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Moral dilemmas

Moral dilemmas are situations in which two or more moral obligations,duties,rights,goods or ideals come into conflict with each other.

An Example
You make a promise to a friend, thereby creating an obligation to do what you have promised. Then your mother becomes ill and staying home to help her prevents you from keeping the promise. The dilemma ,a conflict between the duty to keep promise and an obligation to ones parent is usually resolved by an apologetic cell phone call to the friend.
Problem of disagreement: Reasonable individuals may disagree about how to interpret, apply and balance moral reasons in particular situations

Engineering ethics To empower individuals to reason more clearly and carefully concerning moral questions To improve moral autonomy The skill and habit of thinking rationally about ethical issues on the basis of moral concern
Moral Concern

Sensitive to the needs / rights of others training received as children

Friends Social events

Adult moral concern
Can be evoked form

Novels Movies Inspiring teacher s (Not me!

To inculcate moral autonomy

1. 2. 3.

Proficiency in recognizing moral problems and issues in engineering. Skill in comprehending, clarifying and critically assessing arguments on opposing sides of moral issues. The ability to form consistent and comprehensive viewpoints based upon consideration of relevant facts .


Imaginative awareness of alternative responses to the issues and creative solutions for practical difficulties.
Sensitivity to genuine difficulties and subtleties .


Increased precision in the use of a common ethical language, which is necessary in order to be able to express and defend ones moral views adequately to others.
The need for tolerance of differences in perspective among morally reasonable people. To maintain ones moral integrity.

7. 8.

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