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(2) PlsLorlcal revlslonlsm and negaLlonlsm 67

(2) PlsLorlsm PlsLorlclsm 71

(2) Srlvl[aya 78
(2) PlsLorlography of Lhe 8rlLlsh Lmplre 67
(2) MlllLary hlsLory 67
(2) ollLlcal hlsLory ollLlcal hlsLory of Lhe world 71
PlsLory of susLalnablllLy 7
(2) MacrohlsLory 1he lay of Scales 78
(3) 1he SLudy of CrlLlcal !uncLures (PlsLorlcal lnsLlLuLlonallsm) S67
(2) Source CrlLlclsm Source 1exL 78
rosopography 7
(2) ragmaLlclsm 3 (IA) 7 (IS)
Statistical Methods Ior research in International Relations and Comparative Politics
2 (IPA), 7 (IPS)
1heory 1alk33 8A88? 8uZAn Cn ln1L8nA1lCnAL SCClL1? SLCu8l1lZA1lCn Anu An LnCLlSP
SCPCCL MA Cl 1PL WC8Lu 7(IA) 12 (IS)
%owards interdisciplinary research programmes in IR Peace Research, the FrankIurt School
and the English School as Models oI Organizing Multidiscplinarity
2 (IPA), 7 (IPS), 8 (IPS)
Interdisciplinary Academic Dialogue - Sense-making and Other methodological Potentials
7, 8
%he Future oI Field Experiments in International Relations
5 (IPA) 7 (IPA)
Case SLudy MeLhods ln Lhe lnLernaLlonal 8elaLlons Subfleld 8 (IA) 7 (IA) 12 (IS)
7 (IPA), 8 (IPA), 9 (IPS)
Misconceived relationships between logical positivism and quantitative research
8 (IPA), 9 (IPA), 7 (IPS)
lmprovemenL Sclence 8esearch neLwork 7
MlndCbody problem 7

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