Public Relations Ch1

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Chapter-1 Introduction

PR involves a variety of programmes designed to promote or protect a companys image or its individual products


What constitutes a

It acts synergistically along with them.

It is a corporate armour that the company can wear which would protect the company during adverse times

Deliberate Planned Performance Public Interest Two-way communication Management function

The Process

Research Action Communication Evaluation





Who uses

Marketing Communications

news releases, feature stories, special events, brochures and media tours.

Executive Speech Training

coaching on public affair activities including personal appearances.

Research and Evaluation

Surveys conducted to measure public attitude & perception.

Development/fund raising

Demonstrating the need for and encouraging the public to support an organization, primarily through financial contributions.

Crisis Communication
management is guided on what say and how to react in emergency.

Media Analysis
appropriate media examined and selected for communicating messages to key audiences.

Community Relations
Counseling management on ways to achieve official and public support for business expansion.

Event Management
News conferences, anniversary celebrations,rallies,conferences are planned and conducted.

Public Affairs
Material is prepared for government hearings and regulatory bodies.

Branding & Corporate reputation

Advising on brand building programs and goodwill enhancement.

Financial Relations
Effective communication with investors and shareholders.

Promoting goodwill Promoting product, service, corporate image Corporate communications Lobbying Counteracting negative publicity

Very credible and inexpensive PR can hold down promotion costs

Difficult to quantify PR benefits Lack of control Deft management required

Customer complaints and redressal It is an opportunity to cement relations with the customer Very important in the service and hospitality industry Combating rumours / falsehoods Confront and disclose facts in leading media Give the positive side of the story Capitalise on rumour to your benefit Rumour can be dismissed as ridiculous

Writing Research Planning Problem Solving Good Business sense Contacts Media Savvy

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