Henry The Young King

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Henry The Young King, also called Henry Fitzhenry (born February 28, 1155, Londondied June 11,

1183, Martel, Quercy, France), second son of King Henry II of England by Eleanor of Aquitaine; he was regarded, after the death of his elder brother, William, in 1156, as his fathers successor in England, Normandy, and Anjou. Primary sources describe Henry as a youth with striking beauty, tall and well proportioned with a long, elegant neck, pale skin and bright blue eyes.Henry was known in his own life time as Henry the Young King to distinguishing him from his father. Because Henry predeceased his father, Henry the Young King is not counted in the numerical succession of the English royal line. Despite this, Henry was anointed and crowned king. In spite of his lack of political insight, Henry played a key role in his fathers relationship with the King of France. In 1160, only five years of age, Henry was betrothed to Marguerite, the daughter of Louis VII, the King of France and Constance of Castile. The marriage was an attempt to settle an on-going feud between the House of Anjou and the King of France over the possession of the frontier district of the Norman Vexin.he terms of the settlement stipulated that Marguerite was to bring the castles of the Norman Vexin with her as dowry for her marriage to Henry the Young King. However, Henry II wanted the castles now and pushed through the marriage, resulting in a bitter border war with the King of France. On June 14, 1170, the young Henry was crowned king at Westminster by Archbishop Roger of York. Crowned again on Aug. 27, 1172 (this time with Margaret), the Young King received no share of his fathers power. (He was nevertheless called by contemporaries and by certain later chroniclers King Henry III.) Henry the Young King died in the summer of 1183, while campaigning in Limousin against Richard and Henry II. Henry the Young King had just completed the pillaging of a number of monasteries to pay his mercenaries, when he contracted dysentery at the beginning of June. On June 7, it became clear that Henry was dying and he received the last rites. On his deathbed, Henry repeatedly asked to be reconciled with his father. Clutching a ring sent by his father, as a sign of forgiveness, Henry the Young King died on June 11, 1183.Today, Henrys remains lie in Rouen Cathedral, on the opposite side of the altar from the tomb of his younger brother, Richard the Lionheart.

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