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NDA NA Lxam|nat|on Sy||abus

1 Genera| Ab|||ty
Ak1 A
1he quesLlon paper ln Lngllsh wlll be deslgned Lo LesL Lhe candldaLe's undersLandlng of Lngllsh and
workman llke use of words 1he syllabus covers varlous aspecLs llke Crammar and usage
vocabulary comprehenslon and coheslon ln exLended LexL Lo LesL Lhe candldaLe's proflclency ln
Ak1 8
Genera| know|edge
1he quesLlon paper on Ceneral knowledge wlll broadly cover Lhe sub[ecLs hyslcs ChemlsLry
Ceneral Sclence Soclal SLudles Ceography and CurrenL LvenLs
1he syllabus glven below ls deslgned Lo lndlcaLe Lhe scope of Lhese sub[ecLs lncluded ln Lhls paper
1he Loplcs menLloned are noL Lo be regarded as exhausLlve and quesLlons on Loplcs of slmllar naLure
noL speclflcally menLloned ln Lhe syllabus may also be asked
CandldaLe's answers are expecLed Lo show Lhelr knowledge and lnLelllgenL undersLandlng of Lhe
Sect|on A hys|cs
hyslcal roperLles and SLaLes of MaLLer Mass WelghL volume uenslLy and Speclflc CravlLy
rlnclple of Archlmedes ressure 8aromeLer
MoLlon of ob[ecLs veloclLy and AcceleraLlon newLon's Laws of MoLlon lorce and MomenLum
arallelogram of lorces SLablllLy and Lqulllbrlum of bodles CravlLaLlon elemenLary ldeas of work
ower and Lnergy
LffecLs of PeaL MeasuremenL of LemperaLure and heaL change of SLaLe and LaLenL PeaL Modes of
Lransference of PeaL
Sound waves and Lhelr properLles Slmple muslcal lnsLrumenLs
8ecLlllnear propagaLlon of LlghL 8eflecLlon and refracLlon Spherlcal mlrrors and Lenses Puman Lye
naLural and ArLlflclal MagneLs roperLles of a MagneL LarLh as a MagneL
SLaLlc and CurrenL LlecLrlclLy conducLors and nonconducLors Chm's Law Slmple LlecLrlcal ClrculLs
PeaLlng LlghLlng and MagneLlc effecLs of CurrenL MeasuremenL of LlecLrlcal ower rlmary and
Secondary Cells use of x8ays
Ceneral rlnclples ln Lhe worklng of Lhe followlng
Slmple endulum Slmple ulleys Slphon Levers 8alloon umps PydromeLer ressure Cooker
1hermos llask Cramophone 1elegraphs 1elephone erlscope 1elescope Mlcroscope Marlner's
Compass LlghLenlng ConducLors SafeLy luses

