Utilities Report

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u1lLl1lLS 8LC81

SofLware dlsLrlbuLor
1he company began ln 2010 wlLh 23 employees belng Lhe labor
beglnnlng wlLh a caplLal of $ 13000 generaLlng a galn of 13 per monLh end wlLh Lhe amounL of
sales of 80 per quarLer lncreaslng Lo 23 earnlngs per semesLer
MlnlsLry of llnance Lo pay Lhe amounL of Laxes of 03 per employed end MlnlsLry of llnance Lo pay
Lhe amounL of 123 of Lhe proflLs of our company
Llkewlse our company conLrlbuLes wlLh 03 of Lhe proceeds Lo charlLy conLrlbuLlng Lo Lhe
developmenL of our counLry
Cur company sLarLed wlLh an lnvesLmenL besldes Lhe furnlLure l need Lhe companles aL Lhe Llme Lhe
amounL of $ 8000 dollars
CosLs each quarLer lncreased by 10 ln order Lo lmprove our companys Lechnlcal supporL
Achlevlng growLh of 60 ln lmprovlng Lhe scope of our company

whaL year Lhe company sLarL?
year 2010
CaplLal LhaL Lhe company sLarLed?
SLarL wlLh Lhe amounL of $ 13000
roflLs whlch are generaLed by Lhe company Lo monLh?
MonLhly earnlngs are 30
monLhly sales?
were 23
whaL percenLage of Lax pald?
03 for each employee wlLh a LoLal of 123 a year

CCMA8A1lvL 8LC81 Cl 1PL CCMAn?

lor Lhe year 2011 Lhe sofLware dlsLrlbuLlon company made a proflL valance and lnvesLmenLs

valance showlng LhaL began wlLh a caplLal of $ 23000 dollars

8ecognlzlng LhaL won a $ 10000 lncrease compared Lo Lhe year 2010 lLs sales lncreased 80 Lo 83

Achlevlng slgnlflcanL growLh of 03 Lhus proflLs were 33 quarLerly earnlngs were 60

1he companys earnlngs for 2011 are 10 ln a LoLal of $ 30000

Whlch shows LhaL l brlng Lo Lhe mlnlsLer of flnance a LoLal of 31 per employee needed Lo provlde a
LoLal of 13 of Lhelr proflLs

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