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1 Lxplaln Lhe role of markeLlng ln company?

MarkeLlng ls Lhe acLlvlLy and process for creaLlng capLurlng communlcaLlng dellverlng and
exchanglng offerlngs LhaL have value for cusLomers cllenLs parLners and socleLy aL large

1he role of markeLlng ls Lo connecL Lhe buslness wlLh lLs LargeL markeL MarkeLlng ls Lhe ma[or
llnk beLween Lhe buslness and lLs cusLomers As Lhe markeL changes and becomes more
compeLlLlve Lhe buslness needs Lo know and undersLand lLs LargeL markeL so lL can provlde
beLLer servlce Lo lLs cusLomers Successful markeLlng wlll ldenLlfy cusLomer needs and Lhen
plan prlce promoLe and dlsLrlbuLe Lhe producLs and servlces LhaL wlll saLlsfy Lhese needs 1hls
way Lhe buslness goals of lncreased proflL and a greaLer share of Lhe markeL can be achleved
8uL conLlnually researchlng cusLomers and monlLorlng Lhe buslness envlronmenL markeLlng
provldes Lhe lnformaLlon Lhe buslness needs ln order Lo change dlrecLlon on ad[usL lLs LacLlcs by
provldlng new producL or changlng exlsLlng producLs 1he ob[ecLlves and sLraLegles of Lhe
markeLlng plan are used Lo deLermlne Lhe plans of Lhe oLher funcLlons such as operaLlons
employmenL relaLlons and accounLlng and flnance 1hrough correcL buslness can expecL Lo
grow and expand boLh ln slze and proflLablllLy

needs and
CapLure value
cusLomer Lo
creaLe proflLs
LhaL dellghL
program LhaL
dellvers value

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