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SeII 0rIed Earthworms

0etaIIed SeIIIng Lead 0escrIptIon

Earthworms a gIft to man kInd.
Who Is earthworm.

Earthworm Is a natural chemIcal factory In nature we should cherIsh.

What Is In earthworm.

Adequate amount of essentIal amIno acIds. Comparable fatty acId profIle are essentIal for fIshes, bIrds, pets and all anImals easIly dIgestIble anImal proteIn
98. |ore energy provIsIon due to fats especIally phospholIpIds avaIlable for energy productIon. Free sterols helpIng In growth parameters In all anImals
partIcularly In brood development and durIng ovulatIon. |Inerals In bIoform that helps In hIgh absorptIon and growth enhancement. Natural vItamIns helpIng
In synthesIs of enzymes In most of the anImals. FequIred nutrIents In bIo avaIlable form. Poly unsaturated fatty acIds helpIng the anImals to have more
essentIal fatty acIds synthesIs.

Earthworms have been used as food In many cultures. t Is generally consIdered a delIcacy and Is reserved only for the most dIstInguIshed guests and the
elderly. Now we know why.

Why earthworm proteIn

The earthworm proteIn accelerates growth, develops muscles, puts on weIght, covers proteIn and amIno acId defIcIency, Improves sexual performance,
stImulates the appetIte, makes feeds more attractIve because anImals become compulsIvely attracted by feeds that contaIn earthworm meal, so the anImals
come to feed better and waste Is avoIded. That Is they become stronger, beautIful, gaIn weIght, and become happIer.

To whom earthworm meaI Is recommended:

FIsh, frog, and crustacean breedIng
Drnamental fIsh breedIng
AvIculture and sportIve and caged bIrds
ChInchIllas and ornamental bIrds
EquItatIon, race, and domestIc horses
Cattle, swIne, sheep, ducks, Turkey (starter), Turkey (fInIsher) trout, and eels. And goat studs
0aIry cattle, pIgs, dogs, cats
Pets lIke reptIles, all dragons and to all pets on advIce


AdoptIng depuratIon process methods, hIgh hygIene In handlIng and processIng, thus avoIdIng mIcrobIal actIvIty..

Used In sIddha and ayurvedIc medIcIne for copper proteIn In ndIa.

Although earthworms are not herbs, they are nevertheless a vItal component of tradItIonal ndIan and ChInese medIcIne
For qualIty product.

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