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Knighten, L. (2006).

Retrieved December 5, 2010 Irom

Created by Aaron Grossman, December 2010
Grade 5 Reading

Water, corn syrup, sequins and food coloring may sound like an unusual combination for a
profect, but you will love using these ingredients to create a special art profect while exploring
what happens when different liquids are mixed together' In addition, the profect is easy and you
can give this as a gift to someone you care about.

Make a Decorative Paperweight!
by Latrenda Knighten

What you will need:

O Baby Iood jar with lid or a small jar with
O Small decorative eraser
O Sequins
O glitter
O Corn syrup
O Food coloring
O Measuring cup
O Water
O Glue
O Hot glue gun
O Optional: small piece oI Iabric cut into a circle shape and ribbon to decorate lid


1. Use your hot glue gun to glue the decorative eraser inside the jar. A good place to put the
eraser is at the bottom oI the jar. (You can Iind cute designs in packages oI 20 30 Ior about
a dollar at most discount stores).
2. Once the eraser is securely glued inside oI the jar, you can begin to assemble the
paperweight. Measure and pour / cup oI corn syrup into the jar.
3. Pour water into the jar to Iinish Iilling the
jar with liquid.
4. Decide what primary Iood coloring to add to
the mixture. Add a Iew drops until you get
the desired color. You can also mix colors to get a secondary or tertiary color.
5. Stir with a spoon or wooden craIt stick to mix the syrup, water, and Iood coloring.

decorative: adding beauty; pretty
tertiary color: a color made by mixing
one primary color and one secondary
sequin: a small piece oI shiny metal or

Knighten, L. (2006). Retrieved December 5, 2010 Irom
Created by Aaron Grossman, December 2010
Grade 5 Reading

6. Now the creativity begins! Add sequins and/or glitter to Iurther decorate the paperweight.
You will probably notice that the sequins and glitter seem to move in 'slow motion when
added to the syrup and water mixture. Remember to be very careIul with the glitter and wash
your hands aIter handling the glitter beIore touching your Iace or eyes.

7. AIter all oI the contents have been added, apply glue with the hot glue gun around the inner
ring oI the jar lid and screw the lid onto the jar. Allow the jar to sit Ior several hours or
overnight to allow time Ior the glue to dry.
8. Once the glue has dried, you can pick up the paperweight and shake the jar to watch the
contents move Irom the top oI the jar to the bottom oI the jar in slow motion. It`s like magic!
9. II desired, you can use the Iabric circle and ribbon to make a decorative lid Ior the
paperweight and then give it as a giIt.

Helpful Hints

O II you are using large jar, you may have to add more corn
O Make sure you do not use too much Iood coloring. Too
much Iood coloring will mean that you cannot see through the jar
or the items in the jar.
O II you are aIraid oI the glass breaking, you can use a hard
plastic bottle.

Knighten, L. (2006). Retrieved December 5, 2010 Irom
Created by Aaron Grossman, December 2010
Grade 5 Reading

Answer the following questions about the passage ~Make a Decorative Paperweight!

1 In Step 1 oI the section 'Procedure,
parentheses are used to show

A the meaning oI important words
B where to Iind erasers
C what items to use
D how to glue the eraser
4 The author most likely wrote this
passage Ior which oI the Iollowing

A parents
B 1
C 5
D aunts and uncles
2 What should you do aIter you have
added the glitter and washed your

A add sequins
B label the jar
C put the jar in a cool place to let the
materials Iall to the bottom oI the
D glue the lid onto the jar
5 Which sentence below Irom the
passage is an opinion?

A Once the glue has dried, you can
pick up the paperweight.
B You can also mix colors to get a
secondary or tertiary color.
C II you are aIraid oI the glass
breaking, you can use a hard
plastic bottle.
D In addition, the project is easy.
3 What is the passage mainly about?

A making giIts Ior Iamily and Iriends
B creating a paperweight
C drawing a paperweight
D Iun with recycled materials
6 Which eIIect occurs because the jar is

A the sequins and glitter move
around the jar
B parents and Iamily get excited
C colors go Irom being primary
colors to tertiary
D the glue dries

Knighten, L. (2006). Retrieved December 5, 2010 Irom
Created by Aaron Grossman, December 2010
Write your answer to question 7 on a separate sheet of paper.
Grade 5 Reading

7 In the passage, the author says the project is easy.

Using details Irom the passage, explain why this project would be easy Ior you to do.

Knighten, L. (2006). Retrieved December 5, 2010 Irom
Created by Aaron Grossman, December 2010

Question Answer Skill Standard
1 B Text Features 4.5.1
2 D Cause and EIIect 4.5.3
3 B Main Idea 4.5.3
4 C Main Idea/Theme 4.5.3
5 D Fact/Opinion 4.5.3
6 A Cause and EIIect 4.5.3
7 n/a Main Idea/Theme 4.5.3

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