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Old Question Paper with Solution Assistant COMPUTER OPERATOR 2011

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F.M.: 50 Time: 45 minutes Date: 2068 03 11 B.S. Attempt all of the following questions. Each question provides four options and there is one and only one correct answer. 1. Which of the following short cut command is used to print the active document? a) Ctrl + P b) Alt + P c) Ctrl+Shift+P d) None of above 2. Which of the following short cut command is used to underline words only? a) Ctrl+W b) c) d) Ctrl+Shift+W Shift+W a and b : Computer Operator Exam Preparation

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3. Why are headers and footers used in document? a) To allow page headers and footers to appear on document when it is printed b) To enhance the overall appearance of the document c) To make large document more readable d) All of the above 4. Which of the following short cut key is used to display help document? a) F9 b) F1 c) F2 d) F7 5. Which is the Save As command used to a) Change properties b) Save only c) Save as new filename d) All of the above 6. When gutter margin is increased on page setup, the text area of the page will be a) increased b) decreased c) neither increased or decreased d) the gutter margin can not be changed 7. Which command is used to change the formatted text into the normal format? a) Alt+Enter b) Ctrl+Spacebar c) Ctrl+Enter d) Alt+Spacebar : Computer Operator Exam Preparation

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8. What is the extension of Microsoft Word file? a) .ppt b) .doc c) .jpg d) .xls 9. .xls is the file extension for a) MS Word b) MS XLs c) MS Excel d) None of the above 10. The formula in MS Excel starts with a) / (divide) b) + (Plus) c) = (Equal) d) None of the above 11. The default row height in a MS Excel worksheet is points a) 15.75 b) 10.75 c) 12.75 d) 13.75 12. Which of the following formula is true in MS Excel a) A6 + C6 = b) B6 + C6 c) = B6 + C6 d) A6 + B6 = : Computer Operator Exam Preparation

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13. Operator used to combine text from two cells into one cell a) (space)

b) & (ampersand) c) = (Equal sign) d) All of above 14. What symbol is used before a number to make it into a label in MS Excel a) (Apostrophe) b) (quote) c) = (Equal) d) _ (Underscore) 15. Which of the following is not a valid data type in MS Excel a) Date/Time b) Number c) Character d) Label 16. In MS Excel, comments put in cells are called a) Soft tip b) Smart tip c) Cell tip d) Web tip 17. Workbook is collection of a) Projects b) Cells c) Worksheets d) Workspaces : Computer Operator Exam Preparation

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18. Short cut key to bring format cells dialog boxes a) Ctrl+D b) Ctrl+F c) Ctrl+E d) Ctrl +I (This option had to be Ctrl+1, I guess it was a typing mistake)

19. The cell reference $A$5 is a a) Mixed cell reference b) Relative cell reference c) Absolute cell reference d) None of above 20. OR operator shows True value when a) All conditions are false b) Anyone condition is true c) Both conditions are true d) Both B & C 21. A large collection of tables are called a) File system b) Fields c) Records d) Databases 22. Which of the following is a database management system? a) Oracle b) MS Word c) Lotus 1-2-3 d) None of the above : Computer Operator Exam Preparation

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23. Which of the following is not a data type? a) picture b) date c) numeric d) character 24. Which command is used to insert duplicate slide in current presentation a) Ctrl+N b) Ctrl+L c) Ctrl+M d) Ctrl+D 25. refers to the way things are arranged on a slide. a) Rehearse timing b) Slide design c) Slide layout d) Slide transition 26. IBM 1401 was brought to prepare the census report of . a) 2048 Bs b) 2018 BS c) 2028 BS d) 2038 BS 27. Transistor is related to . Generation computers a) Fifth b) Second c) Third d) Fourth : Computer Operator Exam Preparation

