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Pass is achieved by meeting all the requirements defined in the assessment criteria.
M1: dentify and apply strategies to find appropriate solutions
Characteristics / Possible Evidence: Accurate calculation for the relevant costs of finance using
the appropriate formulae taking into consideration all the relevant variables and selected
appropriate sources of finance for given situation. Well presented cash flow and analysis of the
cash flow.

M2: Select/design and apply appropriate methods/techniques
Characteristics / Possible Evidence: Apply range of methods and techniques in analyzing the
implications of alternative sources of finance

M3: Present and communicate appropriate findings
Characteristics / Possible Evidence: The findings to the board of directors of Ford Motor PLC.,
Vietnam are presented in a professionally-written report with appropriate structure and

&se critical reflection to evaluate own work and justify valid conclusions
1: &se critical reflection to evaluate own work and justify valid conclusions
Characteristics / Possible Evidence: Evaluate and synthesize relevant theories and techniques
to generate and justify valid conclusions based on appropriate sources of finance as well as
costs of different sources of finance to Ford Motor PLC., Vietnam.

2: Take responsibility for managing and organizing activities
Characteristics / Possible Evidence: The tasks are completed within the timeframe and the
various required tasks/issues are well researched as demonstrated by diversity in reference
sources and correct citation in the report.

3: Demonstrate convergent/lateral/creative thinking
Characteristics / Possible Evidence: The tasks are completed with in-depth analysis and critical
thinking as well as linking theoretical ideas with the practical case study, Ford Motor PLC.,

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