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1ype LexL

rof aula Mel[erlnk

Landscape A8CP 373
8y Mlrna Wasef
ulu 260420392

TiansCanauakeystone Pipeline

Mlrna Wasef Arch 373Landscape 11/11/11
$1 1

WheLher you are an englneer an envlronmenLallsL an economlsL or [usL a worklng clLlzen you probably
sLand ln a wlde specLrum of oplnlons regardlng Lhe recenL 1rans Canada plpellne LhaL has been
lmplemenLed along Lhe unlLed SLaLes and Lhe Canadlan border 1he keysLone lpellne SysLem ls an
underground sysLem Lo Lransfer synLheLlc crude oll and dlluLed blLumen from Lhe ALhabasca Cll Sands ln
norLheasLern AlberLa Canada Lo be reflned ln llllnols and Cklahoma and furLher Lo Lhe uS Culf CoasL
lL conslsLs of Lhe funcLlonlng keysLone lpellne and Lhe proposed keysLone xL plpellne 1he pro[ecL has
ralsed a loL of conLroversy among several envlronmenLallsL groups llke lrlends of Lhe LarLh who sLrongly
belleve LhaL Lhls ls an envlronmenLal dlsasLer abouL Lo occur and among economlsLs and englneers who
belleve LhaL Lhls pro[ecL would greaLly beneflL Lhelr counLy ln several ways
lnlLlally 1ransCanada publlshed lLs sLrongesL argumenL LhaL 'consLrucLlon of Lhe plpellne would provlde
poslLlve conLrlbuLlons Lo Lhe uS economy valued aL over $20 bllllon' Lhls should 'advance uS energy
securlLy wlLh Lhe ongolng beneflL Lo Lhe uS economy of a more sLable source of conslsLenL energy
1he llsL of beneflLs supporLed by Lhe erryman Croup sLudy lnclude 'more Lhan 118000
personyears employmenL' 'an lncrease of $63 bllllon ln Lhe personal lncome of Amerlcans 'more Lhan
$383 mllllon ln sLaLe and local Laxes ln Lhe sLaLes along Lhe plpellne rouLe'
CpLlmlsLlcally Lhe AssoclaLed
Ceneral ConLracLors (ACC) urge Lo approve Lhe keysLone xL ro[ecL clalmlng LhaL Lhe developmenL of
keysLone xL presenLs a unlque opporLunlLy Lo sLrengLhen our naLlonal securlLy provlde greaLer energy
securlLy for Amerlcans and creaLe [obs ln Lhe unlLed SLaLes" wroLe 1oby L Crow LxecuLlve vlce
resldenL of Lhe SouLh uakoLa ACC
lL's hard Lo say 'nC' Lo such asLoundlng lmprovemenLs Lo Lhe

keysLone WashlngLon
keysLone WashlngLon
keysLone connecLlon exLra uS speclal edlLlon
Mlrna Wasef Arch 373Landscape 11/11/11
3$1 1

Moreover wlLh more Lhan 30 years of experlence '1ransCanada ls a leader ln Lhe responslble
developmenL and rellable operaLlon of norLh Amerlcan energy lnfrasLrucLure lncludlng naLural gas and
oll plpellnes power generaLlon and gas sLorage faclllLles'
Moreover Lhe keysLone xL would have a
hlgher degree of safeLy over any oLher exlsLlng uS plpellne Accordlng Lo Lhe federal governmenLs
envlronmenLal lmpacL sLaLemenL 1ransCanada monlLors lL's plpellne sysLem Lhrough a cenLrallzed hlgh
Lech cenLer and uses saLelllLe Lechnology LhaL sends daLa every flve seconds Lo ensure LhaL lf a drop ln
pressure ls deLecLed keysLone can lsolaLe any secLlon of lLs plpellne by remoLely closlng any of Lhe
hundreds of valves on Lhe sysLem wlLhln mlnuLes Lo mlnlmlze Lhe volume and lmpacL of a splll Cn Lhe
oLher hand Lhe rouLe cholce for keysLone xL was supporLed on a 'comprehenslve assessmenL of Lhe
rlsks lmpacLs and feaslblllLy' a Lwoyear process LhaL was gulded by Lhe condlLlons of Lhe naLlonal
LnvlronmenLal roLecLlon AcL

