Presentation Rubrics

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Presentation Rubric Presentation Below Standard Score 0-8 My Actions My Words My Plan and Tools My Audience I dont stand

I dont stand up straight I dont look at my audience I hide behind objects or play with the objects I dont speak loud or clear I dont use complete sentences I dont write correctly I read from my notes I was not prepared I didnt stay on task I didnt make sense My materials didnt match my presentation I didnt try my best I didnt give any answers to questions At Standard Score 9-17 I stand up straight I look at my audience I dont hide behind objects or play with the objects I speak loud and clear I sometimes use complete sentences I write correctly I sometimes read from my notes I will be prepared I will stay on task I will make sense My materials will match my presentation I did try my best I will give good answers to questions Above Standard Score 18-25 I always stand up straight I always look at my audience I never hide behind objects or play with the objects In addition to at standard I use tone and volume I use complete sentences with correct grammar & spelling I didnt read from my notes In addition to at standard I was over prepared I stayed on task and made sense My materials added my presentation I did my best I will be willing to give answers to questions and comments

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