Appontment Letter

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Date: 4

1uly 2011
S. H. M. Muhammadullah Sakir
Vill: Dumki
P.O: Dumki
P.S: Dumki
Dist: Patuakhali

Subject: Probationary appointment letter.
Dear S. H. M. Muhammadullah Sakir
Management oI this organization is hereby appointing you as 'Maintenance Engineer Ior
Uttara, Dhaka with eIIect Irom 10
July 2010.
Your appointment is subject to Iollowing terms & conditions:
1. Your salary will be total Tk. 8,000.00 as per Iollowing break down:
a. Basic 6,000.00
b. Medical Allowance 1,000.00
c. Conveyance 1,000.00
Total: 8,000.00 (Taka Eight Thousand Only)

2. Incomes tax iI applicable to be deducted as per Govt. slab Irom your salary and to be paid
to income tax department accordant every month.
3. AIter satisIactory completion oI your 6 month`s probationary period, your salary may be
increase to Tk. 10,000.00(Ten Thousand Only) per month with an enhancement oI Tk.
2,000.00 (Two Thousand Only).
4. You should have submit release order/clearance documents Irom your present employer
(iI any) along with attested educational and nationality certiIicate at time oI joining.

II the above terms and condition are acceptable to you, please return duplicate copy oI this letter
duly signed in token oI your having accepted the oIIer and report to join to the Head of Human
Resource Management within the 10
oI July 2010.

Thanking You,

Md. Samad Reza
Head of Human Resource Management

Copy to: 1) CEO, Managing Director & Administration Department.
2) OIIice copy/ Personal Iile.

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