Infrastructure Is Basic Physical and Organizational Structures Needed For The Operation of A Society or Enterprise or The Services and Facilities Necessary For An Economy To Function

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Infrastructure ls baslc physlcal and organlzaLlonal sLrucLures needed for Lhe operaLlon of a

socleLy or enLerprlse or Lhe servlces and faclllLles necessary for an economy Lo funcLlon lL can
be generally deflned as Lhe seL of lnLerconnecLed sLrucLural elemenLs LhaL provlde framework
supporLlng an enLlre sLrucLure of developmenL
1he Lerm Lyplcally refers Lo Lhe Lechnlcal sLrucLures LhaL supporL a socleLy such as roads waLer
supply sewers elecLrlcal grlds LelecommunlcaLlons and so forLh and can be deflned as Lhe
physlcal componenLs of lnLerrelaLed sysLems provldlng commodlLles and servlces essenLlal Lo
enable susLaln or enhance socleLal llvlng condlLlons
vlewed funcLlonally lnfrasLrucLure fnf Lhe producLlon of goods and servlces and also
Lhe dlsLrlbuLlon of flnlshed producLs Lo markeLs as well as baslc soclal servlces such as schools
and hosplLals for example roads enable Lhe LransporL of raw maLerlals Lo a facLory ln mlllLary
parlance Lhe Lerm refers Lo Lhe bulldlngs and permanenL lnsLallaLlons necessary for Lhe
supporL redeploymenL and operaLlon of mlllLary forces

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