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The intent of this process is to provide safe and suitable participation in an appropriate level of competition for pupils in grades 7-8. In order to participate in OHS (junior varsity or varsity) sports as an AMD student, you must successfully complete the selection classification process at AMD.

Only the exceptional athlete should be considered for advancement. Selection Classification should not be used just to fill out a Varsity, Junior Varsity team. The Coach/AMD PE staff will recommend only exceptional athletes to take the test.

a) Coach identifies student for Selection Classification program to the Director of Athletics. Coaches are reminded that only exceptional candidates should be identified. The Director of Athletics will consult the AMD Physical Education staff and assess the students potential to compete at a higher level. The Physical Education staff will provide feedback about the students socio-emotional capacity as well as physiological abilities. The Director of Athletics, in conjunction with the head varsity coach and Physical Education staff (and school counselor, if necessary) will determine if the Selection Classification process should continue. Parents: The screening process may not be started until parental (or guardian) gives written permission. Health and Developmental Rating by a Physician: May be performed by the school doctor or the students private physician. Care should be taken to familiarize the physician with the Selection Classification program and its purpose. The process to determine the Developmental Rating of each candidate should be as discrete as possible. Athletic Performance Testing: The six item NYSED Athletic Performance Test will be administered by a certified Physical Education teacher or Athletic trainer.



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Sports Skill Evaluation by the Coach: The coach should make an honest evaluation of the students skills. They should understand the intent and purpose of the program and the coach must place the students welfare above all else. Individual Athletic Profile: Upon successful completion of the Selection Classification process, the Director of Athletics will submit this form to the Executive Director of Section One and keep a copy on file in the athletic office.


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