1ransCanada ensures a worrled socleLy LhaL 'Lhe olls are noL corroslve Lo sLeel' and LhaL Lhey wlll
LransporL oll Lypes LhaL wlll 'noL creaLe a rlsk of desLroylng Lhe plpellne from wlLhln and causlng leaks'
1hey also rheLorlcally asked why would we consLrucL a $13 bllllon plpellne sysLem only Lo puL
someLhlng ln lL Lo desLroy lL?" and Lhey furLher relnforced Lhls by clalmlng LhaL 'a recenL assessmenL of
crude oll quallLy by Lhe flrm Crude CuallLy lnc lncludlng corroslon poLenLlal has been provlded Lo Lhe
uS deparLmenL of SLaLe' 1hey add on LhaL Lhey have ensured LoLal ellmlnaLlon of fallure Lhrough a hlgh
Lech 'fuslon bond epoxy coaLlng and an acLlve caLhodlc proLecLlon' whlch places a small currenL on Lhe
plpe prevenLlng loss of meLal due Lo corroslon
1ransCanada verlfles LhaL Lhe 'Llme Lo shuL down Lhe plpellne has been accuraLely reflecLed and ls
conslsLenL wlLh Lhe plpellne record' Lhey furLher proved LhaL ln a recenL leak lncldenL ln May 2011 Lhey
'managed Lo lsolaLe Lhe pump sLaLlons ln under Len mlnuLes' 1hls really assures Lhe publlc LhaL safeLy

keysLone WashlngLon advlsory
We need crude oll plpellnes by Andrew black and uavld holL [ournalsLarcom
Mlrna Wasef Arch 373Landscape 11/11/11
4$1 1

lssues are sclenLlflcally consldered and any ma[or leaks are ln conLrol 1hey clalm LhaL Lhelr hlsLorlcal
daLa ls accuraLe for Lhey used a 'more deLalled assessmenL of Lhe causes of lncldenLs' carefully
evaluaLlng Lhe plpellne pro[ecL agalnsL each LhreaL Lo esLabllsh 'an accuraLe rlsk proflle' 1hey add on
LhaL Lhe pro[ecL 'would have a degree of safeLy greaLer Lhan any Lyplcally consLrucLed domesLlc oll
plpellne sysLems'
1hey have also sLaLed LhaL Lhey have used 'rlsk based assessmenLs LhaL are lndusLry
leadlng meLhods Lo quanLlLy fallure frequency'
ensurlng LhaL 'Lo proLecL Lhe publlc and Lhe envlronmenL
lL ls requlred Lo consLrucL operaLe malnLaln lnspecL and monlLor Lhe plpellne ln compllance wlLh Lhe
PMSA regulaLlons' whlch ls responslble for proLecLlng Lhe Amerlcan publlc and envlronmenL

Llkewlse Andrew 8lack presldenL CLC of Lhe AssoclaLlon of Cll lpe Llnes and uavld PolL presldenL of
Lhe Consumer Lnergy Alllance sLaLed our ma[or dependence on oll as our source of energy for
LransporL heaLlng elecLrlclLy eLc and added LhaL 'plpellnes are Lhe safesL meLhod of movlng oll safer
Lhan Lankers Lrucks or rall by a wlde margln' as leaks wlll be easler Lo deLecL and conLrol 1hey furLher
provlde facLs LhaL 'each day ln Lhe unlLed SLaLes more Lhan 200000 mlles of plpellnes move oll and
oLher energy producLs safely' and LhaL Lhere are '21000 mlles of plpellnes already crosslng nebraska
lncludlng 3000 mlles of hazardous llquld plpellnes' lacLs ensure LhaL Lhe spllls along llquld plpellnes
have sharply decreased from 'Lwo lncldenLs per Lhousand mlles ln 19992001 Lo 08 lncldenLs per
Lhousand mlles ln 20032007' a shocklng decllne of 60 percenL even Lhough volumes of Canadlan crude
oll have lncreased
So why worry?
WlLh all Lhese proflL and beneflLs lL becomes very LempLlng Lo [umpsLarL bulldlng Lhe keysLone plpellne
however whaL awalLs us lf Canada exLracLed all of Lhe peLroleum ln lLs rlch AlberLa oll sands reglon? lL

keysLone summary by Lhe unlLed SLaLes ueparLmenL of SLaLe 8ureau of Cceans and lnLernaLlonal LnvlronmenLal and SclenLlflc Affalrs

keysLone washlngLon
We need crude oll plpellnes by Andrew black and uavld PolL [ournalsLarcom
Mlrna Wasef Arch 373Landscape 11/11/11
S$1 1

