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Academic Success Program

Academic Success Program for Interscholastic Athletes: The Board of Education recognizes that participation in interscholastic athletics as well as all extracurricular activities is an integral component of a students education. Students shall be encouraged to involve themselves in all extracurricular activities including athletics. In order to ensure that students succeed academically in all of their classes during their participation in interscholastic sports, the Athletic Department will implement the Academic Success Program. This program is designed to benefit students and promote academic, social, and emotional success. The Academic Success Program will assist students in reaching their academic potential, engaging in interscholastic sports, and graduating from Ossining High School. The Academic Success Program embraces several important components including but not limited to those outlined below:

Attendance; Academic Success and Support in Coursework; Accumulated Credit; Code of Conduct; and Appeal Process.

The components identified above and embedded in the policy support the philosophy of the Districts Long Range Plans in ensuring that the bar is raised for athletes to promote success in academic coursework. Attendance All student athletes must adhere to the Ossining School District Comprehensive Attendance Policy and the Ossining High School Attendance Policy, the latter of which is issued to all High School students annually. Additionally, student athletes who have been absent from school for an entire day may not participate in after school activities. Extenuating circumstances will be given special consideration by the Director of Health, Physical Education, and Athletics or by the Athletic Coordinator. A student athlete must be in attendance and participate in class for a minimum of four (4) class periods on the day of a game or practice in order to participate. Student athletes that cut class will: first offense (warning), second cut (miss next game), third cut (removed from team).

(Academic Success Program continued) Academic Success and Support in Coursework Student athletes are expected to succeed in their daily classes and coursework. It is the Districts policy to determine student eligibility to participate in interscholastic athletic programs. Students who fail one course during a marking period are expected to meet with the teacher of that course and formulate a well-defined plan of improvement. With respect to semester courses, eligibility to participate in interscholastic athletic programs will be determined by the students final averages in the semester courses under review. Success in Courses and Eligibility Fall and Winter Seasons Eligibility status will be determined by report cards and progress reports. As indicated above, a student who fails a course during a marking period must engage in an improvement plan. If a student fails two (2) subjects during a marking period, the student will be ineligible to compete in games or scrimmages but will be able to attend practices while declared ineligible. The student athlete will forfeit a minimum of 20% of their game season during this ineligibility period. The student must meet with the teachers of the subjects he/she is not passing. The student athlete will obtain an athletic eligibility contract from the Athletic Office and submit the contract to the Athletic Office for review after a minimum of 20% of the game season has expired. The athletic eligibility contract will be reviewed for possible reinstatement. A student may not participate on any team when he/she is failing three (3) or more subjects per marking period. Spring Season if a student fails two subjects in the 2nd quarter they can tryout for the team. If it is a semester course the final average will be used to determine eligibility. Progress reports/report cards will be reviewed for eligibility purposes for the spring season. If the 5 week progress report indicates two failing classes the student will be declared ineligible for a minimum of 20% of the game season. The student athlete will obtain an athletic eligibility contract from the Athletic Office and submit the contract to the Athletic Office for review after a minimum of 20% of the game season has expired. The athletic eligibility contract will be reviewed for possible reinstatement at that time. Student Athlete and Parent Commitment Cooperation among student athletes, parents, coaches, and school personnel is essential if students are to realize the value of athletic participation. Student athletes and their parents

are expected to commit to the Interscholastic Athletic Agreement designed to support success in interscholastic athletics as well as in academic coursework. The actual agreement form can be found in Exhibit 5306-E of the Board of Education policy book.

Accumulated Credits Students are expected to succeed in their coursework and accumulate a specified number of credits per year in order to ensure successful graduation from Ossining High School. In order to support expectations for graduation and support students interest in participating in interscholastic sports, a minimum number of accumulated credits must be earned by students in order to participate in the interscholastic athletics program. A student must complete a total of five (5) credits by the conclusion of an academic year in order to be eligible for fall sports participation during the following school year. It should be noted that students who attend a summer school program and successfully complete the academic requirements necessary will receive credit for the specific coursework and thereby may become eligible to participate in the fall sports programs. Appeal Process If a student is declared ineligible to participate in interscholastic athletics as a result of a lack of credit, he/she may provide a written request for a review of the penalty. The written request must be submitted to the Athletic Department within 5 days prior to the commencement of a sports season. The student must provide in writing valid circumstances for not earning the required minimum five (5) credits for the previous school year. The Principal, Director of Health, Physical Education, and Athletics, the teacher(s), and the coach will review the appeal and render the final decision regarding the students eligibility. It should be noted that the appeal process should be implemented only in very unusual circumstances. Code of Conduct Students who have the privilege of participating in interscholastic athletics are expected to conduct themselves as responsible representatives of the Ossining School District. In order to ensure appropriate conduct, coaches, advisors, teachers, and administrators must enforce the student Code of Conduct issued to all students. The Director of Health,

Physical Education, and Athletics will provide leadership in determining consequences should students violate the Interscholastic Athletic Agreement, rules, or Code of Conduct. Summary Statement The Board of Education policy identified as Academic Success Program for Interscholastic Athletics promotes student success in daily coursework as well as interscholastic athletics. High expectations as well as safety nets are provided within the context of this policy in order to ensure student success in important venues.

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