Sect|on 8 Chem|stry
hyslcal and Chemlcal changes LlemenLs MlxLures and Compounds Symbols lormulae and slmple
Chemlcal LquaLlons Law of Chemlcal ComblnaLlon (excludlng problems) roperLles of Alr and
reparaLlon and roperLles of Pydrogen Cxygen nlLrogen and Carbondloxlde CxldaLlon and
Aclds bases and salLs
Carbon dlfferenL forms
lerLlllzers naLural and ArLlflclal
MaLerlal used ln Lhe preparaLlon of subsLances llke soap Class lnk aper CemenL alnLs SafeLy
MaLches and Cunowder
LlemenLary ldeas abouL Lhe SLrucLure of ALom ALomlc LqulvalenL and Molecular WelghLs valency
Sect|on C Genera| Sc|ence
ulfference beLween Lhe llvlng and non llvlng
8asls of Llfe Cells roLoplasms and 1lssues
CrowLh and 8eproducLlon ln lanLs and Anlmals
LlemenLary knowledge of human 8ody and lLs lmporLanL organs
Common Lpldemlcs Lhelr causes and prevenLlon
lood Source of Lnergy for man ConsLlLuenLs of food 8alanced uleL
1he Solar SysLem MeLeors and ComeLs Lcllpses
AchlevemenLs of LmlnenL SclenLlsLs
Sect|on D n|story
A broad survey of lndlan PlsLory wlLh emphasls on CulLure and ClvlllsaLlon
lreedom MovemenL ln lndla
LlemenLary sLudy of lndlan ConsLlLuLlon and AdmlnlsLraLlon
LlemenLary knowledge of llve ?ear lans of lndla
anchayaLl 8a[ CooperaLlves and CommunlLy uevelopmenL
8hoodan Sarvodaya naLlonal lnLegraLlon and Welfare SLaLe 8aslc 1eachlngs of MahaLma Candhl
lorces shaplng Lhe modern world 8enalssance LxploraLlon and ulscovery War of Amerlcan
lndependence lrench 8evoluLlon lndusLrlal 8evoluLlon and 8usslan 8evoluLlon lmpacL of Sclence
and 1echnology on SocleLy ConcepL of one World unlLed naLlons anchsheel uemocracy
Soclallsm and Communlsm 8ole of lndla ln Lhe presenL world
Sect|on L Geography
1he LarLh lLs shape and slze LaLLlLudes and LonglLudes ConcepL of Llme lnLernaLlonal uaLe Llne
MovemenLs of LarLh and Lhelr effecLs
Crlgln of LarLh 8ocks and Lhelr classlflcaLlon WeaLherlng Mechanlcal and Chemlcal LarLhquakes
and volcanoes
Ccean CurrenLs and 1ldes
ALmosphere and lLs composlLlon 1emperaLure and ALmospherlc ressure laneLary Wlnds
cyclones and AnLlcyclones PumldlLy CondensaLlon and reclplLaLlon 1ypes of CllmaLe Ma[or
naLural reglons of Lhe World
8eglonal Ceography of lndla CllmaLe naLural vegeLaLlon Mlneral and ower resources locaLlon
and dlsLrlbuLlon of agrlculLural and lndusLrlal acLlvlLles
lmporLanL Sea porLs and maln sea land and alr rouLes of lndla Maln lLems of lmporLs and LxporLs of
Sect|on I Current Lvents
knowledge of lmporLanL evenLs LhaL have happened ln lndla ln Lhe recenL years
CurrenL lmporLanL world evenLs
romlnenL personallLles boLh lndlan and lnLernaLlonal lncludlng Lhose connecLed wlLh culLural
acLlvlLles and sporLs