ls essenLlally game over wroLe !ames L Pansen who leads nASAs Coddard lnsLlLuLe for Space SLudles
1he blLumen excavaLed from Lhe Lar sands musL elLher be sLrlpmlned or melLed and pumped up afLer
Lhe ground has been heaLed wlLh sLeam for several monLhs and boLh forms of Lar sands exLracLlon
fragmenL and demollsh Lhe 8oreal foresL kllllng nesLlng mlgraLory blrds and many oLher specles
Moreover Lhe consLrucLlon sequence of Lhe plpellne ls lnLenslve lL dlsrupLs Lhe landscape and scars lL
forever Loxlc wasLe from Lhe mlnlng operaLlons ls Lo be sLored ln vasL manmade dams called 'Lalllngs
ponds' LhaL already cover slxLyflve square mlles
1hese ponds affecL blrds and ecosysLems kllllng
around 1600 ducks ln 2008
1he process also requlres Lhree barrels of fresh waLer for every barrel of
oll produced because Lhe dlrL musL be washed ouL
WhaL wlll happen Lo our landscape? WhaL do we
do wlLh all Lhe man made Loxlc dams creaLed?

AgalnsL Lar sands plpellne by n8uC
230 more ducks dead ln Lar sands Lalllng ponds by Carrle La Seur
8ellance on oll sands grows desplLe envlronmenLal rlsks by Cllfford krauss and LllsabeLh 8osenLhal new ?ork 1lmes
llg ! 1yplcal lpellne ConsLrucLlon Sequence
Mlrna Wasef Arch 373Landscape 11/11/11
6$1 1

AL a Llme when Lhe economy ls on Lhe verge of dlsasLer one would hang on Lo any soluLlon Lo sLablllze lL
buL should we lncrease our dependence on oll aL a Llme when sclenLlsLs around Lhe world are calllng for
us Lo dramaLlcally LranslLlon away from fossll fuels Lo avold caLasLrophlc cllmaLe change? Should we alm
Lo 'lock Lhe unlLed SLaLes lnLo a dependence on hardLoexLracL oll and generaLe a masslve expanslon of
Lhe desLrucLlve Lar sands oll operaLlons ln Canada?'
Cr are we almlng Lo creaLe a 'clean energy
1he keysLone WashlngLon advlsory proudly clalms LhaL 'Lhe lpellne SysLem ls expecLed Lo
provlde flve per cenL of currenL uS peLroleumconsumpLlon needs and represenL nlne per cenL of uS
peLroleum lmporLs'
however ual Lama along wlLh several oLher nobel laureaLes slgned an appeal Lo
Cbama sLaLlng we urge you Lo say nC Lo Lhe plan proposed by Lhe Canadlanbased company
1ransCanada" lncludlng LhaL Lhls wlll be your legacy Lo Amerlcans and Lhe global communlLy energy
LhaL susLalns Lhe llves and llvellhoods of fuLure generaLlons

Wouldn'L lL be smarLer Lo sLarL Lackllng Lhe problem from lLs base? 1he n8uC belleves LhaL Lhe unlLed
SLaLes should lnsLead 'lmplemenL a comprehenslve oll savlngs plan and reduce oll consumpLlon by
lncreaslng fuel efflclency sLandards hybrld cars renewable energy envlronmenLally susLalnable
blofuels and smarL growLh Lo meeL our LransporLaLlon needs' ln an n8uC analysls lL has been proved
LhaL Lhe 'Amerlcan naLlon ls on Lhe paLh Lo lmplemenLlng oll savlng pollcles LhaL could reduce oll
consumpLlon by 7 mbd by 2030' Lhus Lhe unlLed SLaLes now has Lhe brlghL opporLunlLy Lo sLrlve Lo
ellmlnaLe fossll fuel use alLogeLher by 2030
whlch seems llke a brlghL fuLure!
Moreover are Lhe safeLy procedures puL Lo operaLlon enough Lo lmplemenL Lhe pro[ecL? 1he keysLone
Cll lpellne SysLem experlenced 14 spllls slnce lL began operaLlon ln !une 2010
and Covernor uave
Pelnemann acknowledged LhaL Lhe lssue of spllls 'ralses lssues LhaL l Lhlnk we are all concerned abouL'

AgalnsL Lar sands plpellne by n8uC
LnvlronmenLal defence sLaLemenL on uS declslon Lo delay 1ransCanada's proposed plpellne
WashlngLon keysLone
Cbama's presldenLlal speech
luel facLs n8uC
keysLone summary by Lhe unlLed SLaLes ueparLmenL of SLaLe 8ureau of Cceans and lnLernaLlonal LnvlronmenLal and SclenLlflc Affalrs
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7$1 1

and ralses eyebrows regardlng Lhe credlblllLy of Lhe process 1here are Lwo Lypes of lmpacLs LhaL can
occur due Lo Lhe spllls whlch lncludes physlcal lmpacLs such as coaLlng of Lhe soll sedlmenLs planLs and
anlmals Loxlcologlcal lmpacLs whlch are a funcLlon of Lhe chemlcal composlLlon solublllLy of Lhe oll and
Lhe senslLlvlLy of Lhe area exposed