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28. Which of the following is a type of computer on the basis of size a) hybrid b) analog c) micro d) digital 29. Component of computer system a) Processing unit b) Input unit c) Output unit d) All of the above 30. Unicode standard is . a) Keyboard layout b) software c) font d) character encoding system 31. if any person publishes illegal material in electronic form, he shall be liable to the punishment with a) fine not exceeding two thousand rupees and with imprisonment not exceeding five years or with both b) fine not exceeding one hundred thousand rupees or with imprisonment not exceeding five years or with both c) fine not exceeding two thousand rupees and with imprisonment not exceeding three years or with both d) fine not exceeding two hundred thousand rupees or with imprisonment not exceeding three years or with both 32. Program developed according to the requirement specific to an office is a) Packaged software b) Tailored software : Computer Operator Exam Preparation

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c) Utility software d) All of the above 33. Cache memory a) Holds last time visited website only b) Helps to store more data in hard disk c) Placed between main memory and microprocessor d) Stores data permanently 34. Protocol is a) An operating system b) Interconnection pattern of computers c) Set of rules for communication d) A device for internet 35. A dot matrix printer a) Input device b) Is output device c) Can not print alphabet d) Can not print numbers 36. Which of the following language is not related with web pages? a) PHP b) JSP c) ASP d) CHP 37. Which of the following is not a transmission medium? a) Microwave systems b) Telephone lines c) Co-axial cable : Computer Operator Exam Preparation
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d) modem 38. Which is considered a direct entry input device? a) Light pen b) Optical scanner c) Mouse and digitizer d) All of the above 39. What are the advantages of the USB? a) Ease of configuration b) Speed c) Expansion d) All of the above 40. Which of the function of a folder a) Move files b) Store files c) Delete files d) All of the above 41. Which of the following is a file attribute? a) Hidden b) Archive c) Read Only d) All of the above 42. Which of the following is not an operating system? a) DOS b) Linux c) Windows d) Oracle : Computer Operator Exam Preparation
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43. Which of the following is not a component of control panel? a) Printer b) Keyboard c) Mouse d) Monitor 44. Short cut key combination for closing window is a) F1 b) Ctrl+S c) Alt+F4 d) Ctrl+V 45. Which of the following is a word processing of MS Office? a) WordPerfect b) WordStar c) WordPad d) MS Word 46. Which input device can not be used to work in MS Office? a) Joysticks b) Scanner c) Lightpen d) Mouse 47. Which key should be pressed to start a new paragraph in MS Word? a) Ctrl+Enter b) Down Cursor Key c) Enter Key d) Shift + Enter : Computer Operator Exam Preparation

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48. Which function key is used to break the column? a) Alt+Enter b) Shift + Enter c) Ctrl + Enter d) Ctrl + Shift + Enter 49. How many ruler can we see on Normal view in MS Word? a) Three b) One c) Two d) None of the above 50. A4 sized paper is a) 8.5 x 14 b) 8.5 x 11 c) 8.5 x 11.5 d) 8.27 x 11.69 : Computer Operator Exam Preparation

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1 a Ctrl + P 2 b Ctrl + Shift + W 3 a To allow page headers and footers to appear on document when it is printed 4 b F1 5 c Save as new file name 6 b decreased 7 b Control + Spacebar 8 b .doc 9 c MS Excel 10 c =(Equal) 11 c 12.75 12 c = B6 + C6 13 b & (Ampersand) 14 a (Apostrophe) 15 c Character 16 c Cell Tip 17 c Worksheets 18 d Ctrl+I 19 c Absolute Cell Reference 20 d Both B & C 21 d Databases 22 a Oracle 23 a Picture 24 d Ctrl+D 25 c Slide Layout 26 c 2028 BS : Computer Operator Exam Preparation
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27 b Second 28 c Micro 29 d All of the above 30 d Character encoding system 31 b fine not exceeding one hundred thousand rupees or with the imprisonment not exceeding five years or both 32 b tailored software 33 c placed between main memory and microprocessor 34 c set of rules for communication 35 b is output device 36 d CHP 37 d Modem 38 d all of the above 39 d all of the above 40 b store files 41 d all of the above 42 d Oracle 43 d monitor 44 c Alt+F4 45 d MS Word 46 a Joystick 47 c Enter key 48 d Ctrl+Shift+Enter 49 b One 50 d 8.27 x 11.69

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