ConcepL of a seL operaLlons on seLs venn dlagrams ue Morgan laws CarLeslan producL relaLlon
equlvalence relaLlon
8epresenLaLlon of real numbers on a llne Complex numbers baslc properLles modulus argumenL
cube rooLs of unlLy 8lnary sysLem of numbers Converslon of a number ln declmal sysLem Lo blnary
sysLem and vlceversa ArlLhmeLlc CeomeLrlc and Parmonlc progresslons CuadraLlc equaLlons wlLh
real coefflclenLs SoluLlon of llnear lnequaLlons of Lwo varlables by graphs ermuLaLlon and
ComblnaLlon 8lnomlal Lheorem and lLs appllcaLlon LogarlLhms and Lhelr appllcaLlons
Matr|ces and Determ|nants
1ypes of maLrlces operaLlons on maLrlces ueLermlnanL of a maLrlx baslc properLles of deLermlnanL
Ad[olnL and lnverse of a square maLrlx AppllcaLlons SoluLlon of a sysLem of llnear equaLlons ln Lwo
or Lhree unknowns by Cramers rule and by MaLrlx MeLhod
Angles and Lhelr measures ln degrees and ln radlans 1rlgonomeLrlcal raLlos 1rlgonomeLrlc ldenLlLles
Sum and dlfference formulae MulLlple and SubmulLlple angles lnverse LrlgonomeLrlc funcLlons
AppllcaLlons PelghL and dlsLance properLles of Lrlangles
Ana|yt|ca| Geometry of two and three d|mens|ons
8ecLangular CarLeslan CoordlnaLe sysLem ulsLance formula LquaLlon of a llne ln varlous forms
Angle beLween Lwo llnes ulsLance of a polnL from a llne LquaLlon of a clrcle ln sLandard and ln
general form SLandard forms of parabola elllpse and hyperbola LccenLrlclLy and axls of a conlc
olnL ln a Lhree dlmenslonal space dlsLance beLween Lwo polnLs ulrecLlon Coslnes and dlrecLlon
raLlos LquaLlon of a plane and a llne ln varlous forms Angle beLween Lwo llnes and angle beLween
Lwo planes LquaLlon of a sphere
D|fferent|a| Ca|cu|us
ConcepL of a real valued funcLlon domaln range and graph of a funcLlon ComposlLe funcLlons one
Lo one onLo and lnverse funcLlons noLlon of llmlL SLandard llmlLs examples ConLlnulLy of
funcLlons examples algebralc operaLlons on conLlnuous funcLlons uerlvaLlve of a funcLlon aL a
polnL geomeLrlcal and physlcal lnLerpreaLaLlon of a derlvaLlve appllcaLlons uerlvaLlves of sum
producL and quoLlenL of funcLlons derlvaLlve of a funcLlon wlLh respecL of anoLher funcLlon
derlvaLlve of a composlLe funcLlon Second order derlvaLlves lncreaslng and decreaslng funcLlons
AppllcaLlon of derlvaLlves ln problems of maxlma and mlnlma

ntegra| Ca|cu|us and D|fferent|a| equat|ons
lnLegraLlon as lnverse of dlfferenLlaLlon lnLegraLlon by subsLlLuLlon and by parLs sLandard lnLegrals
lnvolvlng algebralc expresslons LrlgonomeLrlc exponenLlal and hyperbollc funcLlons LvaluaLlon of
deflnlLe lnLegrals deLermlnaLlon of areas of plane reglons bounded by curves appllcaLlons
ueflnlLlon of order and degree of a dlfferenLlal equaLlon formaLlon of a dlfferenLlal equaLlon by
examples Ceneral and parLlcular soluLlon of a dlfferenLlal equaLlon soluLlon of flrsL order and flrsL
degree dlfferenLlal equaLlons of varlous Lypes examples AppllcaLlon ln problems of growLh and
Vector A|gebra
vecLors ln Lwo and Lhree dlmenslons magnlLude and dlrecLlon of a vecLor unlL and null vecLors
addlLlon of vecLors scalar mulLlpllcaLlon of vecLor scalar producL or doL producL of LwovecLors
vecLor producL and cross producL of Lwo vecLors AppllcaLlonswork done by a force and momenL of
a force and ln geomeLrlcal problems
ClasslflcaLlon of daLa lrequency dlsLrlbuLlon cumulaLlve frequency dlsLrlbuLlon examples
Craphlcal represenLaLlon PlsLogram le CharL lrequency olygon examples Measures of CenLral
Lendency mean medlan and mode varlance and sLandard devlaLlon deLermlnaLlon and
comparlson CorrelaLlon and regresslon
8andom experlmenL ouLcomes and assoclaLed sample space evenLs muLually excluslve and
exhausLlve evenLs lmposslble and cerLaln evenLs unlon and lnLersecLlon of evenLs
ComplemenLary elemenLary and composlLe evenLs ueflnlLlon of probablllLy classlcal and sLaLlsLlcal
examples LlemenLary Lheorems on probablllLy slmple problems CondlLlonal probablllLy 8ayes
Lheorem slmple problems 8andom varlable as funcLlon on a sample space 8lnomlal dlsLrlbuLlon
examples of random experlmenLs glvlng rlse Lo 8lnomlnal dlsLrlbuLlon

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