Looklng aL pasL realllfe examples Lhe Lxxon plpellne oll splll ln Lhe ?ellowsLone 8lver has been an
envlronmenLal dlsasLer Lhe rlver was swollen wlLh floodwaLer and when Lhe waLer receded lL lefL black
oll deposlLs on prlvaLe properLy leavlng cleanup crews baLLllng Lo resLore Lhe land lf a slmllar splll
occurred ln Lhe nebraska's Sand Pllls 'envlronmenLal damage would be greaLly magnlfled by Lhe porous
naLure of Lhe sandy soll and Lhe dlfflculLy of reesLabllshlng vegeLaLlon uamage from Lhe oll and
cleanup work mlghL exLend mlles from Lhe plpellne lLself"
and mlghL leak lnLo Lhe Cgallala Aqulfer
whlch serves as Lhe 'prlmary source of drlnklng waLer for mllllons of Amerlcans'
Moreover alLhough
Lhe leak deLecLlon sysLem would be ln place some leaks mlghL noL be deLecLed by Lhe sysLem A plnhole

keysLone summary by Lhe unlLed SLaLes ueparLmenL of SLaLe 8ureau of Cceans and lnLernaLlonal LnvlronmenLal and SclenLlflc Affalrs
LdlLorlal 7/8 8egreLLable proof of oll plpellne rlsk
llg 2 ump sLaLlon on Lhe keysLone plpellne sysLem llg 3 lpellne malfuncLlon from kalamazoo splll
Mlrna Wasef Arch 373Landscape 11/11/11
8$1 1

leak could be undeLecLed for days or a few weeks lf Lhe release volume raLe were small and ln a remoLe
1hls would have Lreacherous and long lasLlng effecLs
CuesLlonlng wlLh a crlLlcal eye how long are Lhe [obs creaLed golng Lo lasL? one becomes scepLlcal lacLs
sLaLe LhaL Lhe consLrucLlon [obs wlll only lasL as long as Lhe consLrucLlon process lasLs a maLLer of
monLhs and lL seems LhaL Lhe economlc beneflLs of bulldlng Lhe plpellne are belng 'oversold' ln
addlLlon resldenL uave Coles from Canada's CommunlcaLlons Lnergy and aperworks unlon (CL)
sLaLed 'Lhe plpellne ls acLually a '[obs klller' ln Canada because lL wlll carry unLreaLed crude Lo Amerlcan
reflnerles lnsLead of havlng Lhe resource Lurned lnLo fuel and chemlcals ln Canada' ln facL he clLed an
asLoundlng research LhaL esLlmaLes 'Canada wlll lose 40300 dlrecL and lndlrecL [obs because of Lhe
lncreased exporL of raw blLumen' So Lhe opposlLlon here ls why are Canadlans noL pushlng harder ln
order Lo beneflL from Lhe longLerm employmenL opporLunlLles and Lhe ablllLy Lo sell a reflned
commodlLy aL a hlgher prlce?
WhaL are Lhe alLernaLlves Lo conslder lf Lhe proposed plpellne pro[ecL was noL lmplemenLed? 1he Culf
CoasL reflnerles could obLaln Canadlan crude oll LransporLed Lhrough oLher means llke Lank Lrucks
rallroad Lank Lrucks barge LransporL and marlne Lankers from areas ouLslde norLh Amerlca Lhus uslng
already lnsLalled meLhods A comblnaLlon of Lhese sysLems could be an alLernaLlve cholce however
Lhere musL be a compromlse as Lhese sysLems would noL meeL Lhe growlng demand for oll and Lhe use
of Lrucks and rallroads accumulaLe Lo greenhouse emlsslons AlLernaLlve rouLes could also be consldered
Lo avold or mlnlmlze crosslng of Sand Pllls Lhe Cgallala Aqulfer foresLed areas or weLlands however
analysLs show LhaL oLher rouLes slmply shlfLed Lhe rlsks Lo oLher areas and were flnanclally

luel facLs n8uC
keysLone summary by Lhe unlLed SLaLes ueparLmenL of SLaLe 8ureau of Cceans and lnLernaLlonal LnvlronmenLal and SclenLlflc Affalrs
keysLone summary by Lhe unlLed SLaLes ueparLmenL of SLaLe 8ureau of Cceans and lnLernaLlonal LnvlronmenLal and SclenLlflc Affalrs
Mlrna Wasef Arch 373Landscape 11/11/11
9$1 1

