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Unit: Government policies & the uniformed services P2 The cabinet is a department of central government where all other

departments form a podium for the cabinet; this is where you will find the Prime Minister David Cameron and the deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg. Department Foreign Commonwealth Office Minister First Secretary of State, Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs William Hague Public Service MI6 GCHQ Responsibility The responsibility of the minister is to pursue an active and activist foreign policy, also work with other countries and strengthening the rules-based international system in support of our values.

Ministry of Justice

Lord Chancellor, Secretary of State for Justice Kenneth Clarke

Crown Prosecution service, prison service and courts MI5, Police, Fire and Rescue, Border control

Home Office

Secretary of State for the Home Department; and Minister for Women and Equalities Theresa May Secretary of State for Defence Liam Fox

The MoJ have the responsibility to protect the public from serious offenders as they manage the offenders from the moment they are charged and supervising them until they are reintroduced into society. The Home Office controls what happens in the UK. This includes the security and immigration issues. Also the minister is responsible for government policy on drug, counter terrorism and ID/document related issues.

Ministry of Defence

All Armed forces

The responsibilities of the minister are to manage the armed forces operations policy. For example, the Libyan conflict. Also they must manage legal issues of an operation, force generation, VHR forces, operation training, and logistic deliveries for operations.

HM Treasury

Chancellor of the Exchequer Gideon Osborne

All Public Services are affected

Gideon is responsible for the budget for the UKs economy and the Public finances.

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