reference :1,6.86.11 ->Reference :3,6

Lecture 28

self and mutually induced emfs

Approved for Autumn Session 2011-12

Week 8 Lecture 29 Lecture 30 Lecture 31 Lecture 32 Week 9 Lecture 33 Introduction to transformers, types, construction, principle of operation, function and EMF equation phasor diagrams: transformer on no-load and full load efficiency, simple problems on efficiency, OC and SC test applications of transformer in power and communication sectors Electrical measuring instruments: Introduction to analog instruments, voltmeter,ammeter,wattmeter and energy meter Moving coil and moving iron type instruments and its operation,dynamometer type wattmeter potentio meter, errors in meters Introduction to sensors and its types ->Reference :1,>Reference 4 chapter 13 ->Reference :1,>Reference 4 chapter 13 ->Reference :1,47 ->Reference :3,11 ->Reference :1,34 ->Reference :3,22

Lecture 34 Lecture 35 Lecture 36

Week 10

Lecture 37

Introduction to transducers and its classification

Part 4
Week 10 Lecture 38 Resistive & inductive transducers ->Reference :1,>Reference 4 chapter 13

Lecture 39

Principle and operation of LVDT and its application

Lecture 40

Capacitive transducers

Week 11

Lecture 41 Lecture 42

Semiconductor theory,Drift and Diffusion current, majority and minority current Semiconductor diode characteristics

->Reference :1,19 ->Reference :3,26

Approved for Autumn Session 2011-12

Week 11

Lecture 43

Diode applications, Half wave and full wave rectifiers. Introduction to bipolar junction transistor, CB and CE configurations, active, cut-off and saturation regions Transistor applications zener diode, characteristics zener diode applications, power supply modules

->Reference :1,19 ->Reference :3,26 ->Reference :1,20 ->Reference :1,21 ->Reference :3,26 ->Reference :1,21 ->Reference :3,26 ->Reference :1,20

Lecture 44

Week 12

Lecture 45 Lecture 46 Lecture 47 Lecture 48

Introduction to MOSFET,Structure of MOSFETs and ->Reference :1,22 its operation

Spill Over
Week 13 Lecture 49 Lecture 50 Digital electronic ammeters and wattmeters BJT and FET amplifiers ->Reference :1,46 ->Reference :1,2

Details of homework and case studies

Homework No. Objective Topic of the Homework Nature of homework (group/individuals/field work Group Group Evaluation Mode Allottment / submission Week 4/4 8/8

Quiz 1 Quiz 2

objective/descriptiv Problems on Laws of Electrical engg., Problems on AC Circuit e type Analysis objective/descriptiv Problems on series and parallel RL,RC,RLC circuits,resonance e type (series and parallel) Problems on Transformers and Electrical measuring instruments objective/descriptiv Problems on Diode applications, transistor characteristics, e type Regulated Power supplies,FET and MOSFETs

correcting the Quiz correcting the Quiz correcting the Quiz

Quiz 3


12 / 12

Scheme for CA:out of 100*

Component Quiz Frequency 2 Total :Out Of 3 Each Marks Total Marks 10 10 20 20

Approved for Autumn Session 2011-12

* In ENG courses wherever the total exceeds 100, consider x best out of y components of CA, as explained in teacher's guide available on the UMS

Plan for Tutorial: (Please do not use these time slots for syllabus coverage)
Tutorial No. Lecture Topic Type of pedagogical tool(s) planned (case analysis,problem solving test,role play,business game etc)

Tutorial 1 Tutorial 2 Tutorial 3 Tutorial 4 Tutorial 5 Tutorial 6 Tutorial 7

Ohm's law and Kirchhoff's laws Mesh and nodal analysis Star-Delta transformation Impedance, real and reactive power, Power factor Series and parallel circuits,RLC Circuits RLC Circuits,Resonance Magnetic circuits

Problem solving Problem solving Problem solving Problem solving Problem solving Problem solving Problem solving

After Mid-Term
Tutorial 8 Tutorial 9 Tutorial 10 Tutorial 11 Tutorial 12 Transformer Efficiency Moving iron and moving coil instruments Transducers Semiconductor Diode,Rectifiers Trasistor CB,CE configurations and power supply modules(zener diode applications) Problem solving Problem solving Problem solving Problem solving Problem solving

Approved for Autumn Session 2011-12

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