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rocess SelecLlon rocess ueslgn / rocess Analysls rocess MeasuremenL

WhaL ls rocess

1) rocess ls deflned converLlon or LransformaLlon on of lnpuLs lnLo derlved ouLpuL
2) lL can be vlewed as Lechnology sequence of operaLlons or operaLlon sysLem

1echnology lL ls a level of sclenLlflc sophlsLlcaLlon ln planL and equlpmenL and skllls ln converLlon
3) roducLlon process Lakes a seL lnLer relaLed resources and acLlvlLles and Lechnologlcal
capablllLles and Lransform lnLo deslgned ouLpuL whlch could be Langlble or lnLanglble
1he LransformaLlon lnvolves addlLlon or creaLlon of value Lo producL or servlce lnLerms of lorm
1lme lace
4) lL ls unlque comblnaLlon of all facLors of producLlon engaged ln producLlon

lnpuLs MaLerlal markeLs 1ools LqulpmenL lanL LayouL envlronmenL energy LLc
rocessMeLhod or Sequence of CperaLlons rocess parameLers (speed leed 1emp pressure eLc)
CuLpuL ueslred Coods

ConverLer or 1ransformaLlon

lnpuL CuLpuL
rocess Ads value ln producLlon by changlng Lhe maLerlal lnLo requlred shapes forms and slze accordlng
Lo cusLomer requlremenL
Lvery process varlablllLy ls due Lo Lwo causes
1) Chance or 8andom Cause
2) Asslgnable Cause
8equlremenL of process
Lvery process should be
Coal CrlenLed
SysLemaLlc Adherence Lo process carrled sysLemaLlcally should be user frlendly
lL should be capable
LeglLlmaLe lL should be auLhorlzed or quallfled should be user frlendly
1ypes of rocess

Slngle SLage

MulLlsLage rocess ouLpuL ls conLrolled by boLLle rack operaLlon hence aL some sLage Wl ls more
Pence schedullng ls Lo be done properly
1) 1ypes of rocess
1 Slngle sLage and MulLl SLage
2 roduce Lo SLock (ConLlnuous)
3 Make Lo Crder (CusLomlzed producL)
roducLlon process on Lhe maLerlal MeLals Many processes have llmlLaLlons or consLralnL
LxLracLlve process Wlnnlng meLal ouL of Lhelr maLural

lnpuL CuLpuL

SLage 1 ll lll
lormlng or Shaplng
1 CosLlng

2 Mechanlcal Worklng lormlng
3 Machlne

PeaL 1reaLmenL rocess 1hls brlngs lncreased sLrengLh hardness sofLness Loughness llke
Assembly processes Lhese processes deal wlLh surface flnlsh surface proLecLlon appearance and
decoraLlve purpose (1) Surface cosLlng alnLlng
rocess SelecLlon 8efers Lo Lhe sLraLeglc declslon of selecLlng whlch klnd of producLlon process Lo have
ln manufacLurlng planL
rocess are Lhe selecLed on Lhe volume of producLlon requlred !ob 8aLch flow
SelecLed ln response Lo new faclllLles new producLs new Lechnology new markeLs or new cusLomers
lL ls lnfluenced us
Several facLors such as
1) ueslred CuallLy
2) volume of producLlon
3) 1oLal cosL lnvolved of producLlon
4) 1lme requlred Lo produce whlch should maLched wlLh demand raLe
3) varleLy and volume of producLlon
rocess ueslgn and rocess lannlng
rocess ueslgn ls concerned wlLh overall sequence of operaLlon requlred Lo achlve Lhe deslred producLs
lL speclfy Lhe Lype of worksLaLlons LhaL are Lo be used (slngle sLage or mulLlsLage)
1he markeLs and equlpmenLs necessary and Lhe quanLlLy ln whlch lL ls requlred
1he Lype of sklll and knowledge of worker requlred Lo perform operaLlon
1he envlronmenL ln whlch Lhe operaLlon ls Lo be carrled ouL
WhaL sorL of physlcal layouL ls requlred for a planL
CperaLlon ueslgn lL ls concerned wlLh Lhe deslgn of Lhe lndlvldual operaLlon lL conslsLs of examlnlng
Lhe man machlne relaLlon

lL ls sysLemaLlc examlnaLlon of all aspecLs of a process Lo lmprove lLs operaLlon Lo make lL
1) lAS1L8
2) MC8L LlllClLn1
4) MC8L 8LSCnSlvL 1C 1PL CuS1CML8

rocess analysls drlves conLlnuous lmprovemenL of Lhe operaLlon whlch ls Lhe need of Lhe day Lo day
due Lo dynamlsm of Lhe buslness envlronmenL
1he processes are planned ln response Lo

1 new laclllLles
2 new roducL
3 new MarkeLs
4 new 1echnology
3 new LxpecLaLlons

1herefore process should be analyzed for lmprovemenL on conLlnuous basls when conLlnual
lmprovemenL efforLs have been exhausLed and performance expecLaLlons sLlll noL reached wlLh an
exlsLlng process lL ls Llme Lo compleLely redeslgn or 8LLnClnLL8 Lhe process

rocess analysls ls undersLandlng how process work ls essenLlal Lo ensure compeLlLlveness of a
company A process LhaL does noL maLch Lhe needs of Lhe flrm wlll punlsh Lhe flrm every mlnuLe LhaL
flrm operaLes

Whlle deslgnlng and analyzlng process we allow some quesLlons Lo be answered

1) ls Lhe process deslgned Lo achleve compeLlLlve advanLage ln Lerms of dlfferenLlaLlon response
or low cosL?
2) uoes Lhe process ellmlnaLe sLeps LhaL do noL add value?
3) uoes Lhe process maxlmlze cusLomer value as percelved by Lhe cusLomer?
4) Wlll Lhe process wln orders?
3) Pow many cusLomers can process handle per unlL oL Llme?
6) Pow long lL wlll Lake Lo serve cusLomers?
7) WhaL changes ls needed ln Lhe process Lo expand capaclLy?
8) Pow much process cosLs?

ln process analysls flrsL sLep ls
WhaL ls Lhe purpose of process?
ls Lhe purpose Lo solve Lhe problem?
ls lL Lo beLLer undersLand Lhe lmpacL?
Change ln new buslness wlll be done ln fuLure?

1he baslc Lools of process analysls
rocess flow charL (Cverall)

1 Man Lype flow charL
2 MaLerlal Lype flow charL
3 Machlne Lype flow charL
rocess ulagrams ueLall overall process

rocess Map Clves deLalls

rocess ueslgn / Analysls MeasuremenL

Measurlng rocess erformance

1) roducLlvlLy of Lhe process
le lL should efflclenL and effecLlve
le lL should achleve deslred ob[ecLlves

2) Lfflclency AcLual ouLpuL
SLandard CuLpuL

3) uLlllzaLlon lL ls Lhe raLlo of Lhe Llme LhaL resources ls acLually acLlvaLed Lo Lhe Llme LhaL ls
avallable for use
4) Cycle Llme reducLlon
3) value added raLlo or manufacLurlng veloclLy

1oLal Llme Laken by vA
1oLal 1lme Laken by nvA

6) CapaclLy of process Pow much quanLlLy produce per unlL Llme
7) CapaclLy lndex Lhe value C and Ck
8) 1hroughpuL 8aLe lL ls ouLpuL raLe of Lhe process expecLed Lo produce over a perlod of Llme lL ls
lnverse of cycle Llme

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