Cn Lhe oLher hand comparlng Lhe beneflLs Lo Lhe economy and Lhe cosLs of an oll splll cleanup ralses
serlous lssues Conslderlng Lhe occaslon of a ma[or rupLure of Lhe keysLone xL plpellne Lhe cosLs would
well be over $1 bllllon for oll removal land and waLer remedlaLlon and wlLh 14 spllls slnce Lhe plpellne
consLrucLlon lL seems llke Lhere could be greaL economlc losses caused by damage Lo publlc resources
compared Lo Lhe $20 bllllon galn 8esldes Lhls does noL lnclude economlc damages such as reducLlon ln
properLy values loss of buslness revenue or homeowners' lnablllLy Lo llve ln nearby houses
1hus l sLrongly belleve LhaL alLhough Lhe beneflLs seem Lo be qulckly rewardlng ln LhaL lL wlll help solve
our economlc lssues and provlde sLablllLy Lhey appear Lo be shorL slghLed and open doors Lo even more
envlronmenLal caLasLrophe lnsLead of Lackllng our fuel dependency 1he pro[ecLs puL our landscape
llg 4 ma[or alLernaLlve rouLes consldered
llg 3 esLlmaLed cosLs for an oll splll
Mlrna Wasef Arch 373Landscape 11/11/11
10$1 1

under serlous rlsk due Lo oll spllls and Loxlc wasLe accumulaLlon on land slLes due Lo exLracLlon meLhods
LhaL man has no means of remedlaLlon So ls lL really worLh lL Lo permanenLly scar Lhe beauLlful Sand
Pllls of nebraska? Llkewlse lL provldes a chance for greenhouse gasses due Lo fuel consumpLlon Lo
furLher crawl up lnLo our envlronmenL and lead Lo devasLaLlng consequences AlLhough Amerlca and
Canada seem Lo be good nelghbours Lhls pro[ecL wlll only beneflL Lhe Amerlcan populaLlon by provldlng
long Lerm [ob opporLunlLy whlle kllllng [obs ln Canada Lhus Lhe sLaLlsLlcs seem Lo be conLroverslal and
unconvlnclng lL's all maLLer of compromlse and assesslng rlsks and l belleve LhaL Lhe cons are greaLer
Lhan Lhe pros Lo Lhls pro[ecL for Lhe plpellne represenLs a good buslness deal agalnsL sacrlflclng Lhe
prlsLlne waLer foresL ecosysLem of Canada

Mlrna Wasef Arch 373Landscape 11/11/11
11$1 1

8lbllography (alphabeLlcal order)
O LdlLorlal 7/8 8egreLLable proof of oll plpellne rlsk publlsher !ournal Lar

O luel lacLs by n8uC
O keysLone ConnecLlon LxLra uS Speclal LdlLlon by 1ransCanada
O LeLLer Lo Lhe presldenL of Lhe unlLed SLaLes by member of congress !oe 8aca !ohn 8arrow uan
8oren Leonard 8oswell and several more
O Medla advlsory by 1ransCanada's medla speclallsL Ceclly uobson and 1erry Cunha and lnvesLor and
analysL uavld MoneLa and 1erry Pook
O 1ransCanada responds Lo frlends of Lhe earLh documenL on keysLone xL lpellne
O We need crude oll plpellnes by Andrew 8lack and uavld PolL by !ournalSLar

O 230 more ducks dead ln Lar sands Lalllng ponds by Carrle La Seur

O 8ellance on oll sands grows desplLe envlronmenLal rlsks by Cllfford krauss and LllsabeLh 8osenLhal
new ?ork 1lmes

O 1ransCanada lpellne foes see uS blas ln emalls by LllsabeLh 8osenLhal new ?ork 1lmes

O LsLlmaLlng oll splll cleanups uoqmot 5cbmlJt tklo Oll 5plll lotelllqeoce kepott cottet lofotmotloo
cotp Atlloqtoo Mossocbosetts u5

O Exxon Silvertip Clean-up: $135 Million; Comparable Keystone XL Price: $1.2 Billion-South
Dakota MidVille times

O 1ransCanada's $100M Cll Splll 8ond 1rue value uebaLed as nebraska keysLone lpellne
Sesslon nears by 1he Clobal 8ealm

O riends oI the earth-Keystone XL pipeline

O !ames Pansen slams keysLone xl Canada uS plpellne by !oe 8omm
O Cbama allles lnLeresLs colllde over plpellne by !ullleL erln and SLeven Mufson 1he WashlngLon
O Corroslve keysLone xl SLudy mlsses Mark 8y Mark Creen Lnergy Lomorrow

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